* New England
* Economic
* Some indentured servitude, less slavery of Africans; economy ran on shipbuilding, rope making, timbering, fishing, and there were small farms; trade of manufactured goods with Britain; major port in Boston
* Social
* Settlers were separatists and Puritans; tension regarding religious freedom; people were family and community centric; conflict with local native tribes
* Political
* Form of direct democracy, however, only white male members of the church could vote; no separation of church and state; strict laws and trials for speaking against Christianity
* Middle
* Economic
* Trade and agriculture; reliance on African slaves and indentured servants; major fur trade business; economy ran on wheat, corn, fishing, hunting
* Social
* Diversity among settlers and more religious toleration; Quakers; mostly friendly relations with the natives; equality to some extent
* Political
* Democracy; assemblies elected twice a year and the governor was elected annually; frequent town meetings; leaders did not have absolute power; decisions made by charter companies
* Southern
* Economic
* Heavy reliance on agriculture due to the warm climate (tobacco, rice, and indigo are major exports); reliance on slave labor from the transatlantic slave trade; indentured servitude; plantation systems
* Social
* Tension and violence between settlers and natives; wealthy plantation owners given more rights; high association with Anglican church; social hierarchy; some peace with local native tribes
* Political
* House of Burgesses; form of republican democracy; frequent town meetings; strict laws and military discipline, companies of the crown appointed governors