the process by which a population forms its own government → personified by Woodrow Wilson
the division of the world during the Cold War (1947-1991) between the communist bloc, centered on the USSR, and the capitalist Western bloc, centered on the US
the undoing of colonialism, in which the imperial power withdraws from a colony allowing for the formation of an independent government
Third World
countries that remained non-aligned with either NATO or the Warsaw Pact (capitalist Western bloc = “first world”, the communist Eastern bloc = “second world”)
independence of the Philippines
French Indochina War
Vietnamese Declaration of Independence
1947, Ho Chi Minh
the “Year of Africa”
1960, 17 countries receive independence (mainly from France)
independence of India and Pakistan
Malayan Emergency/anti-British Liberation War
Mau Mau rebellion 1952-1960
1952-1960, Kenya
French Indochina War
French Algerian War
new forms of government
authoritarian military regimes (Myanmar), democracies (India, Nehru)
Bandung conference
1955, Indonesia
Belgrade conference
1961, Yougoslavia = formalised Non-Aligned Movement
Non-Aligned Movement (NAM)
alliance of countries wanting to build an autonomous policy
NAM leaders
Yougoslavia = Tito, India = Nehru, Egypy = Nasser, China = Mao, Cuba = Fidel Castro
group of 77 (or G77)
coalition of developing countries in the United Nations
creation of the Arab league
March 22nd, 1945
pan arabism
the ideology aimed at unifying the Arabic-speaking populations of North Africa, the Near and Middle East within the same state
divisions between arab countries
two blocs = disagreements crystallized in the Arab-Israeli wars (1967 and 1973)
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
divisions in the NAM
Indo-Pakistani War (1947-1948), Biafra war (1967-1970)
new forms of control of the core over the periphery since the end of decolonization
People’s Republic of China
October 1949
Great Leap Forward
1958-1962, rapid industrialization, because belief that rural workers were the backbone
Sino-Soviet Split
Chinese communism considers that they’re the true heirs of Marxism
Cuban Missile crisis
october 1962
people’s communes
large rural organizations of collective farming introduced in China in 1958
great chinese famine
caracteristics of totalitarian regime (China)
indoctrination of youth (Red Guards), cult of personality (Cultural Revolution), persecution of political enemies
easings between US and China
ping-pong diplomacy
relative political liberalization and raised hopes of democratization in Eastern Europe (Nikita Krushchev)
Berlin Wall
East German uprising
1953, brutal repression of the Soviet Army of East German workers
involvement of intelligence services
September 1960, Congo coup
definition of coup
a sudden, violent, and unlawful seizure of power from a government
definition of guerilla warfare
a form of asymmetric fighting carried out by small groups of combatants hidden among the population and who oppose a regular army
Suez crisis
1956, nationalisation of Suez Canal
definition of nationalization
the transfer of a major branch of industry or commerce from private to state ownership
definition of Zionism
a nationalist and secular movement that advocated for the settlement of Jews in the land of Israel/Palestine and the creation of a Jewish state, in order to escape the pogroms to which they were subjected in Europe
UN resolution 181
partition plan between an Arab state and a Jewish state in November 1947
proclamation of the State of Israel
May 14th, 1948
The Nakba
Arab-Israeli war (1948) = the exile of 800,000 Palestinians from Israel
Six Day War
Yom Kippur War
1953 Iran
coup, by British and American secret services (Mossadegh → The Shah)
US troops in Vietnam war
1965 - 1973
decisive French loss
Dien Bien Phu
consequences of French Indochina War
17th parallel, unifying elections 1956
Gulf of Tonkin accident
belligerents capitalist West
South Vietnam, US from 1965
belligerents communist East
North Vietnam, Viet Cong, China
capitalist West allies
France, South Korea, Australia
communist East allies
USSR, Warsaw pact countries
creation of the National Liberation Front (NFL)
1960, against Diem regime
American Vietnam War
1st living room war
war of attrition
long war where both sides are trying to wear down the enemy
origin of “credibility gap”
opposition between the official version of the US gov vs. reality
US strengths and weaknesses
one of the largest armies, but no support from the population
Vietnam forces strengths
knew the terrain
January 1973
treaty of peace → country becomes fully communist in 1975
nuclear proliferation
spread of nuclear weapons to other countries
nuclear bomb for 3 countries
UK = 1952, France =1960, China = 1964
definition of “balance of horror”
doctrine that claimed that the sole function of nuclear weapons was to deter a possible attack from the enemy
definition of nuclear deterrence
doctrine according to which the possession of nuclear weapons reduces chances of conflict between countries
general easing of geopolitical tensions between the Soviet Union and the United States during the Cold War after the Cuban Missile Crisis (official policy in 1969)
easing of Cuban Missile crisis
“red phone”
SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks)
1972/1979, reduction of nuclear weapons
policy pursued by Willy Brandt, chancellor of West Germany to ease relations with East Germany beginning in 1969
Helsinki conference
1975, conference during which the USSR signed agreements with Western countries
space race 1st victories
USSR: 1957 (Sputnik and Laïka), 1961 : Yuri Gagarine
Apollo program
1961 → moon landing in 1969
definition of mcCarthyism
political repression and persecution of left-wing individuals and a campaign spreading fear of alleged communist during the late 1940s through the 1950s
the Kitchen debate
US/USSR exhibitions showcasing traditional kitchens (1959)
US-Soviet Cultural Agreement
United Arab Republic (Egypt +Syria)