Our senses (sight, sound, taste, touch, smell) have picked up info from the environment and that info is sent to the brain
Bottoms up processing
Bottoms-up processing
starts at sensory receptors and works up to the brain’s higher levels of processing
Our brain organizes and interprets in information sent to it by our senses
Top-down Processing
Top-down Processing
Information processing guided by higher level mental processes drawing on our experiences and expectiations
Selective Attention
What our conscious awareness is focused on
Ability to tune in some stimuli and tune out others
Inattentional Blindness
Unaware of visible objects when our attention is focused elsewhere
Magicians use this
Change Blindness
Failing to notice changes in the environment
Conversion of one form of energy into another. In sensation, transforming of stimulus energies into neural impulses our brain can interpret
3 basic steps to all our sensory systems
We receive sensory stimulation through receptor cells
We transform that stimulation into neural impulses
Those neural impulses are delivered to the brain
Converting one from of energy into an other that your brain can interpret
Studies relationships between the physical characteristics of stimuli and our physical experience of them, like intensity
Gustav Fechner
German Scientist and Philosopher who studied the edge of our awareness of faint stimuli (absolute threshold)
Absolute Threshold
Minimum amount of stimulation necessary to detect by our senses 50% of the time (aware)
Stimulus you cant detect 50% of the time = its below our absolute threshold (unaware)
Signal Detection Theory
How and when we detect the presence of a faint stimulus amid background stimulation (hearing your name said in a loud room)
Assumes there is no single absolute threshold based partly on a person’s experience, expectations, motivation, and alertness
Assumes there is no single absolute threshold depends partly on a persons
Difference Threshold
Minimum difference between 2 stimuli or a present stimuli a person can detect half of the time
music volume
Mom’s voice among other women’s
Weber’s Law- to be perceived as different, 2 stimuli must differ by a constant minimum % not amount
Sensory Adaptation
Diminished sensitivity to constant or routine odors, sights, sounds, and temperatures
senses adjust
Our sensory system is alert to novelty, but with repetition it frees up our attention to more important things
Perceptual Set
A mental predisposition (set of assumptions and tendencies) to perceive one thing and not another
affects top-down
Influences how we interpret stimuli
Context effect
The influence of surrounding information on perception or memory recall. It shows that context can impact how we interpret and remember things.
cultural context helps inform perceptions
Top down processing shaping our perception of different things, a lot of what we perceive has bias
Motivations can bias our interpretations of neutral stimuli
desirable objects seem closer than they really are
Hills look bigger and farther when we are tiered or carrying something heavy
Emotions can influence perceptions
hearing sad music can make people interpret words with diff meanings as the sad versions
When angry people may perceive nearby objects as guns
When mildly upset people percieve neutral faces as less attractive/ likeable
Extrasensory Perception (ESP)
The controversial claim that perception can occur apart from sensory input (telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition)
Mind 2 mind communication
Perceiving remote events (2nd sight)
Perceiving future events
Study of the paranormal (ESP or psychkinesis)
What do skeptics argue about ESP
To believe in ESP you must believe the brain is capable of perceiving without sensory input
Researchers have been unable to replicate ESP phenomena under controlled conditions
Light Energy
Our eyes recieve light energy and transduce it to neural messages
2 physical characteristics of light
Intensity- brightness
Distance from one wave peak to the next = helps to determine hue (actual color)
Wavelengths amplitude, amount of energy the wave contains - influences brightness
Light enters here first
Protects eye and bends sight
Provides focus
adjustable opening in the center of the iris
Determines how much light enters the eye
Size varies to accommodate light, also if we are feeling amorous, it dilates
Colorful muscle tissue surrounding the pupil (controls the pupil)
behind the pupil
Changes shape and curvature to produce clearest projected image to the retina → accommodation → upside down image sent to retina
