Gender and World Final

Gender in Colonial Latin America

Coronation of Charlemagne

Colonialism - a practice in which a powerful group of people controls another and uses their resources

New island - virgin islands ( the ‘rape’ of resources) already associated with gender

The 1600s - a manmade construct of racism

  • Use to justify colonialism

Hernan Cortes - sent to discover the Americas, in 1519

Charles V - sends this guy^ to America, head of the church and state

  • Sent for political gain and sent on behalf of religion

Hernan lands on the Americas and runs into indigenous people

Montezuma - leader of the Aztec Empire (modern-day Mexico)

Hernan begins to explore and place their religion on religious figures and statues with crosses, ruin resources of nature, and fight with indigenous people

Makes his way over to the mainland and arrives at the capitol with his men

  • Met with 4,000 members of the Aztec court and Montezuma
  • Montezuma gives gifts to Hernan
  • Hernan throws over this idea and holds the leader captive
  • Fight the Azetecs for about 14 months
  • Cortes has only 500 men but wins because of advanced weapons

Conquistadors - conquer, groups of Spanish males, and they conquer other empires

3 G’s - goals of the conquistadors

  1. Gold
  2. Glory
  3. God

They would seek slave labor when conquering

  • Seeking sex slaves, concubines
  • Perform genital mutilation on men as a way to humiliate them
  • Women would be raped as a humiliation

Aztecs with Gender

  • Same-sex relations were seen as okay and a lot of people were gender-fluid
  • No gender roles as rigird. Males can work feminine jobs and vice versa
  • Until conquered by the Spanish and their values were put on the Aztecs


  • Age of 8-12, she was sold into slavery
  • Originally a part of the Aztec empire her family had wealth
  • Her family volunteers to sell her into slavery, sold to avoid the violence of warfare
  • Sold again in 1518 and she considered valuable, to the Spanish
  • Sold directly to Cortes, and he baptized them and converted them before sending them off to his men, sold to a high-ranked captain
  • She is good with Language and is seen as more valuable
  • Sent to speak to Montezuma, goes with Cortes
  • Cortes promises her freedom if she gives accurate information
  • Has a son with Cortes, doesn't know if it was consensual, seen as his mistress
  • Cortes sends her off to another man after her first husband dies
  • Gains European power and status, and seen as a Spanish woman

Female slaves were seen as domestic slaves (taking care of children, picking up cotton)

  • Female slaves were seen as concubines
  • Male children born from slave owners obtained rights in the household and possibly could take over the household. Female children have less power but still freedom

Inca Empire

  • Structured their lives around gender
  • Men and women are seen as equal
  • Women held leadership positions in society before being conquered

(pic) Men and women participated in agriculture

  • Men using tools to dig in the earth
  • While women are planting seeds

Men associated with the sun (masculine sun god)

  • Sun god associated with war meaning men go to war
  • relationship traced between the lineage of men
  • Seen as builders, built houses and carried firewood
  • Seen as farmers, and collecting harvest
  • Herded lamas
  • Men weeded

Women associated with the moon (feminine moon god)

  • Queen was seen as a descendent of the moon goddess
  • Relationships traced between women in the lineage
  • Domestic roles to care for children
  • Harvest and weeding

When conquers came, only men were allowed to be in charge while women were now not in positions

Conquerors saw some women as witches

  • Seen weaker or older women vulnerable to being tempted by the devil and eating children or having sex with the devil

Women used this to their advantage and made the witch idea to fear them

Gender and the American Revolution

1775 - 13 colonies

Identified as British the people of the colonies and proud to be British.

Seven Years War

  • Global war
  • Britsh and French huge rivals
  • British win this war and the French loses
  • Gain more territory

Stamp Tax - a tax on paper products and it goes to Britain

  • Including newspapers and a lot of other categories
  • Colonies have no say in it

Women have the power of the purse and are in control of spending money for their families, so this makes them upset

Boycotts - particularly good being taxed and encouraging other women not to buy the products. Or encourage store owners to stop selling the product

Daughters of Liberty - a group of women who organized and did boycotts

Sons of Liberty - male counterparts, violently or intimidated people to boycott

Boston Tea Party - sons of liberty disguised as native Americans and dumped cargo into the water.

