I think this is unit 2 and 3 but I dont know
Consepts/ideas and mental molds. Driven by context, experience and culture.
Perceptual sets
Predisiposition to see one thing and not another. Driven by context, experience, and culture.
The whole is greater than the some of its parts. (Figure ground, proximity, similarity, and closure.)
Binocular cues
2 functioning eyes.
eyes point inward and our brains calculate how far away the object is based on the convergence. More they converge the closer the object is.
Retinal disparity
2 different images on our 2 retinas. Greater the difference the closer the object is.
Monocular cues
1 functioning eye. (Linear perspective, relative size, relative height, interposition, texture gradient)
Perceptual consistancy
Even though the image on your retina changes your perception stays the same. (size, shape, color/light)
Stroboscopic movement
you perceive continuous movement in a rapid series of slightly varying images.
When 2 adjacent lights blink on and off in quick succession we perceive movement.
The way we think, perceive, remember and use language.
Form foundation of the way we think they are mental groupings. (very similar to schemas)
take new information and put it into an exsisting schema.
Adjusting your schemas to fit new information.
Best example of a schema. can create stereotypes.
simple thinking strategies that are quick but error prone.
Representatives heuristic
judging the likelihood of things in terms of how well they match a prototype. (We ignore other important information and focus on one prototype.)
Availability heuristic
estimating the likelihood of events based on their availability in memory.
triggering our memory.
How we pose a question influences our belief
Gamblers fallacy
belief that a random event is more likely to happen again after a period of time when it hasent happened as often as expected.
Sunk cost fallacy
invested time or resources to the point where it is difficult to abandon even though its a better decision.
Hindsight bias
¨I knew it all along¨
Conformation Bias
when we search for information that is going to support our preconceptions.
Mental set
a tendency to approach a problem in a particular way. (often in a way thats worked in the past)
continue to try to do the same thing but it doesnt work but you keep doing it because it worked before.
Belief perseverance
even in the face of information that discredits your preconceptions you will still believe in them.
Over confidence
The tendency to be more confident than correct.
Gut feeling, fast, our default. 98% of the time.
Critical thought
Reasoning, rationality, slow, not natural. 2% of the time. should use for big decisions.
Executive function
how we plan organize and carry out goal oriented decisions. (all of our cognitive processes-pre frontal cortex. how we experience critical thinking.)
how we come up with new ideas.
new at something (opposite of expert) would participate in convergent thinking (come up with one idea) -connected to creativity
would participate in divergent thinking (multiple new approaches from one idea) -connected to creativity.
Functional fixidness
inability to see alternate uses of an instrument. stops you from being creative. (limits your creativity)