Electric Circuits

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Electric current

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Electric current

Rate of flow of electric charge

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Potential difference

Energy transferred per unit charge between two points in a circuit

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Measure of how difficult it is for charge carriers to pass through a component

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Ohm's law

For an ohmic conductor, current is directly proportional to the potential difference across it, given temperature is constant

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Principle of charge conservation

The total electric charge in a closed system does not change

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Kirchoff's first law

Total current flowing into a junction is equal to the total current flowing out of that junction

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Distribution of current in a series circuit

Current is the same everywhere

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Distribution of current in a parallel circuit

The sum of currents in each parallel set of branches is equal to the total current

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Principle of conservation of energy

Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred from one form to another

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Kirchoff's second law

The sum of all the voltages in a series circuit is equal to the battery voltage

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Distribution of potential differences in a series circuit

The total sum of the voltages across all elements is equal to the supply p.d

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Distribution of potential differences in a parallel circuit

The p.d across each branch is the same

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Distribution of resistance in a series circuit

Rₜ = R₁ + R₂ + R₃ + ...

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Derivation of resistance in series

V = V₁ + V₂ + V₃

V = IR₁ + IR₂ + IR₃

V = I(R₁ + R₂ + R₃)

R = R₁ + R₂ + R₃

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Distribution of resistance in a parallel circuit

1/R = 1/R₁ + 1/R₂ = 1/R₃ + ...

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Derivation of resistance in parallel

I = I₁ + I₂ + I₃

I = V/R₁ + V/R₂ + V/R₃

I = V(1/R₁ + 1/R₂ + 1/R₃)

1/R = 1/R₁ + 1/R₂ + 1/R₃

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Rate of transfer of energy

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Current-voltage graph of an ohmic conductor

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Current-voltage graph of a diode

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Current-voltage graph of a filament bulb

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Current-voltage graph of a (Negative Temperature Coefficient) thermistor

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A measure of how easily a material conducts electricity

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What are the variables in the equation ρ = RA/l?

ρ: Resistivity

R: Resistance

A: Cross-sectional area

l: Length

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What are the variables in the equation I = nAve?

I: Current

n: Charge carrier density (number of electrons per unit volume)

A: Cross-sectional area

v: mean drift velocity

e: electron charge

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How does length of a wire affect p.d?

Because R = ρl/A, as length increases, resistance increases. Using Ohm's law (V = IR), as resistance increases, potential difference also increases

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Potential divider circuits

A circuit with several resistors in series connected across a voltage source used to produce a fraction of the source p.d

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Variable potential divider circuits

A potential divider circuits where one resistor is a variable resistor, meaning you can vary the potential difference output

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Electromotive force

The energy transferred by a cell per coulomb of charge that passes through it

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Internal resistance

Energy lost due to electrons colliding with atoms inside the battery

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Terminal potential difference

The p.d across the resistance R

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Lost volts

The p.d across the resistance r

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Lattice structure

Provides a medium for vibration of the atoms about their equilibrium position. As temperature of the solid increases, intensity of the vibration of atoms also increases

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How does lattice vibrations affect resistance?

The more intense the vibrations, electrons are more likely to collide with the atoms, causing them to slow down. This in turn increases the resistance of the material

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Temperature increase in a semiconductor

As temperature increases, its atoms gain energy and once they gain enough energy they begin to release electrons. This increases the number of charge carriers available which decreases resistance

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Negative temperature coefficient thermistors

As temperature increases, resistance decreases

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Metallic conductors

As temperature increases, resistance increases

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Light-dependant resistors

Made from photoconductive materials. Because of the photoelectric effect, as light intensity increases, electrons are released and resistance decreases

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