British sent troops

Colonists hoarded weapons

British came to take weapons

The first shot around the world is the beginning of the American Revolution in Concord, Massachusetts

July 2nd, 1776 - vote to declare independence from the British

July 4th, 1776 - The Declaration of Independence is written

American Revolution War(s) is 7 years long

1783 - peace treaty with the British and America becomes an independent country

Thomas Jefferson believed women had no place in politics as women were seen as too promiscuous or could make a man fall in love with them

New Jersey was the only state that let women vote 100 years before the right for women to vote

  • New Jersey constitution when it came to voting they used the word “they”
  • Opened up to people who owned property to vote, which some women did
  • Formal slaves could also own property too, some owned

1807 - changed the pronoun to male

  • Rumored that men dressed as women to vote twice and counted with voter fraud

Increase of children out of wedlock

Sex work was increasing in Philadelphia

Brothels or sex from servants

Married women have affairs

If women have affairs they could get pregnant

Men had more freedom of movement than women, especially with jobs

Entertainment - theaters, dancing studios, horse race, etc

Men could engage in gambling and drinking

Philadelphia in the 1770s required child support and men were legally required to

  • Women can file for child support and won't be penalized
  • Men will have the upper hand though

Rise of sexually transmitted diseases and a lot got them

  • Treatments started to happen

Topics about sex would be published to the public in newspapers, pamphlets

Almanacs - annual publication listing information about one or multiple topics

Tavern Scenes by William Hogarth makes a joke about Americans sent to the British

  • Women ran away from marriages and became runaway brides
  • Divorce is available, but expensive and difficult to obtain if you're a women
  • Husbands will post in newspapers that they are divorcing a woman and save themselves financially
  • Men were in less control over women

After the revolution, the idea of women in society became more important

  • The perception of what a woman is comes from a man

Gender and The French Revolution

France makes a series of decisions very poorly economically, the 7 years war

Seven Years' War - war between British and France, France lost the money. Also losing their colonies in America. Losing power

1775 - American colonists independence and then the French invested in the American colonies with no money to get back at the British

Don’t open up trading routes with the French and they don’t get out of the win

The French economy debt is the monarchy's personal debt

Louis XVI

  • Not a smart man, shy and indecisive with decisions.
  • He does not have a good relationship with his wife Marie, does not have sex the first 7 years of marriage
  • He doesn't want a mistress, because kings before had them, and important in politics.

Mistresses are seen as approachable for people to have a word with the king and rely upon messages

  • Mistresses, you can get rid of if they disobey or do something wrong

Marie Antoinette

  • She is doomed from the beginning
  • She is Austrian and is a princess, the marriage was made for an alliance
  • French did not like it and wanted a British marriage
  • Have serval heirs to the thrown, but the public doesn't like it
  • Her Austrian might corrupt the first son for a French man
  • Accuse her of sexually abusing her children

French thought Germany was associated with lesbianism, associated with having a relationship with women because she was Austrian

The French press made her less popular with rumored affairs with other men or even women

  • Women are not encouraged to or accepted to have mistresses in France but men are
  • Created to slander the king and the queen

Rose = Austrian monarchy

Lily = French monarchy

Marie wore undergarments in painting and dressed casually

She has a fake village for she and her friends could play peasants in it

  • Marie's mother doesn't agree or like this, sends angry letters.

No taxes for clergy or high status, only people who are struggling

Bourgeoisie - members of the upper middle class through their own work.

Ancien Regime - meaning Ancient Regime for the royal family

1788 - horrible drought, many people in France starved and the wheat crop got weak

  • The price of bread skyrockets
  • Rioting over bread was seen as feminine

Estates-General - a legislated body that the king calls together to solve a problem

  • Hasn’t called the estates general in 144 years, meaning it was a huge problem
  • King admits he doesn’t know what he is doing, ruining his image even more.
  1. Clergy - .5% (population)
  2. Aristocracy - 3.5% (population)
  3. Everyone else - 96% (population)

Each estate gets one vote, but not equal votes

  • Everyone else comes to the meeting and the door is locked, everything blows up.

