Grogg APUSH Midterm review quizzes - 2022

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Characteristics of the original thirteen colonies

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Characteristics of the original thirteen colonies

  1. the southern colonies consisted of large landholders, mostly Anglican, on plantations using slave labor 2. There were internal conflicts over economic interest, ethnic rivalries, and religious practices 3. The middle colonies were the most diverse with estates interspersed with homesteads (They DID NOT believe they were a single people with a common destiny, who ought to break from Britain)

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Europeans wanted to discover a new, shorter route to eastern Asia in order to ...

Reduce the price of goods from Asia, gain more profit for themselves, and Reduce the time it took to transport goods

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Columbian Exchange

the transfer of plants, animals and diseases between the Old and New worlds

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European contact with Native Americans led to...

the deaths of millions of Native Americans, who had little resistance to European diseases

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English at Jamestown in 1607

this settlement founded in the early 1600's that was the most consequential for the future United States

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The cultivation of tobacco in Jamestown resulted in

The destruction of the soil, A great demand for controlled labor, Soaring prosperity in the colony (it DID NOT diversify the colony's economy)

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Henry VIII aided the entrance of Protestant beliefs into England when he...

Broke England's ties with the Roman Catholic Church

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As a colony, Rhode Island became known for...

individualist and independent attitudes

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A major reason for the founding of the Maryland colony in 1634 was to...

Be financially profitable and creat a refuge for the Catholis

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According to Anne Hutchison son, a dissenter in Massachusetts Bay

the truly saved need not bother to obey the laws of God or man

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Indentured Servants

English yeoman who agreed to exchange their labor temporarily in return for payment of their passage to an American colony were called this

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The immediate reason for Bacon's Rebellion

the Virginia governor's refusal to retaliate against Indian attacks on frontier settlements

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Triangular Trade of the colonial American Shipping industry ...

Involved the trading of rum for African slaves

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The Headright system consisted of

Giving the right to acquire fifty acres of land to the person paying the passage of a laborer to America

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The Great Awakening

Undermined the prestige of the learned clergy in the colonies, Split colonial churches into several competing denominations, and was the first mass movement of the American people

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The clash between Britain and France for control of the North America continent sprang from the rivalry for control of...

The Ohio River vally

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The long-range purpose of the Albany Congress in 1754 was too...

Achieve colonial unity and common defense against the French threat

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The Proclamation of 1763

prohibited colonial settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains

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Colonist objected to the Stamp Act because...

Parliament passed the tax, not the colonist

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One purpose of the Declaration of Independence was to...

Explain to the rest of the world why the colonies had revolted

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The Battle of Saratoga was a key victory for the Americans because it...

Brought the colonist much-needed aid and a formal alliance with France

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Britain Gave America generous terms in the Treaty of Paris because British leaders...

Were trying to persuade America to abandon its alliance with France

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The Founders failed to eliminate slavery because...

A fight over slavery might destroy national unity

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The Articles of Confederation left Congress unable to...

Enforce a tax-collecting program

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Shay's Rebellion convinced many Americans of the need for...

A stronger central government

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Three-Fifths Compromise

how the Constitutional Convention addressed the North-South controversy over slavery

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Probably the most alarming characteristic of the new Constitution to those who opposed it

Absence of a Bill of Rights

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Hamilton's financial program for the economic development of the United States favored...

the wealthier class

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Main purpose of the Alien and Sedition Acts

silence and punish critics of the Federalists

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the Whiskey Rebellion

backcountry pioneer folks saw whiskey not as a luxury, but as an economic necessity and medium of exchange. Protesters felt burdened by Hamilton's economic programs. They even erected whiskey poled similar to liberty poles used against the stamp act. (Washington responder to the Whiskey rebellion with force, he DID NOT negotiate with the protesters)

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Thomas Jefferson's presidency was characterized by his

moderation in the administration of public policy

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How John Marshall, a chief justice of the U.S, helped to strengthen the judicial branch

by asserting the doctrine of judicial review of congressional legislative, giving the Supreme Court the power to determine constitutionality

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Why Thomas Jefferson wad conscience-stricken about the perchance of the Louisiana Territory from France

He believed that the perchance was unconstitutional

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The Jeffersonian-Democrats presented themselves as

Strict constructionist, protectors of agrarian purity, and Strong supporters of stats rights. (They DID NOT believe in a strong central government)

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Henery Clay embraced a program called the American system in 1824 that would create...

