Ch 18 - Supply Side Policies

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better quality of goods

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better quality of goods

In deregulation, competition tends to lead to lower prices + ________ and services.

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Free market

________ SSP: policies which increase competitiveness and ________ efficiency.

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________ leads to more efficiency and lower prices.

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________ is important in an increasingly globalised marketplace.

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Demand side theory

________: is built in the idea that economic growth is stimulated through demand.

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Supply side policies

________ are government attempts to increase productivity and efficiency in the economy.

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Free market SSP

policies which increase competitiveness and free-market efficiency

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set state owned assets to private sector, improves incentives

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allows new firms to enter the market open monopolies to competition

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income tax cuts

greater incentives to work longer hours

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removing regulations

reduce power of trade unions, minimum wage and regulations

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free trade agreements

reduce tariff barriers and obstacle to trade

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reduce welfare benefits

increase incentive to get a job

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Interventionist SSP

government intervention to overcome market failure

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tax credit

could allow firms to not pay taxes from retained profit spent on R+D

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Demand side theory

is built in the idea that economic growth is stimulated through demand

→ main goal is to continue consumer spending on products → keep the economy afloat

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market based supply policies

the reduction of household income taxes and corporate taxes will have expansionary fiscal effects

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Free market SSP

policies which increase competitiveness and free-market efficiency

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Interventionist SSP

government intervention to overcome market failure

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Improved economic growth

SSP will increase sustainable rate of economic growth by increasing LRAS, which enables higher rate of economic growth without causing inflation

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