Patristic era
-Christians were persecuted under Roman rule, so worship had to be done in secret
-Theological questions arose regarding the faith such as the nature of the Trinity, the
natures of Christ, and whether a person had to be circumcised in order to be Christian. The first ecumenical councils addressed these issues
Institutionalization Era
-Christianity is now legal, and the official religion of Rome. Public worship is allowed
-Each local church is led by a bishop, who then establishes parishes which are led by
Isolation era
-The fall of Rome caused a power vacuum that the pope filled. The pope had much more
power than other bishops in this era.
-There are growing differences between the Eastern and Western Churches in Liturgy,
culture, music, art, etc.
Rebirth Era
-The Church flourishes in membership, art, architectural developments, and new discoveries
-The Church still struggles with corrupt leaders, and adapting to the new scientific discoveries of the Renaissance.
Under Siege Era
• Martin Luther's 95 theses began the protestant reformation; in response, the Church clarifies its teachings through the Council of Trent
• In response to the Protestant reformation, the Church seeks uniformity of all the different churches, and increases in missionary activity around the world.
Modern Era
• The Second Vatican Council makes strides in modernizing the Liturgy, clarifying the Scriptures, defining the role of the Laity, and the role of the Church.