What does citizenship mean?
Citizenship means being a member of a nation or community, with rights and responsibilities.
What does it mean to be an informed, purposeful, and active citizen?
It means being aware of social and political issues, participating in civic activities, and making informed choices.
What is meant by the common good?
The common good refers to what benefits society as a whole, balancing individual interests with community welfare.
What are the various levels of government?
The various levels of government are federal, provincial/territorial, and municipal, each with specific responsibilities.
What is the legislative branch of government?
The legislative branch is responsible for making laws and is composed of elected representatives.
What is a dictator?
A dictator is a ruler with absolute power, often ruling without the consent of the governed.
What is a democracy?
A democracy is a system of government in which power is vested in the people, who elect representatives.
Who is Canada's Queen?
Canada's Queen is Queen Elizabeth II (as of the last update).
Who is Canada’s Governor General?
The Governor General represents the monarch in Canada and performs ceremonial duties.
Who is Canada’s Prime Minister?
The Prime Minister is the head of the government in Canada.
Who is Ontario's Premier?
Ontario's Premier is the head of the provincial government in Ontario.
Who is Hamilton's Mayor?
Hamilton's Mayor is the elected leader of Hamilton's municipal government.
Who represents the Queen in Canada?
The Governor General represents the Queen in Canada.
What does M.P. stand for?
M.P. stands for Member of Parliament.
What is the difference between an M.P. and a Senator?
An M.P. is elected to represent constituents and is part of the House of Commons, while a Senator is appointed and serves in the Senate.
What are Canada’s five major political parties?
The five major political parties are Liberal, Conservative, NDP, Bloc Québécois, and Green Party.
Who is the leader of the party in power?
The leader of the party in power is the Prime Minister.
What is the political spectrum?
The political spectrum is a system of classifying different political positions, ranging from left (liberal) to right (conservative).