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Strong emotional attachment to one's ethnic or cultural group. Originally positive emphasizing culture, but has an ugly divisive side as well.
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romantic idealism
Looking back as the past as a nobler and more perfect time, emphasizing folk traditions, music, and legends of one's past.
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Grimm Brothers
collected and published local German fairy tales, work is example of Romantic German nationalism
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Richard Wagner
German composer of operas and inventor of the music drama in which drama and spectacle and music are fused to promote pride in Germany.
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Victor Hugo
Author of Les Miserables. French Romantic Author who wrote about individuals struggling against cruel societies.
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Johann Gottlieb Fichte
Supporter of the idea of national aggrandizement. Promoted the special importance of the German language and culture and felt Germany had a duty to lead other nations in advancing.
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national aggrandizement
The promotion of a nation to make it appear to have great powers/to be an exemplar for "lesser" nations to follow.
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feeling or displaying aggressive or exaggerated patriotism
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the belief that some races of people are better than others. Used very much to promote nationalism in the 19th c.
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nationalist movement in which Slavic peoples of Eastern and East-Central Europe strove to unite as one to further their mutual cultural and political hopes.
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hostility to or prejudice against Jews.
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violent attacks on Jewish communities (especially in Russia and Eastern Europe) often supported by government officials.
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Napoleon III
president of the Second Republic of France in 1848 and engineered a coup d'etat, ultimately making himself head of the Second Empire. Promoted reforms in France to modernize it.
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Giuseppe Mazzini
The Heart of Italian Unification. Envisioned a unified Italian peninsula. Founder of "Young Italy" movement.
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Resurgence of Italian nationalism, begun under Giuseppe Mazzini (the <3 of Italian Unification).
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Camillo di Cavour
The brains of Italian Unification. He was Prime Minister for Victor Emmanuel II and through diplomacy and war unified Northern Italy.
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Otto von Bismarck
Iron Chancellor of Prussia who was the primary figure in using nationalism to create the unification of Germany.
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Christian Social Party
German political group who used anti-Semitism and the fears of the German working class to draw its power.
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Karl Lueger
Mayor of Vienna Austria, Christian Social Party leader, who promoted strong anti-Semitism in Austria. Created the environment that inspired/influenced Hitler.
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Dreyfus Affair
A divisive case in which a Jewish captain in the French army, was falsely accused and convicted of treason. He was later found innocent. Exemplary of anti-Semitism in France.
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A movement founded in the 1890s to promote the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine.
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Theodore Herzl
Father of Zionism. Inspired by the Dreyfus Affair.
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Giuseppe Garibaldi
The Sword of Italian Unification, he united Southern Italy and then gave power over to King Victor Emmanuel II so that Italy could be unified.
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Nationalism as a Sledge Hammer
When Nationalism smashes an empire into bits, as it did with the Austrian Empire.
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Nationalism as a magnet
When Nationalism draws regions together into one nation, as in Germany and Italy.
Emile Zola
Wrote "J'Accuse", which accused the French Army/government of wrongly convicting and imprisoning Dreyfus. Major voice supporting Dreyfus.
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