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utopian communities

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US History

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utopian communities

reform communities w a common goal to reorganize society on a cooperative basis, hoping to restore social harmony w/ individualism and narrow gap between rich and poor/gender relations and roles

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people who believed god had "dual" personality -> male and female -> both genders equal spiritually and work was equally important; completely abandoned traditional family life

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dictorial community that similarly got rid of private property and family roles, but taught community that they formed a "holy family" of equals where "complex marriage" was allowed

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Brook Farm

area near boston that hoped to demonstrate that manual and intellectual labor could co exist harmoniously

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robert owen and communitarianism

man who was appalled by worker's conditions in industrial rev. -> mad a system that provided work, housing, and education to make sure worker received full value of labor

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new harmony

community bought by robert in indiana -> wanted to believe in women's rights, education, divorce, and believed in children all being taken and educated separately and specially; lasted a few years, but changed/influenced labor movement and belief equals can be made in the new world

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"burned over districts"

regions that are stunted from improvement bc of intense rivalry; used as an argument by "perfectionists" who believed individuals and soceity as a large as capable of indefinite improvement

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American Temperance Society

sought to convince americans to renounce liquor

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horace mann

director of board of education who wanted universal public education to restore equality and equip the less fortunate in a fractured society

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common schools

tax supported state school systems open to all children

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mcguffy reader

every school children's read form that contained english lessons as well as patriotic and moral lessons

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american colonization society

idea that abolition would not happen unless black americans were deported to africa; promoted abolition w deporting

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a place on the coast of africa w/ an outpost of american influcne where the capital is named after james monroe

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american anti-slavery society

northern groups taht were devoted to abolition, most being ordinary citizens

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william lloyd garrison

writer of propaganda journal that spread to all anti-slavery circles for immediate abolition

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the liberator

journal that made abolitionists have a permanent voice

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moral suasion

non use of violence and rather a convincing of sinfulness behavior

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lydia maria child

insisted blacks shouldnt be seen as africans as white to englishmen in citizenship

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grimke sisters

abolitionists and womens right advocates; lectured in public as women

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uncle tom's cabin

autobiography of fugitive slave, josiah henson; portrayed enslaved as sympathetic and christian -> sent a powerful abolition message w/ human appeal; where idea of subservient non challenging slave comes from (anne moody)

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gag rule

prohibited consideration of emancipation in the nation's capital

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harriet tubman

former slave who formed a network of abolitionists that secretly helped slaves escaped to freedom w/ hiding places and routes to the north

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dorothea dix

school teacher who was the leading advocate for a more humane treatment towards the insane; led to the construction of mental hospitals

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elizabeth cady stanton and lucretia mott

key organizers of the seneca falls convention and veterans of the anti slavery crusade; stanton was the principle author of the seneca falls declaration of sentiments on the declaration of independence

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seneca falls convention

a gathering on behalf of women's rights that raised the issue of women's suffrage for the first time; argument that freedom was impossible w/o access to the ballot

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women's suffrage

women's right to vote; a 70 year struggle for women

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liberty party

political group determined to make abolitionism a political movement

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texas, the first part of mexico americans settled in; name for non-indian population of spanish origin

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stephen austin

leader of economic boom in texas, mexico with tejanos that reintroduced slavery from american settlers

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stanta anna

sent an army to impose central authority, but whiplash claimed he was trying to free slaves and make everyone slaves themseleves

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texas revolt

response to santa anna where rebels formed a provisional government for texas' independence

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republic of texas

republic that attracted slave owning americans and wanted ot merge w the u.s. but was dismissed by van buren bc of the idea of another slave state

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election of 1844

election where john tyler used absorbtion of texas to gain southern support for reelection

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james k polk

former governor of tn whose main assets in the election was his support annexation and his close association w andrew jackson

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49th parallel

compromise w/ great britian made by james k polk that split oregon territory on this line

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mexican war

first war/american conflict to be fought on foreign ground and first where u.s. troppes occupied a foreign capital; questioned by lincoln regarding the president's power to "make war at pleasure"

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bear flag republic

california's name by u.s. when it was in mexico's control

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treaty of guadalupe hidalgo

confirmed the annexation of texas and ceded california, present day nm, az, nevada, and utah to u.s.

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mexican cession

name for the land annexed from mexico

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gadsden purchase

a parcel of additional land bought from mexico in 1853 and alaska, acquired from russia in 1867

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race and manifest destiny

ideas about racial superiority and creation of race during annexation of mexico land and which non-whites were too unfit for citizenship

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gold rush

a mania for gold that attracted emigrants to cali bc of newspaper accounts of instant wealth found by early migrants

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wilmot proviso

a proposed resolution that would prohibit slavery from alll territories acquired from mexico; widely supported by everyone except south

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free soil party

group of oppponents of slavery's expansion that nominated martin van buren and lewis cass for presidnetial nominees

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compromise of 1850

made to avert crisis between south and north; called for an extension of missouri compromise line to the pacific ocean and a stronger fugitive slave law

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fugitive slave act

allowed special federal commissioners to determine the fate of alleged fugitives w/o benefit of a jury or testimony; made the aid of fugitives a federal crime

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stephen douglas

introduced a bill to provide territorial governments for kansas and nebraska located within louisana purchase; made to satisfy sectional conflect; applied popular sovereignty

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popular sovereignty

status of slavery to be determined by the votes of local settlers, not congress

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kasas nebraska act

overrode missouri compromise w/ popular sovereignty in kansas and nebraska

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republican party

northern whigs who where dedicated to preventing the further expansion of slavery

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northern economy of 1850

explosive economic growth from the catalyst of the completion of the railroad network; completion of market rev. and beginning of mass immigration from europe

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know nothing party

political group that was dedicated to reserving political office for native born americans and resist "aggressions" of catholic church

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slave power

north's name for southern leaders who were proslavery; called them an immediate threat to their freedom and aspirations, rather than immigration

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bleeding kansas

when free state settlers made a rival government and a minor civil war in the state; occured killing zoo; discreited decision to leave slavery up to states and aided republicans

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dread scott and sanford

supreme court deeming that only white persons could be citizens of the united states; if congress couldnt limit slavery? why can a state legislature do so? in favor of south

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lecompton battle

constitution written to admit a state as a slave state; never voted on by popular vote; outraged cuz it was a violation of popular soveriegnity; convinced southern democrats that they couldnt' trust party's most popular northern leader

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abraham lincoln

gave voice to the central values of the emerginv republic party in stopping the expansion of slavery

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lincoln douglas debate

america must either choose favor or opposing slavery vs self governemnt and self determination to have a diverse nation

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John Brown

a secular hero willing to kill and sacrifice for what he saw immoral and racial injustice, assaulted the federal arsenal, harpers ferry

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harpers ferry

captured and seized arsenal by john brown and his followers for abolition

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ostend manifesto

an event where a group of southerners met w/ spanish officials in belgium to attempt to get more slave territory

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southern nationalism

want of southern expansion and independence to prevent more downfall of economy and debt from slave prices and countering north's growing strength

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election of 1860

lincoln v douglas v breckinsi; douglas had votes from whole nation, but lincoln had majority vote especially from north; douglas lacked a sectional loyalty

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secessionist movement

when proslavery states in south separated from the union (11 states) during lincoln's election

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crittenden's compromise

agreement plan where missouri compromise line would be expanded to prevent war; rejected by northerners -> main principle: NO expansion

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confederate states of america

seceding states from america

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fort sumter

first shot from south that started the civil war

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