unconscious impulses drives influence and our behaviors - Sigmund Freud
rewards and punishments have shaped all of our observable behaviors (no free will, all behaviors have a direct correlation with your past) - Watson, Pavlov, Skinner
all humans are born good and become self-actualized (free will, no predetermination, reach their full potential) - Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow
Cognitive Psychology
how thought processes influence our feelings and behaviors (can change how we think and control what affects us)- Aaron Beck and Albert Bandera
looks at genetic factors and chemicals in the body to explain behavior (medical)
Socio-Cultural Psychology
An understanding of human behavior and personality can be developed by examining the rules of the social groups individuals are part of (role determines behaviors and when people are given power, they are evil) - Philip Zimbardo, Stanley Milgram
Evolutionary Psychology
theoretical approach that attempts to explain useful mental and psychological traits such as memory, perception, or language as adaptations - Charles Darwin
looks at mind’s different structures of consciousness through individual parts - Edward Titchener
uses introspection (examination of one’s own conscious thoughts but not used today)
how mental and behavioral processes operate as a whole -William James
Gestalt psych
can’t simply separate our conscious and perception into different parts but look at it as a whole experience
Mary Whiton Calkins
first women psych student at Harvard and first female APA prez
Margaret floy washburn
accepted 1st female phd from Harvard
Hindsight bias
“I knew it all along” phenomenon (think they could foresee the future after the fact)
Critical thinking
smart thinking examines assumptions, assesses the source, confirms evidence, assesses conclusions
explains behaviors by offering ideas that organize what we have observed (explanation for how the world works)
predictions that specify what results would support the theory
null: statement saying hypothesis isn’t true, gets rid of bias
Case study
examines an individual or group in-depth but their cases tend to be atypical and not applicable (good stories)
Natural observations
observers record behavior in natural environments, has to be done on children because of…
Hawthorne: idea that knowing you are part of a study skews results
looks at many cases in less depth for a representative sample, has to be random sampling for an equal chance of inclusion
sometimes wording can persuade surveyors so questions need to be written without bias
Applied research
clear, practical applications (can use it)
Basic research
explores questions you may be curious about (can do on animals because it isn’t ethical)