History Test

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The delegates of the First Continental Congress met in

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The delegates of the First Continental Congress met in


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THe delegates wanted these Acts repealed by Britain

Intolerable Acts

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The delegates send this document to King George III in the hopes of coming to peace after Bunker Hill

the Olive Branch Petition

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Who did King George have arrest warrants for?

John Hancock and Samuel Adams

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Parliament passes this Act, officially declaring war on the American colonies

Prohibitory Act

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Where did the "Shot Heard 'Round the World" occur?

Lexington Green

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What battle did Joseph Warren give his life at?

the Battle of Bunker Hill

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Much of Washington‘s later success in the war can be attributed to the help of this French general

Marquis de Lafayette

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Washington crossed this river during the Battle of Trenton

Delaware River

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The turning point in the war came at this battle, where the day was saved by famed general (and later traitor) Benedict Arnold

Battle of Saratoga

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At a meeting with British major John Andre, Benedict Arnold agrees to hand over control of this fort

West Point

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This lieutenant general was put in charge of the British forces after the failure of the Arnold plot

Lord Cornwallis

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The siege at this location helped spell the end of the War for Independence


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What was given to America in the 1783 Treaty of Paris

Independence, all land east of the mississippi, and fishing rights off the coast of Canada

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Benedict Arnold's wife

Peggy Shippen

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The Articles of Confederation had a federal government consisting of a single branch known as


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How many votes were required to pass laws under the Articles


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The federal government under the Articles couldn’t do two key things

collect taxes and regulate trade/commerce

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During Shays’ Rebellion, the rioters tried to capture the state armory in this Western Mass. city


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Under the Articles, a smaller group in the federal government, known as this, could pass minor laws

Committee of States

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The agreement to create a two-house legislature (and also count slaves as 3/5 of a free person) was known as this

The Great (three-fifth) Compromise

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Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Henry were among the authors of these editorial essays opposing strong central government

The Anti-Federalist Papers

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If an administrator wants to check your locker for possible contraband, this may be an issue with this constitutional amendment

Fourth Amendment

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What freedoms does the First amendment cover?

freedom of speech, the press, religion, assembly, and petition

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Where did Washington take the Oath of Office

New York

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What position did Edmund Randolph hold in Washington's Cabinet

Attorney General

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The discovery of this 1798 scandal spelled the end of French extortion of the Adams presidency (and also the alphabet)

XYZ Affair

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Anti-Federalists flocked to this political party after Washington left office

Democratic-Republican Party

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Efforts to repeal the Alien and Sedition Acts failed because the Supreme Court lacked this power (at the time)

Judicial Review

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