Can-do #1 - call a restaurant or store, express interest in applying for a part-time job and communicate scheduling
ともうします、んですが、potential form、なら
Can-do #2 - talk about reasons for applying and experiences during an interview
〜し 〜し、やってみたい、なら
Can-do #3 - talk about abilities and schedule during an interview
一週間に三日、potential form + adj/adv (じょうずに、はやく)
Can-do #4 - explain positive aspects (activities, weather, geography) of a visited place to convey its appeal
potential form + んです、describe place
Can-do #5 - ask someone about the appeal of a place, share impressions, and wanting to try things
adj + そう、やってみたい、いってみてください
Can-do #6/7 - explain a want or why it’s wanted and make suggestions about choosing appropriate gifts to a friend
Can-do #8 - explain wanting to give a gift and in what situation, and ask for advice
Can-do #9 - talk about a received gift, including who gave it, when it was received, what the gift was, and how it felt
もらった、personがpresentくれた、〜し 〜し
Can-do #10/11 - describe worries related to school or everyday life
Can-do #12/13 - ask a friend about and convey approximate schedules in response to inviting or being invited
Can-do #14 - tell a friend about what was done during the break and how it was
も、しか + neg
Can-do #15/16/17 - discuss destinations, schedules, etc. to go out or on a trip with friends, including asking about unknown words and speaking casually
何しようか、volitional form、ってなに、のこと
Can-do #18 - discuss the preparations that should be made before a trip
Can-do #19 - describe visited places, things done and seen there
〜し 〜し、qualifying noun(とったしゃしん)
Can-do #20 - talk about plans for special days like Halloween or Reading Week
よていあるの、volitional + と思ってる
Can-do #21/22 - explain an experience of helping someone or receiving help
Can-do #23 - explain having a problem and ask for help
Can-do #24/25 - express hope for a quick resolution of someone’s problems or personal problems
Can-do #26 - describe a recent good or bad event, including when and how it happened
Can-do #27 - go and apologize to someone that was inconvenienced
Can-do #28 - talk about news from social media, tv, the internet, etc.
Can-do #29 - talk with a friend about recent activities of a mutual or rumors about celebrities
Can-do #30 - talk with a friend about things I want to do in the future
〜たら、volitional + と思ってる
Can-do #31 - explain steps for work or class activities at a part-time job or university
Can-do #32 - explain rules at home or at a homestay
Can-do #33 - describe the surroundings or people and make guesses when having casual conversation