9/6 MKD Quiz Study Review
622 AD
Founding of Islam
730 CE
Printing invented in China
732 AD
Battle of Tours (end of Muslim move into France)
1054 AD
Great Schism (Roman Catholic & Eastern Orthodox are split)
1071 AD
Battle of Manzikert (Seljuk Turks overthrew Byzantine Empire)
1095 AD
1st Crusade
1206 AD
Chinggis Khan begins Mongol conquests
1258 AD
Mongols sack Baghdad, end of Abbasid caliphate
1271 - 1295 CE
Marco Polo's travels
1279 - 1368 CE
Yuan (Mongol) Dynasty in China
1324 AD
Mansa Musa's pilgrimage/hajj (in Mecca)
1325 - 1349 CE
Travels of Ibn Battuta
1347 - 1348 CE
Bubonic Plague in Europe
1368 - 1644 CE
Ming Dynasty in China
1405 - 1433 CE
Zheng He's voyages
1438 AD
Rise of Inca Empire