The 3rd estate decides to meet in the royal tennis court and work together to make a new constitution called the Tennis Court Oath

National Assembly - new name for the 3rd estate. Represent the people of France

Storm of the Bastille - July 14th, 1789

  • Symbolic start of the French Revolution
  • Bastille is the prison of royal political enemies, who decide to free enemies of the crown
  • Celebrated in present-day France as an independence day

Women march on Versailles - women are angry about bread prices and walk from Paris to Versaille

  • Members of the army joined them and the National Guard did too
  • 6,000 to 10,000 members
  • Wanted to speak to Marie
  • Marie does not sympathize with the people
  • Take the monarchy captive and they become prisoners, going back to Paris
  • Allowed to stay in Paris estate but get watched by different guards

National Assembly doesn't want women after they ask to have a say or involvement

Radical sits on the left and conservative sits on the right

  • Happens after in-fighting happens in the assembly

Jacobins - radicals are against the monarchy

Declaration of Man and Citizen - inspired by the American Declaration of Independence

  • Agree that authority should come from the people

King is demoted from King of France to King of the French People

  • Loss in power, people have more power

50,000 out of 25 million

Olympe De Gouges - Feminist and writer

  • writes a satirical French declaration for women
  • Accused of treason and then executed for political ideas

Jacobins gained controlled

  • Called the National Convention now
  • Weren’t who they were

Robespierre - leads the jacobins

  • Mobilized the country for war, believed they needed to go outside France
  • Fight spread revolutionary ideas
  • Get rid of anything themed monarchy

Marianne - fictional women

  • Inspired by the Greek goddess of liberty
  • Wearing a Roman hat that symbolizes freedom from slavery
  • Symbols of France, postcards, and stamps
  • Lady Liberty is inspired by a version of Frances Marianne

Tricolor Cockade

  • Symbols to wear in support of the revolution, blue, white, red
  • White ones were typically associated with monarchy

Committee for Public Safety - anyone who politically disagrees with the revolution is hunted down and declared enemies of the revolution

Louis is executed by guillotine and the Marie Antnotte

As well Catholics, Robespierre, and others who were monarchists executed

Reign of Terror

From September of 1793 - 1794

  • Fear begins to spread

Liberty, brotherhood, and equality - replace the father, son, and holy spirit

Sans-culotte - men in the revolution, men wore pants instead of stockings

Gender and the Haitian Revolution

Transatlanic slave trade

1650 - African slaves were sent to the colonies to make sugar, coffee, and tobacco plantations

10,000 per year

1700 - 20,000 African slaves per year

1800 - 60,000 African slaves per year

Worked on fields, from dawn to dark, failed to meet these requirements were abused

Chattel Slavery - is where someone is owned and seen as legal property

This leads to greater violence and owners could do anything

Slaves had limited family time but sometimes could get married

  • Some colonies didn’t consider marriage legal
  • Forced to work so it's hard to build relationships
  • Fertile rates were low, not being fed enough or health wasn’t good

Slave owners were considered owners of a whole family (emasculating the men who were slaves)

  • Agriculture was seen as feminine and men would work in the field, also emasculating
  • Female slaves were abused and raped by their male owners

Slaves did not live long lives

  • Males - 23
  • Females - 25.5

Slaves then need to be replaced due to younger death rates

  • Also, slaves would catch diseases on the boat on the middle passage and die

Haiti - Saint Domingue (french name)

  • Profited off its sugar plantations
  • Difficult and harsh plantation to work in, and sugar was hard to harvest and sticky
  • The majority of the population is enslaved
  • Ruled by very small white French owners

1654 - when the plantation was made

1790s - tension rises

  1. White colonists (the minority of the population)
  2. Free Black people/POC - (brought their freedom, sold their own produce or crafts. Access to education, and can read/write)
  3. Slaves ( outnumber the colonists, 10-1)

Maroons - runaway slaves who were men

  • Wives and children would follow after
  • Established life for themselves after
  • Practice the religion of Vodou

