Chapter 10: Electrons and Electronic 

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What are resistors?

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What are resistors?

They keep currents and voltages at levels needed for other components to work properly.

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What are capacitors?

They store small amounts of electric charge.

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What are diodes?

They let current flow in one direction only.

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What are LEDs?

They glow when a small current passes through them.

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What are transistors?

They are used for amplifying signals for switching.

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What are integrated circuits?

They are many complete circuits, with resistors, transistors, other components, and connections all formed on a tiny chip of silicon only a few millimeters square.

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What are LDRs?

It is a special kind of resistance falls when light shines on it.

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What is NOT gate?

If the input is one state, the output will be the other state.

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What is AND gate?

If both of the inputs are high, the output will be high; otherwise the output will be low.

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What is OR gate?

If either of the inputs is high, the output will be high; otherwise the output will be low.

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What is NAND gate?

If both of the outputs are high, the output will be low; otherwise the output will be high.

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What is NOR gate?

If either of the inputs is high, the output will be low; otherwise the output will be high.

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