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79 Terms

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Compared to the simultaneous condition, the serial condition of the experiment would be more likely to cause:

A.a primacy effect.

B.a state dependency effect.

C.a misinformation effect.

D.a dual-coding effect.

The passage states that the SERIAL condition had participants presented with objects one at a time. The SIMULTANEOUS condition had subjects presented with object all at once.

A. The primacy effect states that subjects remember objects that are presented first. The primacy effect is specifically talking about order of events.

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The researchers change the procedure such that instead of placing the objects in a box, the participants have to recall all the objects that they have seen during training. According to the spreading of activation theory, which type of memory error is most likely?

A.Making source monitoring errors regarding the location of the training objects

B.Poorer memory for the training objects seen at the later points in the experiment

C.Selective forgetting of the training objects that were placed in the center of the box

D.Recalling objects that were not presented but are from the same category as the training objects

Spreading activation theory says that when a concept is activated, the activation spreads to concepts that are semantically or associatively related to it.


A: source monitoring errors are when the source of memory are incorrectly attributed to some specific recollected experience. EXAMPLE: you are told about a new restaurant from a friend, but later on, you tell another person that you heard about the restaurant form the new. This is putting this memory with the wrong source that it came from.
*this does not reflect spreading activation

B: this has nothing to do with spreading activation. This has to do with the recency effect. The recency effect suggests that objects are better recalled when they are the last thing a person it told/or shown. (opposite of primacy effect)

C: no

D. this is spreading activation! The answer choice states that when the subject is shown objects of similar category, it causes the subject to name objects in the same category. It activates one thing, leading to an activation of another

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The findings described in the passage suggest that memory for locations:

A.is comparable to adults by nine years of age.
B.is influenced by categorical knowledge.
C.becomes more accurate with age.
D.relies solely on recall of distances.

C and D are out because D is strongly worded and C completely goes against the results in the graph (shows that adults have more mistakes).

A is wrong because all of the others are different than adults. The kiddos do better than adults.

This would make sense because adults have more knowledge of categories and groupings than youngins! Youngins may get order right because they do not know the category that an object is in.

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The children from the experiment in the passage participate in a separate study using Piaget's water conservation task. They are shown two identical beakers, containing equal amounts of water. The water from one of the containers is poured into a thinner and taller beaker. Which prediction is most likely to be confirmed?

A.All three age groups will state that the water in the taller beaker is greater in quantity.

B.The majority of the 11-year-olds will state that the amount of water in the taller beaker is the same as in the original beaker.

C.The majority of the 9- and 11-year-olds will state that the amount of water in the taller beaker is greater in quantity.

D.The majority of the 7-year-olds will state that the amount of water in the taller beaker is the same as in the original beaker.

This question is referring to Piaget's concrete observations part of his theory. This is masters at around age 11. It starts at age 7.

A: you know this is wrong because ages 7, 9, and 11 are at different stages of development. Also second half says "taller beaker is greater in quantity" indicating that no one in these age groups got this right.

B: This is correct. mastering of concrete observations is at age 11ish!

C: again, 9 and 11 are v different ages. and it's saying greater in quantity.

D: this is the very beginning of the concrete observation period. There is no way mastery occurs this fast!

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Maintenance Factor 1 is most closely related to which approach to psychological disorders?


Passage: patients with high interoceptive awareness are likely to associate mild changes in bodily sensations (such as slightly heightened heartbeat) with the panic they experienced during panic attacks; this leads to conditioned fear in response to changes in bodily sensations (Maintenance Factor 1)

Only answer choice here that deals with conditioning is behaviorist approach.

REMEMBER: Behaviorist deals with BOTH classical and operant conditioning!!!!!

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According to Maintenance Factor 1, mild changes in bodily sensations act as:

A.unconditioned stimuli.
B.conditioned stimuli.
C.unconditioned responses.
D.conditioned responses.

Passage: patients with high interoceptive awareness are likely to associate mild changes in bodily sensations (such as slightly heightened heartbeat) with the panic they experienced during panic attacks; this leads to conditioned fear in response to changes in bodily sensations (Maintenance Factor 1)

***leads to a CONDITIONED fear.

Cross out A and C as the refer to unconditioned stuff.

