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Rodion Romanovitch Raskolnikov
The central character
Avdotya Romanovna Raskolnikov
Raskolnikov’s sister who is called Dounia
Pulcheria Alexandrovna Raskolnikov
Raskolnikov’s mother
an alcoholic who meets Raskolnikov at a bar
Katerina Ivanovna
Marmeladov’s wife who has turberculosis
Marmeladov’s daughter who is a prostitute
Pyotr Petrovitch Luzhin
wealthy, middle-aged man engaged to marry Dounia
Dmitri Prokoftch Razumihin
Raskolnikov’s loyal friend from the university.
Arkady Ivanovitch Svidrigailov
Dounia’s former boss who tried to seduce her
Marfa Petrovna
Svidrigailov’s wife who is rumored to have been killed by him. She read Dounia’s letter to the entire village
Alyona Ivanovna
the pawnbroker whom Raskolnikov kills
Lizaveta Ivanovna
the pawnbroker’s half-sister who was also killed by Rodya
Porfiry Petrovitch
the brilliant, unconventional detective who becomes a formidable advesary to Raskolnikov
Praskovya Pavlovna
Raskolnikov’s landlady who reports him to tge police
the landlady’s servant
Ilya Petrovitch
a police officer
clerk at the police station
Nikodim Fomitich
Chief of Police
a doctor who treats Raskolnikov
Dmitri and Nikolay
painters who were working at the pawnbroker’s apartment building on the day of the murders
the man who lives in the same building as the Marmeladov family. He exposes Luzhin’s framing of Sonia
Amalia Fyodorovna
Katerina Ivanovna’s landlady