Vodou - traditional African religion and colonialism

  • Women were priestisses
  • Slaves saw comfort in this religion
  • Women held positions of authority and helped create a sense of community

Mambos - Women were priestesses. Women would disrupt information and marketplaces would become important places to share ideas for the revolution

  • Women fought themselves in the revolts alongside men, rare. Dressed up as men to fight
  • Work stoppages early labor strikes

Haitian Revolution 1791 -1804

  • Massive uprising of slaves broke out

Toussaint L’ouverture

  • Ruler of the rebelling slaves
  • The French Revolution inspired the Haitian revolution
  • Saw themselves the same as those going to rebel
  • Eventually became the leader of Haiti
  • Conquers the neighboring Spanish colony ⅓
  • Becomes an important part of masculinity

Militarism becomes a huge part of masculinity, defined by their experience in revolution and their position in it

The idea of becoming a father becomes a huge part too and owning the position of being a father

Women do not have a significant role after the revolution

Signs a constitution in 1801

  • Slavery is abolished
  • Secured individual rights like security and owning property
  • Men take a leading role, written by men and for men

Toussaint is on the run with his family from Napoleon

Napoleon captures his wife

  • Touruted to give away her husband's location, but doesn’t give it away
  • Possible to live, rumor to have no fingernails
  • Suzane Simone Baptise L'Ouverture

Toussaint dies but another person takes over and defeats Napoleon

France is upset after losing the colonial

  • Some Haitians moved to France but dealt with racism

Sarah Baartman

  • Praded in Europe to show off her body
  • And African women's bodies were put on display
  • Saying white bodies were better than black bodies
  • France used this as a way to gain power after losing their colony.

Gender and the Napoleonic Wars

Queen Louise (Prussia-modern day Germany) - consort

  • Husband and king was William III
  • Prussia was an enemy of Napoleon and invaded them in 1806
  • Only women who negotiated with Napoleon and sent to talk with him to spare the people
  • Made Josephine jealous and said in letters
  • Louise symbolizes femininity
  • Louise dies at 34, has 9 childern

Political cartoons are made to make fun of Louise and her husband the king for going to war, a woman behind the war.

Bird is Napoleon, and is pushing the crown off the king, Louise is holding the king's private area and Louise is depicted as a man destroying war person

Landesmutter - People and Mother of Prussia people

Landesvater - People and father of Prussia people

Empress Josephine (France) - consort

  • 6 years older than Napoleon and it is her second marriage
  • Her first husband was an aristocrat and had two children, her husband gets guillotined.
  • Does not maintain her wealth and status, and begins to have affairs with men with great power
  • She gets married to Napoleon, he has feelings for her
  • She had an affair with someone else when he went to Eygpt
  • Napoleon is upset and has affairs too
  • A hot and cold fighting relationship between them

British cartoon making fun of Josephine's life when she was powerless

Consort - woman married to the king or emperor in charge

Napoleon Bonaparte - from the island of Corsica near Italy.

Before the revolution

  • His family is from the lower-upper-class
  • Family is important to him and puts them in positions of power
  • Not born into power or wealth
  • Enlist in military training to be an officer
  • Does well in school and graduates as lientanit
  • Corsica is an ally of France

After the revolution

  • Rebels try to attack the Directory and Napoleon defends them
  • Using canons outside the directory and killing 300 rebels
  • They promote him to the commander
  • Explores and goes to Eygpt, wants peace with Eygpt so he can be equal with British and Ottomans
  • Does not go well in Egypt
  • He marries Josephine Bonaparte
  • France titles him a French hero despite he's not doing a lot

The Directory - a 5-member committee which ruled France at the end of the Revolution

Coup d’etat - sudden overthrow of the government, involving the military

Napoleon names himself Counsel of France

Consul = name of Roman leadership

  • Choosing this so he wouldn’t get executed by the public because of the French Revolution
  • It creates a constitution and an illusion of democracy
  • He becomes a military dictator

He is obsessed with power for himself and his family

He takes over the popular press

  • He makes his newspapers and sends his articles about him

Gains enough power to crown himself Emperor

  • Then he crowns Josephine Empress (holding power over her)

