In for example ethene molecules, sp² hybridisation occurs to create a 120 degree trigonal planar shape. 1 2s orbital and 2 2p orbitals combine to form 2 sp² hybrid orbitals.
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Draw an energy level diagram for molecular orbitals in ethene.
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What is the bond strength and length of a sigma bond and a pi bond?
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Draw the cis and trans configurations of an ethene molecule
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What are conformations?
Rotations around single bonds
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Illustrate eclipsed and staggered conformations of an ethene molecule.
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What is the energy cost for changing conformations (rotating bonds) between staggered and eclipsed?
10 kJ/mole
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What are the different staggered conformations?
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What is the energy cost to rotate the bond to create the different staggered conformations?
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Draw the 4 conformations (2 bonding orbitals, 2 anti-bonding orbitals) of a 1,3-butadiene molecule, showing the nodes.
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Benzene, an sp² hybridised aromatic molecule, has at least 6 conformations and all 6 electrons of the delocalised pi system. Draw 6 conformations of benzene.
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Pyridine and pyrimidine are all heterocyclic aromatic molecules that are sp² hybridised. Draw the electron orbitals of pyrrole, decide whether is it sp² hybridised and detail how stable this molecule is in comparison to pyrimidine/pyridine.