A strong banking system, a protective tariff to enable manufacturing to grow, and a network of roads and canals for transporting foodstuffs, raw materials, and manufactured goods nationwide. (It DID NOT create a navy to protect merchant ships)

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The Missouri compromise resulted in

Extremist in both the North and South not being satisfied, Missouri entering the Union as a slave state, and Main entering the Union as a free state. (it increased sectionalism, it DID NOT reduce it)

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The outcome of the Was of 1812

stimulus to patriotic nationalism in the United States

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The Monroe Doctrine

Was am expression of the illusion of deepening American isolationism from world affairs

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John Quincy Adams ,elected president in 1825, was changed by his political opponents with having struct a "corrupt bargain" when he...

appointed Henry Clay to become Secretary of state

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Reason Southerners feared the Tariff of 1828

this same power could be used to suppress slavery

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The spoils system under Andrew Jackson resulted in

the appointment of many corrupt and incompetent officials to federal jobs

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The Second Great Awaking tended to

Widen the lines between classes and religion

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These where associated with the raise of the modern Women's right movement in 1848

the declaration of sentiments, The Women's Rights Convention in Seneca Falls, The demand for the ballot for women (they DID NOT call to boycott traditional marriages )

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Under the cotton kingdom

cotton accounted for half the value of all American exports, the south produced more than half the entire world's supply of cotton, 75% of the British supply of cotton came from the south (the South DID NOT reap all the profits from the cotton trade, The North benefited too)

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The Members of the Planter Aristocracy

dominated society and politics in the South

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Slavery's greatest psychological horror, and the theme of Harriet Beecher's Uncle Tom's Cabin

The enforces separation of slave families, whose members could be sold away from each other

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In 1846 the United Stated went to Was with Mexico because

The ideology of Manifest destiny, The death of American soldiers at the hands of Mexicans, and Polk's desire to acquire California. (The DID NOT go to war over the impulse to satisfy those asking for spot resolutions)

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One argument against annexing Texas to the United State

It might give more ppwer to the supporters of slavery

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The Wilmot Proviso, introduced into Congress during the Mexican War, declared

slavery would be banned from all territories that Mexica ceded to the United States

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Manifest Density

The 1840's view that God had ordained the growth of an American nation stretching across North America.

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Those people who most opposed President James K. Polk's expansionist program

Anti-Slavery Forces

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According to the principle of popular sovereignty, the question of slavery in the territories would be determined by

the people in any given territory

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The event that treated to destroy the longstanding balance of free and slave states in the united States

the discovery of gold in California and its bid for statehood

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The most alarming aspect of the compromise of 1850 to the northerner was

the new fugitive slave act

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in 1857 the supreme court ruled in the Dred Scott decision that

protection of slavery was guaranteed in all territories of the west.

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John Brown's execution produced these results

Harriet Tubman praised Brawn's support of freedom for slaves, Abolitionist and free soilers were outraged, Ralph Waldo Emerson and other northerners hailed him as a martyr much like Jesus. (It DID NOT result in Brown's bloody past prior to the Harper's Ferry raid being exposed and him being discredited)

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In declaring their independence, the Confederate States relied heavily on the example of the

Principles of self-determination of the Declaration of Independence

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The Greatest weakness of the South during the Civil War

Their economy

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Why a victory at Antietam probably would have won the Confederates Independence

France and Britain were on the Verge of Recognizing the Confederate government

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Why the Battle of Gettysburg was significant

Union victory meant that the Southern cause was doomed

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The Freeman's Bureau was established to

act as a kind of welfare agency, provide food clothing, and medical care to slave refugees, and Settle former slaves with forty-acre tracts confiscated from Confederates (They DID NOT relocate blacks west to force them into labor contracts with former masters)

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In his 10 precent plan for Reconstruction, president Lincolm promised

Rapid readmission of Southern states into the union

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What the Fourteenth Amendment guaranteed

Citizenship and civil rights to freed slaves

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Radical congressional Reconstruction of the South finally ended when

the last federal troops were removed in 1877

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The Ku Klux Klan could best be described as

a secret terrorist organization

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