What did austria-hungary cause?
world war because the Slavs wanted to create their own nation
what was the balance of power?
when austria-hungary tensions were rising and european nations decided to create alliance and the strength of the various alliance was everything was equal hence creating a balance of power.
What was the spark of the war?
the assassination of Archduke franz Ferdlnad and his wife sophie by Guarilo princip a 19 year old nationalist.
What did the assassin use?
A powder keg (a bomb)
Who did austria-hungary declare war on?
What other countries got involved?
Russia because they had an alliance, Germany because they had a alliance with austria-hungary, britain because involved neutral belgium because they had agreements to protect belgium and france, and france
What countries were in the central powers?
Austria-hungary, germany, and the ottoman empire
What countries were the allied powers?
Britain, france, russia, italy, and the united states
what was trench warfare?
a new wartime strategy that armies used which was fighting from the protection of peep ditches.
what was no mans land?
the area between opposing trenches
what were some of the technological advancements?
Machine guns, poison gas, and u boats (submarines)
what was the woodsow wilson and us policy?
It was that us stayed neutral but some americans merchant traded with european nations at war
what was lusitania?
Neutrality rules required to warships to search merchant vessels instead of destroying them first
what was sussex pledge?
Germany promise not to sink merchant ships without a warning
what was the zimmermann note?
American newspapers printed with secret telegrams
who was arthur zimmermann?
a german foreign policy secretary
What was the espionage act?
punished people for aiding enemy or refusing military duty
what was the sedition act?
made it illegal for american to speak disloyally about the us goverment, constitution, or the flag
what was the selective service act?
required man between 21-31 to register to be drafted in the armed force
when did austria-hungary reach a armistice?
what does armistice mean?
what was the fourteen points?
a system of 14 ideals to avoid war in the future