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Sensation definition
The process by which our sensory receptors and nervous system receive and represent stimuli from our environment
Detection of a stimulus
Sensation begins when a stimulus (like light, sound, or a smell) is detected by sensory receptors
Absolute Threshold
The minimum intensity of a stimulus that can be detected 50% of the time
Just-Noticeable Difference (JND/Difference Threshold)
The smallest detectable change in a stimulus
Weber’s Law
The principle that the size of the JND is proportional to the intensity of the stimulus
Sensory Adaptation
When constant exposure to a stimulus leads to decreased sensitivity over time
Sensory Interaction
The idea that one sense may influence another, like how smell can affect taste
A rare condition where stimulation of one sensory pathway leads to involuntary experiences in second sensory pathway
(e.g., seeing colors when hearing music)
Exposure to one stimulus can influence how we perceive a subsequent stimulus
Transduction in the Retina
The retina converts light into neural signals through photoreceptors
The clear, outer layer at the front of the eye. It helps focus light coming into the eye
The black circle in the middle of your eye. It controls how much light enters the eye by getting bigger or smaller
The colored part of your eye (blue, brown, etc.) that surrounds the pupil. It changes the size of the pupil to regulate light entry
A clear, flexible structure behind the pupil. It bends (accommodates) to focus light onto the retina
The back of the eye where light is turned into signals. It contains special cells (rods and cones) that help us see
A small area in the center of the retina where vision is the sharpest, used for detailing tasks like reading
Optic Nerve
The nerve that sends visual information from the eye to the brain for processing
Detect light and are used in low-light conditions
Detect color and are concentrated in the fovea, the center of the retina
Nearsightedness and Farsightedness (Myopic/Hyperopic)
Conditions where the image doesn’t focus correctly on the retina, leading to blurry vision
Trichromatic Theory (Young-Helmholtz)
The retina contains three types of color receptors (red, green, blue), and their combination allows us to perceive the full color spectrum
Opponent-Process Theory
Certain cells in the brain are stimulated by some colors and inhibited by others (e.g., red-green or blue-yellow), helping to explain afterimages
Color Vision Deficiencies
Dichromatism (two types of cones) and Monochromatism (only one type of cone or none), leading to color blindness
Sound Waves
Bands of compressed and expanded air. Our ears detect these brief changes in air pressure
Pertains to frequency/pitch sounds. Measured in hertz (Hz). Can be determined based on length of the wave (side-to-side)
Pertains to amplitude/sound. Measured in decibels. Can be determined based on width of the wave (up-and-down)
The visible part of the ear that collects sound waves and funnels them into the ear canal. It helps to capture sound from the environment
Part of the outer ear
Ear Canal (Auditory Canal)
A tube that channels sound waves from the pinna to the eardrum. It amplified the sound waves as they travel towards the middle ear
Part of the outer ear
Eardrum (Tympanic Membrane)
A thin, flexible membrane that vibrates when the sound waves hit it. These vibrations mark the transition from the outer ear to the middle ear and start the process of turning sound waves into mechanical energy
Part of the outer ear
Three tiny bones — the malleus (hammer), incus (anvil), and stapes (stirrup) — that amplify the vibrations from the eardrum and transfer them to the inner ear
Part of the middle ear
Eustachian Tube
A canal that connects the middle ear to the throat. It helps to equalize air pressure on both sides of the eardrum, which is important for normal hearing (like when your ears “pop” during a flight)
Part of the middle ear
A snail-shaped, fluid-filled structure that converts the mechanical vibrations from the ossicles into electrical signals. Inside the cochlea is the basilar membrane, lined with hair cells
Part of the inner ear
Auditory Nerve (Cochlear Nerve)
Carries the electrical signals generated by the hair cells in the cochlea to the brain, where they are interpreted as sound
Place Theory definition
How we hear high-pitched sounds
Place Theory key idea
Different frequencies of sound waves stimulate different places or locations along the basilar membrane in the cochlea. Essentially, the cochlea acts like a piano, where each location along the membrane corresponds to a particular pitch
Frequency Theory definition
How we hear low-pitched sounds
Frequency Theory key idea
