This one focuses heavily on gendered terms and tenses. Do not credit me. Flashcard is made by Oakley_Fleming on Quizlet. (
Which prepositions use the accusitive case?
- fur
- Ohne
- Durch
- Um
- Gegen
- Bis
- Entlang
A plural is...
What endings make nouns masculine (3)?
-ich, -ig, -ling
What types of nouns are always masculine (5)?
Seasons, days, months, compass points and objects that perform an action
What endings make a noun feminine (6)
-e, -ei, -ung, -heit, -keit, -schaft
Adding what suffix makes the noun feminine?
-in for singular and -innen for plural
What types of nouns are feminine?
Counting numbers
What prefix makes a noun neuter?
What endings makes a noun neuter (4)?
-lein, -chen, -nis, -tum
what types of nouns are neuter?
young animals, young humans and verb infinitives as nouns
ich - m/n and f/pl possessive pronouns
m/n = mein
f/pl = meine
du - m/n and f/pl possessive pronouns
m/n = dein
f/pl = deine
er - m/n and f/pl possessive pronouns
m/n = sein
f/pl = seine
sie - m/n and f/pl possessive pronouns
m/n = ihr
f/pl = ihre
es - m/n and f/pl possessive pronouns
m/n = sein
f/pl = seine
wir - m/n and f/pl possessive pronouns
m/n = unser
f/pl = unsere
ihr - m/n and f/pl possessive pronouns
m/n = euer
f/pl = eure
Sie - m/n and f/pl possessive pronouns
m/n = Ihr
f/pl = Ihre
when a neuter noun is in front of a noun...
add es
If a man is the subject of a sentence...
accusative is used with an en
Masculine to plural
Add an Umlaut to the vowel and an e on the end.
feminine to plural
add a n or en
Neuter to plural
add an e
When is there no change with the plural
For masculine or neuter that end in EL/ER/EN.
Also neuter ending in -Lein/-Chen
What are all the forms of werden?
Ich = werde
Du = wirst
er/sie = wird
Wir = werden
Ihr = werdet
Sie/sie = werden
Other key future phrases
- Ich will: I will
- Ich mochte: I would like to
- Ich habe vor, ...zu...: I intend to
- Ich hoffe, ...zu...: I hope to
Seit - used in the present tense only
Kicks the verb to the end.
When used in clauses cause verb - comma - verb.
How to use the different forms of when?
wann = for questions
wenn = for the present and future tense
als = for the past tense
Reflexive verbs
- These often have a sense of doing something to yourself and use the reflexive pronouns.
- When using the past tense this means that the reflexive will go after the form of haben.
Key conditional verbs + grammar
- Weurde = would
- Weare = would be
- Heatte = would have
Verb infinitive goes to the end.
Conditional past tense verbs
- Weare = would be (or for sein)
- Heatte = would have
- Heatte lieber = would have preferred
- Weare lieber = would have preferred
What are the reflexive pronouns?
mich, dich, sich, uns, euch, sich
How to use separable verbs?
- The verb is used at the beginning of the sentence whilst the prefix goes to the end.
- In the past tense, the prefix will go in front of the part participle verb.
Telling the time
5 - 20 minutes = (NO. minutes) nach
25 minutes = vor 5
(both of these use the current hour).
30 minutes = halb
35 minutes = 5 nach halb
40 - 60 minutes = (NO. minutes) vor
(These use the next hour).
How to phrase the time
Um ..... minutes .... Hour
Um ... Hour .... Uhr
What are all the forms of Haben
What are all the forms of sein
3 types of weather expressions
- ist = what the weather is like
- verbs = what the weather is doing
- es gibt = there is going to be + accusative form
word order in sentences
Time - Manner - Place
What is the imperfect tense and where is it used?
- In formal writing (e.g. Newspaper articles, stories).
- It is used to describe things in the past.
What are the regular imperfect endings?
Ich - te
Du - est
Er/sie/es - et
Wir - ten
Ihr - tet
sie/Sie - ten
REMEMBER: Will need to use context in order to know which ones are for Ich/er/sie/es.
What are the irregular imperfect verb endings?
Ich -
Du - st
Er/sie/es -
Wir - en
Ihr - t
sie/Sie - en
When are imperfect modal verbs used?
- When doing modal verbs in the past tense.
What are the must know irregular imperfect verbs?
- ging (went)
- fuhr (went/travelled)
- las (read)
- schrieb (wrote)
- Es gab (therewas/were)
- sah (saw)
- sass (sat)
What are the imperfect forms of Haben?
Ich - hatte
Du - hattest
Er/es/sie - hatte
Wir - hatten
Ihr - hattet
sie/Sie - hatten
What are the imperfect forms of Sein?
Ich - war
Du - warst
Er/es/sie - war
Wir - waren
Ihr - wart
sie/Sie - waren
What happens to umlauts in the imperfect tense?
They disappear leaving the word with the vowel but not the umlaut.
What are the modal verbs?
