Differentiating Vectors
<x(t), y(t)> →<x’(t), y’(t)>
Parametric Equation
x = f(t) and y = g(t); t is parameter; can set equations equal to by substituting for t
Vector Basics
have magnitude & direction; represented as directed line segments; have horizontal (x) and vertical (y) component <x(t), y(t)>
Integrating Vectors
< [initial x position + ∫x’(t)], [initial y position + ∫y’(t)] >
Position Vector
< x(t), y(t) >
velocity vector
< (dx/dt), (dy/dx) >
Slope of tangent
(dy/dt) / (dx/dt)
position at time t
x(t) = x(c) + ∫ x’(t) dt
y(t) = y(c) + ∫ y’(t) dt
√(dx/dt)² + (dy/dt)²
Total distance traveled (arc length)
∫ √(dx/dt)² + (dy/dt)² dt
Second Derivative
(d[dy/dx]/dt) / (dx/dt)
√(v12 + v22)
unit vector
has same direction of original vector but with length 1; u = v / (llvll)
v = <x, y> →linear combination
v = xi + yj
unit vector with θ from x-axis to u
u = icosθ + jsinθ
vector with θ from x-axis to v
v = llvll <cosθ, sinθ> = llvll icosθ + llvll jsinθ
Orthogonal vectors
u • v = 0
dot product
u • v = u1v1 + u2v2
if θ is between two non-zero vectors, u and v
cosθ = (v • u) / (llull • llvll) or u • v = llull • llvll cosθ
vector valued functions
r(t) = f(t)I + g(t)j
Limits of vector-valued functions
limr(t) = [limf(t)]i + [limg(t)]j as t→a; if limit of a component fails to exist, overall fails to exist
Continuity of Vector-Valued Function
limr(t) = r(a) as t→a
Derivative Rules for Vector Valued Functions
same as if they were regular functions
If r(t) = f(t)i + g(t)j where f and g are continuous on [a,b],
∫r(t)dt = [ ∫f(t)dt]i +[ ∫g(t)dt]j + C1i + C2j and ∫r(t)dt = [ ∫f(t)dt]i +[ ∫g(t)dt]j as a→b
velocity v(t)
r’(t) = x’(t)i + y’(t)j
acceleration a(t)
r’’(t) = x’’(t)i + y’’(t)j
speed, llv(t)ll
llr’(t)ll = √[x’(t)]² + [y’(t)]²