The rate (frequency) at which the auditory nerve sends electrical signals to the brain matches the frequency of the sound wave, helping us detect lower-pitched sounds. So, the entire basilar membrane vibrates at the same frequency as the sound wave
Frequency Theory how it works
For example, if a sound wave has a frequency of 100 Hz (which is a low pitch), the auditory nerve will fire at 100 times per second, matching the frequency of the sound wave
Volley Theory definition
How we hear higher-pitched sounds (especially between 1,000 Hz and 4,000 Hz)
Volley Theory key ideas
Individual neurons can’t fire fast enough on their own to keep up with high-frequency sound waves (like a 2,000 Hz tone). Instead, groups of neurons work together by taking turns firing in a rapid succession, a process known as “volleying”. Together, these groups of neurons can handle higher frequencies
Sound Localization
Helps us determine where sounds are coming from
If a car to your right honks, your right ear will receive a more intense sound, and it will receive the sound slightly sooner than your left ear
Conduction Deafness
Problems with conducting sound waves to the cochlea
Sensorineural Deafness
Damage to the cochlea or auditory nerve
Cochlear Implants
Devices that can help restore hearing by stimulating the auditory nerve
Olfactory System definition
Responsible for our sense of smell (olfaction)
Olfactory System how it works
Molecules from scents in the air enter the nose and dissolve in the mucus of the olfactory epithelium
These molecules stimulate olfactory receptors on specialized neurons, which then send signals to the olfactory bulb in the brain
Bypasses the thalamus and goes to the limbic system and olfactory cortex (linked to emotion and memory)
A tissue at the top of the nasal cavity
Scientific word for taste
Taste Buds
Specialized structures located on the tongue that contain taste receptors
Primary Taste Categories
Sweet: Sugar, which signals energy-rich foods
Sour: Acidic foods, which may indicate spoilage
Salty: Sodium, essential for body functions
Bitter: Can signal toxins, leading to aversion
Umami: A savory taste, often linked to proteins
Oleogustus: A newer term for the taste of fat, which plays a role in food preferences
Taste Receptors
Located within taste buds, these detect chemicals dissolved in saliva and send signals to the brain via the gustatory pathway
Types of Tasters
Supertasters, Medium Tasters, and Nontasters
People with more taste buds than average, making them highly sensitive to certain flavors, especially bitter ones
Medium Tasters
Most people fall into this category, having a moderate number of taste buds
People with fewer taste buds, meaning they have a reduced sensitivity to tastes, especially bitterness
Skin receptors
The skin contains specialized receptors that detect pressure, temperature, and pain. These receptors send signals to the brain for processing
Detect pressure and texture (e.g., when touching a smooth surface)
A type of skin receptor
Detect change in temperature
A type of skin receptor
Detect pain (damage to tissues)
A type of skin receptor
Somatosensory Cortex
Located in the parietal lobe of the brain, this area processes touch sensations. The body is mapped onto the cortex in a way that reflects the sensitivity of different areas (e.g., hands and lips have more representation due to their high sensitivity)
Acts as a relay station, sending touch information from the body to the somatosensory cortex
What is pain?
The body’s way of signaling potential harm and encouraging protective behaviors. It is processed through both physical and emotional pathways.
Gate Control Theory
Suggests that the spinal cord contains a neurological “gate” that either blocks or allows pain signals to pass to the brain
Phantom Limb Sensation
Refers to the experience of feeling sensations, including pain, in a limb that has been amputated
Occurs because the brain’s sensory map still includes the missing limb, and sometimes misfires
Vestibular Sense
This sense allows us to detect the movement of our head and helps us keep our balance. It is essential for everyday actions, such as walking, standing upright, and maintaining coordination
Semicircular Canals
The semicircular canals are three fluid-filled tubes located in the inner ear. Each canal id oriented in a different plane (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) to detect different types of head movements
When does dizziness occur?
When the fluid in the canals keeps moving after you stop spinning, creating a sensation that you’re still moving
A common issue related to the vestibular system, occurs when the brain receives conflicting signals from the vestibular system and other senses, leading to a spinning sensation