Task Intrinsic Feedback (sensory)
Augmented Feedback (task-extrinsic)
Knowledge of Results (KR): performance related information about the outcome of the performance
Knowledge of Performance (KP): performance related information about the movement characteristics that led to the outcome of the performance
It can be essential for skill learning
It can hinder/slow skill learning
Critical task-intrinsic feedback is not available (obstructed view) ex: big team, no individual attention
Person is not capable of detecting the critical task-intrinsic feedback ex: injury
Person is not capable of interpreting the critical task-intrinsic feedback ex: lack of experience
Erroneous (incorrect) KR or KP
Concurrent presentation of KP
KR or KP presented too frequently
Errors v. correct aspects of performance
KR v. KP
Descriptive KP: KP describes error
Prescriptive KP: KP describes error and prescribes how to correct it
-which one is better to facilitate skill learning? o depends on the learner's stage of learning -- initial stage of learning: prescriptive preferred -- later stages of learning: descriptive preferred
Concurrent and terminal augmented feedback
Time intervals related to terminal augmented feedback
Frequency concerns
Increases problem solving activity: -less frequency allows person to actively use their own problem solving strategies -100% frequency directs problem solving activity from the instructor's point of view
Guidance Hypothesis: -beneficial performance effects of receiving augmented feedback on every practice trial become negative learning effects -Why? : augmented feedback becomes a "crutch" on which the learner depends to perform the skill
Fading Technique
Performance Bandwidth Technique
Learner Requested Feedback Technique
Summary Technique