What natural events improved the soil in China?
The yellow river flooded pretty frequently and made silt (Dirt with a lot of nutrients)
What was the period called when there was frequent fighting between the Chinese kingdoms?
The Warring States period
What were Oracle Bones?
Different kinds of bones which they would write questions on. They would then put a metal rod on the bones to create cracks, interpreting them as answers.
Why did people die while building the Great Wall of China?
They mainly died due to accidents, exhaustion and hunger.
What is the most important holiday in China?
Chinese New Year
What did the followers of Daoism believe?
They believed that nature was full of opposites, that you should live a simple life of meditation, and that the best rulers are the ones that rule the least.
What was the most important invention of all time in ancient China?
Paper was one of the most important inventions in all of ancient China.
What made the Taklamakan Desert one of the most dangerous deserts in the world?
Its intense sandstorms
There is a river in China that has deadly and unpredictable flooding. What is this river?
The Huang He or Yellow River.
What were some of the things that Emperor Wu Ti did to help his people during the Han Dynasty?
He made sure that there was a surplus of food in case there was a shortage.
What is the definition for legalism?
Have many strict laws that you must follow or face a severe punishment.
What is the definition of Dauism?
Live a simple life of meditation and that the best rulers are the ones that rule the least.
What is the definition of Confucianism?
A middle ground, you should set a good example, respect your elders and follow the golden rule.
When did the construction begin for the Great Wall of China?
220 BCE
What is the Great Wall of China made of?
Dirt, earth and stone.
What was the purpose of watch towers on the Great Wall?
To watch for invaders and to send smoke signals as a warning if there were invaders.
From what Dynasty do we see most of the Great Wall today?
The Ming Dynasty
How long is the Great Wall?
Approximately 13,170 miles long.
What is called the âRoof of the Worldâ because it is so high above sea level?
The Tibetan Plateau
What were some reasons the Great Wall was built?
To protect China from invaders and to alert China if there were invaders.
What was bamboo used for?
To make weapons, shoes, scrolls and as a building material.
What was Wood-Block printing used for?
Used to copy thing instead of writing everything by hand.
What was Hard ceramic white clay used for?
To make porcelain ceramics.
What was the metal compass used for?
It was originally used so all buildings would be facing the correct way (North) but was eventually used by sailor so they wouldnât get lost.
What things became unified after Emperor Qin gained control of the warring states?
The writing system, the code of laws, weights and measurement as well as their money.
The Shang Dynasty was the earliestâŠ
Chinese Dynasty supported by written and archaeological evidence.
What is it called when an emperor is given the right to rule as long as they are just and effective?
Mandate of the Heavens
Is the Great Wall ONE long Wall?
No it is a series of walls.
Why is the north china plain sometimes called the land of the yellow earth?
Because it is covered in lime stone
What was build to protect Emperor Qin in the afterlife?
The Terracotta Warriors/Terracotta Army
When did the golden age of Chinese philosophies take place?
About 770 bce-222bce