Using the symbols of monarchy without calling it a monarchy

Napoleonic Code

  • Protection of private property
  • This prevents women from getting power in society, legal status is associated with their husband, and if not married then their father
  • Allowed divorce, men could divorce their wives if suspected of adultery, women had to prove that the adultery took place in their home for divorce

1803 - 1815 Napolenic Wars

  • Conquers a lot like Belgium, Netherlands, Spain, Italian poniliesa, and smaller country
  • Puts family on leadership to control over countries

Major Mistake 1

  • In Spain, he underestimates the Spanish and uses guerilla warfare, unregulated
  • Many of his soldiers die for this gain

Major Mistake 2

  • Attacked Russia in the springtime
  • Russia burns Moscow to the ground so Napoleon doesn’t take it
  • His return journey is in cold weather and loses many of his men, 10,000 total men and horses in one night

Defeated by many others and sent to exile on the island of Elba

  • Instead, he returns to France and rebuilds an army, 100 days

Defeated again during the Battle of Waterloo

  • By a group British and Prussia, and other countries too
  • Dies in exile, age of 51
  • His last words were “Josephine”

Gender in Victorian England

Queen Victoria

  • An example of a sovereign queen, rules by own right like birth or God

Victorian Era - 1820 - 1900

  • Longest monarchs in British history
  • Gender roles become more binary

Separate Spheres - the idea of two sexes operating in two different domains in society.

Men - work, politics, war

Women - home, servants, social

Overlap: children or money

Gender, Imperialism, and Africa

Yoruba - ethnic group and people who live in modern-day Nigeria

Dahomey - a kingdom

  • Women serve as an all-female regime of soldiers
  • British called them Amazons “women without breasts” Amazon warriors
  • A burnt-off breast helps in archery better
  • Shows off too much skin, too violent, tattooed, having masculine physiques
  • They were highly trained female warriors

Seh-Dong-Hong-Beh leader of the Amazon troops of Dahomey

Vitoria - a slave named Antino

  • Dressed as a woman and worked in Porgetical
  • Enqisors did not believe she was a woman and gave her a life sentence

The 1990s - The invention of Women “making an African sense of Western gender discourses”

Before European contact: Power in society was organized by concepts of seniority, not by gender

Yoruba women

  • Held positions of power
  • Led armies, engaged in politics, served as female chiefs, neither partner in the relationship had control over the other person they felt intersectionality
  • After imperialism

Imperialism - state policy of political and often financial dominance over a foreign territory. Taking over a group of people and adding them to another empire

Many countries would use race to justify taking over places

Scramble for Africa - a period in which 7 European powers fought to invade and defy Africa. Including Belgium, Germany, Spain, France, Britain, Italy, and Portugal.

1880 -10% under European control

1914 - almost 90% under European control

Allowed some African men to hold lower positions of power.

Indirect rule - system introduced by the British government where it recognized local authority, specifically masculine.

Gender and World War 1

Fin-de-siecle Malaise - translates the end of the century and malaise as a fear of worry

Many people were concerned about the rise of socialism

  • Huge movement of rural people to people in the cities who wanted fair wages

Racism - people become more anxious about others and the United States had the fear of Zioniphobia which is the fear of immigration

  • Rise in anti-semitism in Europe

Social Darwinism - organisms that are the fittest and strongest survive. (strongest and fittest race or who is undesirable like poor people)

Futurists- a group of writers and artists, came out of Milan, Italy.

  • Leader by Flippo Tommaso Marinetti.
  • Wrote a manifesto that rejects the past and wants people to look towards the future
  • Men are capable are bringing this future not women
  • Wants men to go through war and be harder men not soft

Revolt and Car oil painting - change for the future, set in cities more progressive

1914: The Eve of WW1

Balkans - general part of Europe's southern/eastern countries

1912, 1913: small conflict war that involves Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia, Italy, etc.

