7.5 Magnetic Fields
What happens when a current in a wire passes through a wire
a magnetic field it induced
- field lines form cocentric rings
magnetic flux density
one Tesla = a force of 1N on 1m of wire carrying a current of 1A perpendicular to the magnetic fields
force exerted on a current carrying wire when placed in a magnetic field
direction of magnetic field lines
north to south
direction of force acting on current carrying wire in a magnetic field
perpendicular to current
how to derive F=BQv
force F=BL
current I=Q/t
charged particle moving distance L has velocity v=L/t
what path do charged particles follow when in a magnetic field
force is always perp. to direction so force acts as centripetal force, so as F=BQv and F=(mv²)/r , r=(mv)/(BQ)
what happens if the mass of a charged particle increases?
the radius of its path increases
charged particles fired into an electrode, where the mag. field causes it to take a circular path and leave the electrode
an applied p.d. between electrodes accel. particles across gap
as speec increases, radius increases
p.d. is reversed so particle accel. across again
magnetic flux, Φ
number of field lines passing through an area
equation for magnetic flux
magnetic flux linkage
NΦ = BAN where N=no. turns on coil
if magnetic field is not perpendicular to field
NΦ = BANcosθ where θ is the angle between the magnetic field and the normal of the coil to the plane