Ancient Hebrews
Associated diseases with sin
Hebrew medicine was influenced by
Greek medicine in the 4th century BC, which focused on anatomy and physiology, diet, massage and medications
Ancient Egyptians
Connected Health with deities, regulating illness and death
Each body part with Egyptian medicine had
A protective deity
Egyptian medicine included (VMSA)
Vegetables, minerals, spices, and animal substances
The philosophical view of ancient India was
Life as a cycle of creation, preservation, and destruction
In ancient India the religion supported the application of
Secular medicine and rational healthcare practices
Ancient Indians demonstrated advanced
Surgical techniques and the use of tourniquets
Ancient Chinese centered on
The balance of yin and yang regarding health philosophy
For ancient Chinese ______ _______ was a primary focus
Disease prevention
In ancient China the five treatment methods were (CNATU)
Cure the spirit
Nourish the body
Administer medications
Treat the whole body
Utilize acupuncture
In ancient Greece there were
Healing temples that provided spaces for healing rituals that often began post sundown with fasting
In ancient Greece emphasis was on
Scientific reasoning that laid the groundwork for medical theory
In ancient Greece they proposed that
Water, earth, air, and fire were the fundamental components of life
Hippocrates was known as
The father of medicine
What did Hippocrates do
He shifted medicine towards a more scientific approach emphasizing the holistic healing power of nature
Christianity and medicine
Introduce compassionate healing ideologies influenced by Christ's message during the dark ages
Hospitals began to be established by
Christian communities
In the Renaissance it
Marked a new era with significant figures
Father of pharmacology
Andreas Vasalius
Father of anatomy
Innovators like Galileo, Newton and da Vinci contributed
Foundational laws of motion and gravity, and exploring human anatomy
In the 18th century, the key contributers were
Albert von Haller, Stephen Hales, Edward Jenner
Albert von Haller
Brain -cortex and peripheral nerve connection
Stephen Hales
Dynamics of blood circulation, stressed the importance of the capillary system, and became the first person to record blood pressure with a manometer
Edward Jenner
Development of the smallpox vaccine
In the 19th century the major focus was on
Autopsies and cellular studies
Revolutionized cell understanding
Claude Bernard
Discovered homeostasis and studied the liver and pancreas
Innovations in surgery and hygiene were led by
Lister and Pasteur
In the 20th century the medical achievements were
Eradication of diseases
Advancements in chemotherapy, psychology, dialysis, dna, organ transplants, joint replacements, and plastic surgery
In the 21st century the medical advancements were
Robotic surgery advancements
Research on diseases, including Alzheimer's and HIV
Mapping the hearts electrical conduction system
Death rate
Occurrence of disease
Life expectancy
Males: 76.1 years
Females: 81.1 years
The leading causes of death in the US are
heart disease
unintentional injury
chronic lower respiratory disease
What defines an emerging infectious disease
A disease whose incidence is increasing
What percentage of physician visits relate to infectious diseases
Why are immunocompromised individuals at higher risk for infectious diseases
Due to increased travel and public health breakdowns
What are the cdc's goals for emerging diseases
Detect and monitor emerging pathogens
Integrate laboratory science and epidemiology to optimize Health practice
Enhance public health communication
Strengthen public health infrastructures for monitoring
Why is understanding social forces important for radiologic technologist
It helps in delivering effective healthcare within a changing system
What social challenges affect healthcare
An aging population and rising healthcare costs
What are some ethical concerns in medicine
Privacy and confidentiality (HIPPA)
Addressing the needs of an aging population
Ensuring proper mobile radiography and home Health services
What economic factors influence healthcare
The affordable Care act
Prospective payment system
Health insurance complexities
Why is healthcare Management necessary
To control cost and address modern lifestyle health challenges through preventive medicine
What are major risk factors for death
Heart disease- sedentary lifestyle, smoking, obesity
Cancer- lifestyle choices like smoking
Cerebrovascular disease and accidents- lifestyle and Cabana dead measures
What does preventative medicine emphasize
Wellness programs, dietary guidelines, and maintaining ideal weight to lower health risks
What are the main components of the healthcare system
Services ranging from preventative care to long-term rehabilitation
What is the role of a radiologic technologist in healthcare
Educating and communicating care programs and patient rights
Giovanni Bautista Morgagni
Father of pathology
William Hunter
OB specialist
John Hunter
Method of closing of aneurysms
Phillippe Pinel
More humane treatment in asylums
Ephraim McDowell
Performed the first successful abdominal surgery
Discovered bacteria were often the origin of disease and infection
Discovered heating food could be stalled by heating food and destroying harmful bacteria
Robert Koch
Performed extensive research into microorganism and bacteriology
Benjamin Rush
The first American psychiatrist
William Conrad Roentgen
Discovered x-rays on November 8th 1895
Marie and Pierre Curie
Discovered radium 3 years later in the 19th century
Preventative medicine
Trying to lower these risk factors