Konnen, Mussen, Sollen, Wollen, Mogen, Durfen
Ordering tickets
How many - Einfach OR Hin und Zuruck - where
getting trains structure
What transport - where - what time - what platform
Use abfahren
How to use um...zu clauses and with separable verbs
Normal: um -object - zu - verb infinitive
Separable: Um - object - prefix-zu-verben infinitive
To use conjecations
- Both du/er/sie/part participle are benutzt
- All other forms follow the usual rules.
What are the key 3 facts about the modal verbs?
1) ich/du/er/sie change the vowel but not for muss or soll.
2) soll/woll do not gain an umlaut in any conjugations.
3) er/sie/es don't follow the verb ending pattern - same as ich.
What are the 7 prefixes of the inseperable - seperable verbs
How are past participles formed with these inseperable-seperable verbs?
- These are not formed with ge and may not even end in t.
Apart from this they follow the normal rules for past participles.
Which conjunctions kick the verb to the end of the sentence?
- Dass
- Weil
- Obwohl
- Da
- Obgleich (although)
Which conjunctions cling to the verb keeping it as the second idea?
- Deswegen
- Daher (hence)
- Deshalb
- Jedoch
- Trotzdem
- Zudem (in addition)
Which prepositions always use the dative case?
- Ab
- Aus
- Bei
- Gegenuber
- Mit
- Nach
- Seit
- Von
- Zu
Which prepositions always use to accusative?
- Fur
- Durch
- Ohne
- Um
- Gegen
- Bis
- Entlang
Double trouble prepositions
- Vor
- Neben
- In
- Zwischen
- Hinter
- Auf
- Uber
- Unter
- An
accTOsative (motion towards)
dATive (location)
Definitive vs indefinite articles
Definitive = the, this, that, every, such, which
Indefinitive = ein, mein, dein, sein, ihr, unser, euer, kein
What is the genitive case?
- This shows possession of an object or of a person.
- These change the articles, adjectives and nouns endings.
For male + neuter an extra s/es is added to the end.
With in...
Accusitive = referring to movement/direction.
Dative = referring to location/position
When is the nominative used?
- This is used for the SUBJECT of the sentence.
- 'do-er' of the verb
When is the accusitive used?
- For the object of the sentence.
- The thing AFFECTED by the verb.
When is the dative case used?
- When referring to an indirect object.
- To the... (father of the child) or whom or what the action is being done for.
article - adjective - object
Indefinite nominative
M - ein +er
F - eine + e
N - ein+es
P - keine+en
Definite nominative
M - der +e
F - die + e
N - das+e
P - die+en
NO article nomanitive
M - er
F - e
N - es
P - e
Definite accusative
M - den+en
F - die+e
N - das+e
P - die+en
indefinite accusative
M - einen+en
F - eine + e
N - ein+es
P - keine+en
NO article accusative
M - en
F - e
N - es
P - e
Definite dative
M - dem+en
F - der+en
N - dem+en
P - den+en
indefinite dative
M - einem+en
F - einer+en
N - einem+en
P - keinen+en
NO article dative
M - em
F - er
N - em
P - en
Definite genitive
M - des+en+es
F - der+en
N - des+en+s
P - den+en
indefinite genitive
M - eines+en+es
F - einer+en
N - eines+en+s
P - keiner+en
NO article genitive
M - en+es
F - er
N - en+s
P - er
dative endings (m, n, f, p)
M/N = dem
F = der
P = den
What are the 3 types of past tense?
- Perfect past
- Imperfect past
- Plu-perfect past
Modal verb word order
Subject - modal verb - extra information - verb infinitve
How to form a comparative
+ er to the adjective use als.
1st Subject - ist - comparative - als - 2nd object.
to form comparatives of the best
add sten/ste to show something is the most of an adjective
What is an imperative?
- This is used when giving a command or when telling someoe what to do.
- There are 3 types depending on the 'you being used:
Sie = adult/person you don't know well
Du = someone you know or someone who is your age
Ihr = Talking to a group of people that you know
beitragen is
_ will have _
- This uses the first verb as being werden.
- Next verb is the past tense of the last _
- Last verb after this is a form of haben
What is the pluperfect tense?
Shows the action/being completed before another past action/being, translated as "had verbed".
How to use the pluperfect tense?
- Use the imperfect form of haben or sein.
- Use the zpst participle of the verb.
Past participle of words ending in -ieren
Remove the en and add a t.
Past participle of inseperable prefixes
Just add a t instead of an en.
to go around
um _____ herum = to go around ____
What is the passive voice?
- When the action becomes the focus of the sentence and not the person themselves.
- Uses a form of werden and a past participle = something is somethinged.
What is damit used for?
- It acts as a final clause to indicate intention.
- If there is a different subject in the main and subordinate clause --> then damit is used before the subordinate clause.
du, dich and dir
Du = the subject of the sentence (are you eating?)
dir = you as the indirect object (to give you advice)
---usually means that the sentence uses a verb that requires extra info (e.g. teach english or read Othello).
dich = you as the object of the verb (I love you)
singular kann
ich - kann
du - kannst
sie/er/es - kannt
plural kann
wir - können
ihr - könnt
sie - können
conditional if phrases
- Conditional phrases in main and subordinate clause when using an if statement.
meiner Meinung nach
Attracts the verb