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A practice where a powerful group controls another, exploiting their resources.
Hernan Cortes
Sent to discover the Americas in 1519, leading to the conquest of the Aztec Empire.
Spanish male groups who conquered other empires, seeking gold, glory, and to spread Christianity.
Sold into slavery, she played a crucial role as an interpreter for Cortes during the conquest.
Inca Empire
Structured around gender equality, with men and women sharing roles in agriculture and leadership.
Daughters of Liberty
Women who organized boycotts against British taxation during the American Revolution.
A legislative body in France, where the 3rd estate formed the National Assembly during the Revolution.
Olympe De Gouges
Executed for her feminist writings, including a satirical French declaration for women's rights.
A symbol of liberty in France, inspired by the Greek goddess, representing revolutionary ideals.
Chattel Slavery
A system where individuals are owned as legal property, leading to abuse and exploitation in the colonies.
Middle Passage
Slaves caught diseases and died during the transatlantic journey to the Americas.
Saint Domingue
French name for Haiti, known for its profitable sugar plantations.
Runaway slaves who established communities and practiced Vodou religion.
Toussaint L’Ouverture
Leader of the Haitian Revolution, inspired by the French Revolution.
Napoleon Bonaparte
French military leader who crowned himself Emperor and enacted the Napoleonic Code.
Separate Spheres
Concept of distinct societal roles for men (work, politics, war) and women (home, social).
Scramble for Africa
European powers' competition to colonize African territories during the 19th century.
Group advocating for rejecting the past and embracing a future led by men through war.
Triple Entente
Alliance of France, Britain, and Russia during WWI.
Trench Warfare
Military strategy characterized by static positions and heavy casualties in WWI.
Russian Women’s Battalion of Death
A military unit formed during the Russian Revolution with over 300 women members, allowed to fight for their country.
Hitler Youth
Organization for young German boys promoting traditional masculinity, physical fitness, and loyalty to Germany, with membership reaching 1 million by 1936.
Degenerative Art
Art deemed undesirable by the Nazi party, including works by artists like Otto Dix and Kathe Kollwitz, to promote positive propaganda for war.
Cross of Honor of the German Mother
An award given to German mothers for raising healthy children, with Bronze, Silver, and Gold categories based on the number of children.
League of German Girls (BDM)
A Nazi organization teaching girls to be good mothers, wives, and obedient to men, focusing on traditional roles like cooking and childcare.
Pink Triangle
A badge worn by homosexual prisoners in concentration camps, with gay men being persecuted by the Nazis for lower birth rates.
Weimar Republic
A period in Germany where homosexuality was almost decriminalized, but later persecuted by the Nazis for not conforming to traditional family values.
Political group supporting the Soviets in Russia, leading to the October Revolution and the rise of the Soviet Union under Vladimir Lenin.
Alexandra Kollontai
Involved in the Revolutionary Party under Lenin, advocating for women's rights and equality, but faced challenges with changing leadership.
Nuclear Family
A concept in the United States representing a white mother, father, and two children, promoted during the Cold War to counter communist ideologies and encourage traditional family values.