Light sensitive inner eye containing receptor cells (cones and rods) and neurons that begin to process visual info
Detect black/ white and light vision (necessary for peripheral vision)
Detect hue and color vision. Clustered more densely in the fovea (point of central focus) there are more cones than rods
Optic nerve
located in the back of the eye and it takes info gathered by rods/cones and sends messages to brain
The location where the optic nerve leaves the eye = there are no receptor cells (rods/cones)
Visual information processing
Eye → Optic Nerve → Thalamus → Visual Cortex in the occipital lobe
Feature detection- nerve cells in the brain respond to specific features (shape, angle, movement, lines)
Allows us to recognize who/ what we’re looking at
Young-Helmholtz Trichromatic (3 colors) Theory
3 different color sensitive cones (red, blue, green)
Most common form of color-blindness (inability to see the difference between red and green - sex linked)
Herring’s Opponent (Opposite) - process theory
neurons involved in color vision are stimulated by one color’s wavelength and inhibited by another’s
Opposing retinal processes (red-green), (yellow-blue) enable color vision
Blind Spot
The point at which the optic nerve leaves the eye, creating a “blind” spot bc no receptor cells are located there
Central focal point in the retina around which the eye’s cones cluster
David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel
Showed that our visual processing deconstructs visual images and reassembles them
Feature Detectors
Nerve cells in the brain’s visual cortex that respond to specific features of the stimulus (shape, angle, movement)
the activation, often unconsciously, of certain associations, thus predisposing one's perception, memory, or response
Parallel processing
Processing many aspects of a problem at the same time
the brain’s natural mode of information processing for many functions, including visions
Figure ground
The organization of the visual field into objects that stand out from their surroundings
Gestalt Psychology
Means to “form” or “whole”
The brain has a tendency to integrate pieces into meaningful wholes (necker cube)
Perceptual tendency to organize stimuli into coherent groups
Group nearby figures together
We perceive continuous patterns
We fill in gaps to create a complete object
Depth Perception
Retina sees 2D our brain organizes into 3D
Visual Cliff experiment with toddlers
Binocular Cues
We use 2 eyes to judge distance and depth by retinal disparity : our eyes are about 2.5 inches apart, meaning that the retina receives slightly different images
The greater the difference between 2 images= the closer the object
Monocular Cues
Depth cues available to either eye alone
When an object partially blocks our view of another object its closer
Relative size
2 similar objects = smaller one is far awy
Linear perspective
Parallel lines look like they are getting closer at a distance
Relative height
Things that are closer appear bigger
Relative size
Comparison of the size of objects or figures in relation to one another, allowing us to determine which is larger or smaller.
Relative clarity/texture gradient
Closer things appear more clear
Illusion of movement created when 2 or more adjacent lights blink on and off in fast sucession
When an object partially blocks our view of another object
means the object we can see more of is closer
The process by which the lens of the eye changes shape to focus on objects at different distances, allowing clear vision.
Bipolar cell
A type of neuron found in the retina that plays a crucial role in transmitting visual information from photoreceptor cells to ganglion cells. Bipolar cells receive input from photoreceptor cells and then transmit signals to ganglion cells, which send information to the brain. They are responsible for integrating and processing visual signals before they are sent to the brain for further interpretation.
Ganglion cells
Specialized neurons in the retina that transmit visual information from the photoreceptor cells to the brain. They have distinct receptive fields and are responsible for processing and transmitting visual signals such as color, contrast, and movement.
Perceptual Constancy
perceiving objects as unchanging even as illumination and retinal images change
Top down processing
Color Constancy
Perceiving familiar objects as having consistent color, even if changing illumination alters the wavelengths reflected by the object
Figure ground relationships
The visual perception principle that distinguishes objects from their background based on contrast, shape, and size. It helps us perceive objects as separate from their surroundings.
