International Brigades
Groups of foreign volunteers who fought on the Republican Side.
German Condor Legion
Troops from the air force and army of Nazi Germany who fought on the Nationalist Side
Unofficial prison established by left-wing revolutionary groups during the war
Mass execution of prisoners or people detained
FET de las JONS
New party established by Franco that merged the Falangists and traditional Carlists.
(Falange Española Tradicionalista)
(Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional Sindicalista)
Battle of Ebro
Bloodiest war that resulted in around 100000 casualties which forced Republicans to retreat
Junta de Defensa Nacional
Established by Miguel Cabanellas as president, was the governing body in Republican Side
Suppression of words, images or ideas
Frente de Juventudes
Political organisation from the FET de las JONS which was autonome and controled by Franco
Sección Femenina
Political organisation from FET de las JONS which controlled women's lifes
Blue Division
Unit of volunteers fighters from Francoist Spain
Anti-Comitern Pact
Alliance against world communism
Policy of self-sufficiency no reliance on imports or external economic aid