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Irregular Time Signature
A time signature that cannot be divided into equal groups of two or three beats.
Quintuple Time
Time signature with five beats in a bar.
Septuple Time
Time signature with seven beats in a bar.
5/4 Time Signature
A time signature indicating five crotchets (quarter notes) in a bar.
7/4 Time Signature
A time signature indicating seven crotchets (quarter notes) in a bar.
5/8 Time Signature
A time signature indicating five quavers (eighth notes) in a bar.
7/8 Time Signature
A time signature indicating seven quavers (eighth notes) in a bar.
Tenor Clef
A C clef where middle C is on the fourth line of the stave.
The process of changing the pitch of a melody by shifting it up or down by a specified interval.
Perfect 5th
An interval that spans seven half steps, where a written C sounds as an F on an instrument in F.
A symbol used to raise or lower the pitch of a note beyond its natural state.
An acronym for Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, representing the four main voice types in choir.
Compound Interval
An interval that spans more than an octave, often referred to by terms like 9th or 10th.
Roman Numerals for Chords
A system to describe chords using I, II, III, IV, V, indicating their position in a scale.
Cadential Point
A point in music where a musical phrase concludes, usually with a specific chord progression.
V-I Perfect Cadence
A musical progression from the V (dominant) chord to the I (tonic) chord, creating a sense of resolution.
4/4 Time Signature
A common time signature indicating four beats in a bar.
Enharmonic Equivalents
Notes that sound the same but are written differently, such as F# Major and G♭ Major.
Short Score
A notational format where different voices share a stave.
Open Score
A notational format where each voice has its own stave.