Perceptual adaptation
The ability to adjust to changed sensory input, including an artificially displaced or even inverted visual field
sound waves
Compression and rarefaction of air molecules
sound waves are converted into neural impulses in hair cells of the inner ear
The number of complete wavelengths that pass a point in a given time (ex: per second)
A tone’s experienced high or lowness; depends on frequency
The act or sense of hearing
The process of hearing
Sound waves hit the eardrum, inducing vibrations that pass through the three bones of the middle ear (hammer, anvil, and stirrup) to reach the cochlea, a fluid-filled tube within the inner ear. The membrane-covered opening of the cochlea vibrates, generating ripples in the basilar membrane and causing the bending of hair cells. This motion activates impulses in neighboring nerve cells, which converge to create the auditory nerve. The resulting neural messages travel to the and subsequently to the auditory cortex in the temporal lobe.
Short version of the process of hearing-
(Vibrating air - tiny moving bones - fluid waves - electrical impulses to the brain)
(Sound waves - auditory canal - eardrum - tiny bones (hammer, anvil, and stirrup) - cochlea - basilar membrane - hair cells - nerve fibers - auditory nerve - thalamus - auditory cortex in temporal lobe)
Sensorineural hearing Loss
Hearing loss caused by damage to the cochleas receptor cells or to the auditory nerves; the most common form of hearing loss - nerve deafness
Conduction hearing loss
Outside of ear
Defects in external ear parts cause hearing loss, problem with outer or middle ear, blocking the canal
Makes soft noises difficult to hear because sounds can’t get through the outer or middle ear
Place Theory
We hear different pitches because different sound waves trigger activity in different places along the cochleas basilar membrane by vibrations. Thus, the brain determining pitch by generating a neural signal
Frequency Theory
The brain reads pitch by monitoring frequency of neural impulses traveling up the auditory nerve. The whole basilar membrane vibrates w/ incoming sound waves, triggering neural impulses to the brain at the same rate as the sound wave. - The rate of nerve impulses traveling up the auditory nerve matches the frequency of a tone; enabling us to sense its pitch. Best explains how we sense low pitches.
Locating Sound
Bc of the placement of our 2 ears we have stereophonic (3D) hearing. Bc sound travels 761 mph and human ears are 6in apart, the intensity difference and time lag are small but a noticeable difference in the direction of the 2 sounds corresponds to a time difference. Our super sensitive auditory system helps us detect these really small differences to locate sound.
Cochlear implant
A device for converting sounds into electrical signals and stimulating the auditory nerve thru electrodes threaded into the cochlea
Essential to our psychological/ emotional development
distinct skin senses- pressure warmth, cold and hot (cutaneous), balance and body coordination (kinesthetic)
The body’s way of telling us something is wrong = changes our behavior
Women are more pain sensitive (can also endure more pain)
Both bottom-up (senses to the brain) and top-down (past experiences) are involved
Biological influences (nociceptors) sensory receptors detecting hurtful temps, pressures, or chemicals
Gate Control Theory
The spinal cord contains a neurological “gate” allowing some pain messages to have a higher priority than others
Psychological influences on pain
The intensity of pain at the end of an event is most likely to influence our memory of a painful event
You can control pain by distracting the brain
Taste (other name)
Gustation diff tastes
Sweet, sour, bitter, salty, and umami
chemical sense- taste buds catch food chemicals
Taste buds replace themselves
As we grow older taste buds decrease= lowers taste sensitivity (alcohol and smoking)
Flavor of food is a combo of taste and smell
Smell - other name
Chemical sense
Learned association with humans (forming memories)
Part of the limbic system = triggers memory and emotion
Sensory interaction
The principle that one sense may influence another, as when the smell of food influences taste
Embodied cognition
The influence of bodily sensations, gestures, and other states on cognitive preferences and judgements
Vestibular sense
Our sense of body movement and position that enables our sense of balance
physical warmth can promote social warmth
Social exclusion can literally feel cold
Judgements of others my mimic body sensations
Body position- any change in position of a body part interacting with visoion
With both eyes we know something is closer because our eyes look closer together and as we look at something farther away our eyes straighten out