Nationalism - intense pride of one's country, like superiority

Smaller countries are connected with bigger countries

Black Hand- nationalist, terrorist org. That emerges to disable the fight with Austria. Young radicals

Gavrilo Princip part of the Black Hand, assassinates Archduke Franz Ferdinand (of Austria and heir to the throne)

1914 - conspiracy to assassinate Franz Ferdinand and it is an unorganized plan.

  • Assassinates during the parade, but the grenades miss him and go into the crowd
  • Gavrilo sees him while he's at a cafe and then assassinates Franz and his wife

WW1 reasons

  • System of alliances, big Europeans are connected
  • Mobilization plans, a lot of countries are interested in going to war, and military strategists of going to war with other countries. Get stuck into hypothetical plans instead of real ones

Two major alliances:

Triple Entente: Consists of France, Britain, and Russia, later joined by Italy in 1915, then By the United States later on

Central Powers: Austria, Germany, and later in the war Ottomans

The Spirit of 1914: National Unity consists of women men, and older people in society. That their nation will win.

  • The media told women to be proud of the men contributing to the war
  • Young men are excited to go to war and see it as an opportunity to prove masculinity and become a hero

Disrupt the idea of gender from before WW1, including WW2 and the Cold War - almost like a total war

Great War = WW1

  • People thought it would only take a few months, but instead goes for 4 more years

Two Masculine Identity:

Heroic identity: associated with the battlefront and men were expected to fight in the war, giving a white feather to a male means coward.

Be good sons, husbands, and fathers because of protecting their families, connected to the home

Trench Warfare is typically fought, with more technology like tanks and steel, as new weapons

  • Barely any movement

The leading cause of death is from disease and injury

Otto Dix - painter

  • Wearing gas masks, and dead bodies everywhere, men were traumatized from war

Shell Shock: (modern term is PTSD) When men came back from war, they are damaged

  • A disorder diagnosed when soldiers come back from war

Women have to start to work in men's place in society at home

  • Bus drivers, milkmen, factory workers, farming
  • 40,000 women enter the workforce

Make textiles for uniforms and backpacks for men on the battlefield in munition factories

  • Encouraging women to join the workforce to do their part

Women pick up jaundice disease and are called canary girls because their skin is yellow from chemicals and explosives made

Women would wear khakis and be in units


  • Women did medical training which made them feel like they were helping the military
  • Male doctors are still in charge
  • Stayed at the camps

Dorothy Lawrence

  • Female writer
  • Disguised herself as a man and called herself Dennis Smith
  • Stayed 10 whole days and joined the tunneling unit
  • She got sent back home and wrote a memoir
  • Treated as a spy returning home and dismissed the case

Some women wanted to fight physical combat

Flora Sandes

  • One lady disguises herself in the Serbian army and the soldiers are welcomed in the ranks. She cut her hair and dressed in men's clothes. Given a military medal/

Maria Bochkareva

  • Formed a military unit known as the “Russian Women’s Battalion of Death”
  • Had over 300 women members and was made possible due to the Russian Revolution
  • Permitted to do this with the government they can fight
  • Women inspired by nationalism
  • 1920 executed by fire squad by the later government for the progression of gender roles

Gender and Nazi Germany

The Spirt of 1914 in Germany

Adolf Hitler was a war vetren and was born in Austira

  • He didn’t like the diversity in the Austrain army because it was ttoo diver
  • He was a messager in WWI
  • Fights in the battle and sends home 1916
  • Asks to go back to the front and is granted

He was very interested in the male hero and sense of masculinity, disappointed when Germany loses

Nazi Germany had traditional ideas of masculinity

Hitler Youth

  • Organization for young German boys and participated in shooting drills, politics, military and physical fitness
  • 100,000 members 1933
  • Then 1 million 1936

Expect to be tall, lean, chiseled, and blonde. Be healthy and strong to represent Germany.

Degenerative Art - deemed undesirable by the Nazi party

Otto Dix and Kathe Kollwitz were considered degenerative artists

  • Reasons because they wanted people to be happy to join the war and not scared

Kathe Kollwitiz - makes a painting of the effects of WW1 on women

Womens Responsibilities

  1. Kinder - childern
  2. Kuche - kitchen
  3. Kirche - church

Cross of Honor of the German Mother - an award given to German mothers for raising or giving birth to healthy strong children. Three awards Bronze (4-5 children), Sliver (6-7 children), and Gold (8 or more children). Done on Mother's Day

Tracht ( traditional folk costume) - worn by women with and natural organic look to it.

