US history WW2

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Yalta conference

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Yalta conference

meant to decide what should happen to germany after the war

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Tuskegee airmen

African American fighter squadron that escorted bombers on runs over germany

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442nd regiment of combat

The most decorated regiment in US military history; a fighting unit composed almost entirely of American soldiers of Japanese ancestry

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A Phillip Randolph

Labor leader that fought for fair treatment in the US during the war

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United nations

An international organization designed to settle disputes peacefully

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Allowed people to only have small portions of an item at a time

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Island hopping

Skipping over heavily fortified islands in order to seize lightly defended locations that could support the next advance

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War refugee board

US executive agency to aid civilian victims of the axis powers

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Europe first strategy

Focus on Europe first, because Japan didn't pose as much of a threat

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Killing of a large number of people from a particular area or race

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Most deadly concentration/death camp

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Decided to drop the bomb

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Battle of the bulge

Last German offensive; ultimately led to their surrender

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A push from the Allies to gain a foothold in german- occupied france

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Tehran conference

The meeting to discuss D-day

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Battle of midway

Battle in the pacific; took out most of Japan's supplies and pilots

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Japanese aircraft and ships were scattered and they had lost many valuable pilots from the battle of midway in 1942

Why was Japan virtually defenseless in April 1945?

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-allies had been kicked out of Europe -suez canal and oil reserves were at stake -force Hitler to move troops from eastern europe; lessen the strains on Stalin

Why did the allies attack North Africa instead of france first?

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-they didn't believe what was happening to the jews -worked with the red cross to create the war refugee board and save the jews

What limited US response to the holocaust?

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-believed the nazi party wouldn't stay in power long -awaiting visas and passports but they weren't granted -refugee countries weren't taking immigrants/refugees

why didn't the jews just leave germany?

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-his army occupied most of eastern europe(countries didn't want another war) -participated in the war so he was entitled to compensation for the heavy losses he sustained

Why was Stalin included in post-war plans?

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-advertising to make it seem like the jews lost WW1 for Germany -taught it in school and used punishment if you didn't agree

How did Germany brainwash their citizens to hate the jews?

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Battle of the bulge

What battle ended Germany chance of taking over Europe?

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-full rights of citizenship

What did African Americans focus their efforts on after the war?

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US and the soviet union

Who became the two main superpowers after the war?

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New constitution: -gave women the right to vote -enacted democratic reforms -economic recovery

How did the Japanese government change after the war?

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-destroyed their landing vessels before they hit the beach -kamikaze

How did Japan defend their country when the US attacked?

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-population went down during the war -went up due to a baby boom after the war

How did population change during the war?

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Beginning of war -assigned to non-combat units -relegated to service duties(supply, maintence, transportation)

End -fought in specific combat groups(Tuskegee airmen)

what was the role of african americans in WW2?

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-forced American society to use factories again -traded with other countries -open jobs due to men being drafted(lowered unemployment)

How did wartime eliminate the thought of depression?

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-allied powers won -many deaths -took Britain a long time to build back up

Results of WW2

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-politicians and people believed that they would turn on America and send information to Japan

Why were the Japanese Americans put in internment camps?

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-save American lives -dropped it a second time bc Japan hadn't surrendered -wanted to show the soviet union what we could do

Why did Truman drop the bomb?

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Aryan race

What race did the Germans view as superior?

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Post stamp conference

Final decision that Germany was going to be divided into eats and west

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Mary Bethune

Black female advisor for FDR

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Final solution

Attempt to kill all the jews

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Nuremberg trials

Trial to punish the German officers for killing the jews

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Nagasaki and Hiroshima; Nagasaki came first

What cities were the bombs dropped on?

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Battle of the coral sea

First battle fought only with planes

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Geneva convention

Outlined how prisoners of war were to be treated

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Led allied troops into africa

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Atlantic charter

FDR and Churchill met to discuss post war plans

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