1. History
2. Scripture/Sacred Writing
4. Sacred Times
5. Sacred Places/ Spaces
Terah - Sarah + Abraham - Issac +Rebeca - Jacob and Esau
1. Abraham
2. Burning Bush
3. 10 commandments
4. 12 tribes
5. King David
6. Solomon Builds Temple
7. Exile
8. Warning Against Blasphemy
9. Hanukkah
10. Destruction of the temple
11. Holocaust
12. Israel was formed
1. become closer to God
2. Both Faith and works are necessary to become closer to God
3. Must have a unified religious community
4. Establish unity with all people
1. Muhammad is the messenger of God
2. God does not predetermine what will happen, we have free will
3. God gives life and takes life
4. God knows what choices we will make. He knows the past, present, and future.
5. God is very involved as a guide in human affairs
6. God is the Judge who will determine who goes to heaven and who goes to hell
7. God is a loving, powerful, knowing, merciful, and present
1. Shahada
2. Salat
3. Zakat
4. Sawm
5. Hajj
Suni - to remember the exodus from Egypt
Shittes - reenact the massacre of Hussain
1. Student
2. Householder
3. Forest Dweller
4. Spiritual Wanderer