Art History
AP Art History
Legendary founding of Rome by Romulus and Remus
Roman Republic
Roman Empire
Roman Architecture
House of Vettii
Flavian Amphitheater
The Colosseum
Content Area for Petra: West and Central Asia
Petra, Jordan
Great Temple of Petra
Treasury of Petra
Apollodorus of Damascus
Forum of Trajan
Basilica of Ulpia
Trajan Markets
Roman Painting
Pentheus Room
Roman Sculpture
Head of a Roman patrician
Augustus of Prima Porta
Column of Trajan
Ludovisi Battle Sarcophagus
Private citizen’s home in Pompeii
Originally built during the Republic with early imperial additions.
Two brothers owned the house; both were freedmen who made their money as merchants.
meant for wild and dangerous spectacles—gladiator combat, animal hunts, naval battles.
Accommodated 50,000 spectators.
76 entrances and exits circle the façade.
the name comes from a colossal statue of Nero that used to be adjacent.
Nabataean concept and Roman features such as Corinthian columns.
The city was built along a caravan route.
Approached through a propylaeum and a grand staircase that leads to a colonnade terrace in the lower precincts.
In reality, it was a tomb, not a “treasury,” as the name implies.
Greek, Egyptian, and Assyrian gods on the façade.
Monuments carved in traditional Nabataean rock-cut cliff walls.
Large central plaza flanked by stoa-like buildings on each side.
Originally held an equestrian monument dedicated to Trajan in the center.
Built with booty collected from Trajan’s victory over the Dacians.
Law courts held here; apses were a setting for judges.
Said to have been paid for by Trajan’s spoils taken from the defeat of the Dacians.
Grand interior space (385 feet by 182 feet) with two apses.
Semicircular building held several levels of shops.
Main space is groin vaulted; barrel vaulted area with the shops.
Multilevel mall.
Original market had 150 shops.
it was built as a Roman temple dedicated to all the gods.
it may have been dedicated to a select group of gods and the divine Julius Caesar and/or used for court rituals.
It is now a Catholic church called Santa Maria Rotonda.
a Triclinium
Main scene is the death of the Greek hero.
This painting opens the room with the illusion of windows and a sunny cityscape beyond.
Tradition of wax portrait masks in funeral processions of the upper class to commemorate their history.
Bulldog-like tenacity of features
Features may have been exaggerated
References Polykleitos’s Doryphoros.
Found in the villa of Livia, Augustus’s wife
May have been commissioned by Emperor Tiberius
A 625-foot narrative cycle (128 feet high) wrapped around it
150 episodes, 2,662 figures, 23 registers—continuous narrative.
Scenes depict the preparation for battle
Visitors who entered were meant to wander up the interior spiral staircase to the viewing platform at the top
Extremely crowded surface with figures piled atop one another; horror vacui.
Interment of the dead; rich carving suggests a wealthy patron with a military background.
Confusion of battle is suggested by congested composition.