Kin 312 Augmented Feedback

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Feedback Definition

a generic term that describes information a person receives about the performance of a skill during or after the performance

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2 Categories of Feedback

  1. Task Intrinsic Feedback (sensory)

  2. Augmented Feedback (task-extrinsic)

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Task Intrinsic Feedback

-performance related sensory information that is naturally available to the performer o visual o tactile o auditory o proprioceptive (naturally available)

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Augmented Feedback: Definition

-information the person receives about a performance from sources external to themself -the information adds to or enhances the task-intrinsic information

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2 Types of Augmented Feedback

  1. Knowledge of Results (KR): performance related information about the outcome of the performance

  2. Knowledge of Performance (KP): performance related information about the movement characteristics that led to the outcome of the performance

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How essential is augmented feedback for skill learning?

  1. It can be essential for skill learning

  2. It can hinder/slow skill learning

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3 Situations Where Augmented Feedback Can be Essential for Skill Learning

  1. Critical task-intrinsic feedback is not available (obstructed view) ex: big team, no individual attention

  2. Person is not capable of detecting the critical task-intrinsic feedback ex: injury

  3. Person is not capable of interpreting the critical task-intrinsic feedback ex: lack of experience

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3 Situations Where Augmented Feedback Can Hinder/Slow Skill Learning

  1. Erroneous (incorrect) KR or KP

  2. Concurrent presentation of KP

  3. KR or KP presented too frequently

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2 Issues with Content of Augmented Feedback

  1. Errors v. correct aspects of performance

  2. KR v. KP

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Errors vs Correct Aspects of Performance

-Which type of information do we give the learner? o Error-related information: action goal achievement role o "Correct" : motivation role o Combine both for needs of the learner

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KR vs. KP

-both can provide valuable information

1.KR is especially beneficial to: -confirm subjective assessment of task-intrinsic feedback -determine performance outcome when task-intrinsic feedback is not available -motivate the person to continue (ex: provide times for sprints; gives athlete a time they want to beat & therefore continue sprinting) -establish a "discovery learning" practice strategy

  1. KP is especially beneficial to: -learn skills with specified movements--the outcome is assessed by movement characteristics (ex: gymnastics, diving) -improve specific movements or correct specific movement errors -learn to activate specific muscles -facilitate learning when KR is redundant with task-intrinsic feedback (ex: "you missed the free throw" , "yeah no shit")

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Types of KP

  1. Descriptive KP: KP describes error

  2. Prescriptive KP: KP describes error and prescribes how to correct it

-which one is better to facilitate skill learning? o depends on the learner's stage of learning -- initial stage of learning: prescriptive preferred -- later stages of learning: descriptive preferred

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Video Replay

the use of videotape replay should relate to the stage of learning

-initial stage: provide attention-directing or error-correction cues

-later stages: some assistance may be needed, but attention-directing cues may help

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The Timing of Augmented Feedback: Three Issues

  1. Concurrent and terminal augmented feedback

  2. Time intervals related to terminal augmented feedback

  3. Frequency concerns

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Concurrent Augmented Feedback: Definition

augmented feedback available during the performance of a skill

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Terminal Augmented Feedback: Definition

augmented feedback available after the performance of a skill

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Research Based Conclusions: Concurrent Augmented Feedback

Concurrent augmented feedback can: -facilitate the learning of skills in which critical task-intrinsic feedback is difficult to interpret ex) learning to activate specific muscles learning to produce a specific movement force

-Hinder or slow the learning of skills by leading to a dependency on the feedback ex) performance poorer without the feedback than with it

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Time Intervals Related to Terminal Augmented Feedback

-KR-Delay Interval: used to interpret task-intrinsic feedback -Post-KR Interval: associate task-intrinsic with augmented feedback

<p>-KR-Delay Interval: used to interpret task-intrinsic feedback -Post-KR Interval: associate task-intrinsic with augmented feedback</p>
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Research Based Conclusions for the KR-Delay Interval and the Post-KR Interval

Interval Length: minimum length needed for augmented feedback to be effective; no evidence for maximum length

Activity during the interval: -most have no effect -some hinder learning (ex: similar learning processes required for both) -some beneficial for learning (KR-Delay Ex: subjective error estimation; Post-KR Ex: Problem solving activity)

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Frequency of Presenting Augmented Feedback

-Traditional view: augmented feedback for every trial (100% frequency) is best for learning

-Current view: less than 100% frequency is best for learning *based on research that has investigated several types of techniques that reduce augmented feedback frequency

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2 Reasons Less Than 100% Frequency of Augmented Feedback is Better for Learning

  1. Increases problem solving activity: -less frequency allows person to actively use their own problem solving strategies -100% frequency directs problem solving activity from the instructor's point of view

  2. Guidance Hypothesis: -beneficial performance effects of receiving augmented feedback on every practice trial become negative learning effects -Why? : augmented feedback becomes a "crutch" on which the learner depends to perform the skill

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4 Techniques that Reduce Augmented Feedback Frequency

  1. Fading Technique

  2. Performance Bandwidth Technique

  3. Learner Requested Feedback Technique

  4. Summary Technique

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Fading Technique

-first described in experiment by Winstein & Schmidt (1990) -systematically reduced KR frequency from every trial to 2/8 trials -"fading" technique led to better learning than receiving KR every trial

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Performance Bandwidth Technique

-leads to a less than 100% frequency -results in better learning than KR/KP every trial

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Learner Requested Feedback Technique

-KR/KP only given when learner requests it -leads to a less than 100% frequency -results in better learning than KR/KP every trial

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Summary Technique

-KR/KP given for a set of trials (ex: every 5 trials) -amount of KR/KP is same as 100% frequency, but given less frequently during a practice session -results in better learning than KR/KP every trial

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