  • Makeup is seen as anti-German, as well as French clothing
  • Have to be physically fit and be outdoors
  • Clothing is a look at the past and supports German history

The League of German Girls (BDM) - the role of being a good mother and wife, being passive and obedient towards men, and being taught what their mothers would do ( cooking and taking care of children).

Auxiliaries women also worked in Auschwitz by working as a secretary

Pink prisoner triangle badges were determined by whether a prisoner was homosexual

(The yellow triangle under is considered Jewish)

Weimar Republic - a lively gay community within the group, almost homosexual behavior is almost decriminalized but the Nazis came

  • Nazis didn’t like this because they were a threat because they wouldn’t reproduce
  • Blamed gay men for lower birth rates
  • People suspected of being gay were watched, arrested, and separated by society
  • 100,000 gay German and Austrian men were arrested, and 10,000 were killed.

Josef Kohout wrote a memoir called “The Men with the Pink Triangle”

  • Grew up Catholic in Austria
  • Gets involved with a guy named “Fred” not his real name
  • Fred was a part of the nazi party and doesn't get in trouble
  • Josef is arrested and gets 6 months of imprisonment for sending a photo of himself to Fred
  • He was sexually assaulted, wore the pink triangle badge, was forced to perform labor, forced him to participate with sex with women, and got saved when Americans liberated the camps

Gender and The Cold War

Soviet Union = Communist reign

United States = Capitalists

Bolsheviks - a political group operating in Russia that supports the Soviets

Soviets- part of the Bolsheviks, are part workers committees that ran factories instead of Bousigze management

  • The revolution happened and the Soviets took over

October Rev. - when Soviets take control of the factories and under Vladimir Lenin

  • Overthrows the Russian royalty because of the poor working conditions of other classes

Properganda poster has

  • Women holding the sickle which is agriculture
  • The man is holding a hammer, part of the industrial revolution
  • Soldiers who are men

Movements for women happened to give women roles in society

  • Some women serve in early government

New family legal code in 1918

  • Raising women's status to be equal to men
  • Marriage is a civil activity
  • The legal code gives the same rights in and outside of marriage
  • Give divorce accessible to both genders
  • 1920 women could obtain abortions from physicians
  • Under Lenin homosexuality was decriminalized but not socially acceptable

Alexandra Kollontai - role in the Revolutionary Party under Lenin

Problems occurred - child support to illegitimate children, divorce was not used properly, and feminist ideas were not supported by everyone.

Joseph Stolin comes into the picture and changes this

  • Turns toward birth rates and women should be a mother
  • Women should have more babies for population growth due to loss in WW1
  • Women carry a double life, expected to be taking care of children and working

Divorce is not easy again and abortion is taken away under Stolin

365 million die and 19 million are civilisons

Poland 1 in 5 civilians

Russia 1 in 11 civillians

At the end of WW2, Russia was an ally of the United States.

Germany is left without a government. United States chose sizes with Germany

Berlin Wall: The anti-fascist protective barrier in 1961 didn't come down till 1989

Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) controlled by the United States, Britain, and France

German Democratic Republic (East Germany) controlled by the USSR

Cold War was more of a diplomatic talk between the United States and Russia

Kitchen Debate 1959 - Nixion visited Moscow an American exhibit to show Russians how American families live

Containment Culture and Gender - The United States wants to contain communism so it doesn't come into the United States

Nuclear Family - describes an American family. White mother, father, and two children. The core of the United States. The idea is to encourage fallout shelters

  • Believed that families would live in larger units (grandparents, uncles, aunts, etc.) is communist

The Kinsey Reports - compared to the atomic bomb. Data within these reports demonstrated premarital intercourse, masturbating, homosexuality, and excessive marriage affairs. Disruptive of the nuclear family