The response is what is described in the passage. B.

a conditioned stimulus is a neutral stimulus that, over time and training, evokes a response by repeatedly being linked with another naturally occurring stimulus.

unconditioned stimuli---> unconditioned response
conditioned stimuli ------> conditioned response

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For Patient 2, panic attacks act as:

A.discriminatory stimuli.
B.signaling stimuli.
C.positive punishers.
D.negative punishers.

Passage: Patient 2, "I am terrified of having a panic attack at a meeting. I dread the thought of others noticing how nervous I am. I'm worried that others will think I am weird. I don't go to meetings anymore."


Cross out A and B. Nothing to do with this.

Positive punishment is when you ADD something to make a behavior happen.

Negative punishment is when you TAKE AWAY something to make a behavior happen.

Panic attacks have been ADDED to this situation, causing a change in behavior.

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Interoceptive awareness involves sensitivity to increases in the activity of the:

A.reticular activation system.
B.autonomic nervous system.
C.limbic system.
D.somatic nervous system.

Passage: high interoceptive awareness are likely to associate mild changes in bodily sensations (such as slightly heightened heartbeat)

HEARTBEAT is related to autonomic nervous system. B.

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Which two processes best summarize maintenance factors 1 and 2, respectively?

A.Operant conditioning and top-down processes
B.Classical conditioning and affective processes
C.Operant conditioning and physiological processes
D.Classical conditioning and cognitive processes

Passage: patients with high interoceptive awareness are likely to associate mild changes in bodily sensations (such as slightly heightened heartbeat) with the panic they experienced during panic attacks; this leads to conditioned fear in response to changes in bodily sensations (Maintenance Factor 1)

misappraisal of bodily sensations (Maintenance Factor 2), such as interpreting bodily sensations as signs of imminent death or loss of control.

***Classical conditioning pairs a behavior with an arbitrary stimulus, while operant conditioning pairs a behavior with a punishment or a reward.


A and C are out. In operant conditioning, behavior is paired with a punishment. There is no punishment in the passage when it talks about maintenance factors.

B is gone because affective processes don't apply to factor 2. Affective processes include all feelings and responses, positive or negative, related to emotion-laden behavior, knowledge, or beliefs. Affect can alter perceptions of situations as well as outcomes of cognitive effort; it can also fuel, block, or terminate cognition and behavior.


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bottom-up processing vs top-down

Bottom up= BEGINS with a stimulus. stimulus influences our perception. Start with NO preconceived notion.

example: you're in a stick shift car and you have no idea how to drive it so you sit there.

Top down= uses background knowledge to influence perception.

example: you are strolling down the street and you see a green garden hose. you mistakenly believe it's an anaconda and you are frightened. You belief that the green hose was a snake made you perceive it as dangerous and you were frightened.

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Data on the role of Maintenance Factor 1 on PD is LEAST likely to come from which type of research?

A.Correlational studies
B.Case studies
C.Longitudinal studies
D.Experimental studies

Maintenance factor one involves bodily responses. The answer is D because it is difficult to manipulating participants' physiological states and their sensitivity to changes in those states.

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Harlequin ichthyosis, a rare genetic disorder, causes the skin to become thick and scaly. Flaking skin behind the eyelids of individuals with this condition is most likely to damage which structure of the eye?


Cornea is the outer layer of eye, right next to skin

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Sound-induced vibrations depolarize hair cells of the cochlea by opening ion channels that are gated in what way?


B. Hair cells in cochlea are mechanical!!!!

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Max attends a party and does not make eye contact with, or approach, his acquaintance, Sam. According to the actor-observer bias, which graph best represents how Max and Sam view this behavior?

actor observer bias involves the ACTOR (the one doing the action) to be influenced by ish that is going on. (not fowling well) (EXTERNAL cases)

The OBSERVER attributes this to things that are wrong with the person. (he is socially awk) (INTERNAL cases)

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In a study, each trial involves administering a drop of lemon juice to the participant's tongue and measuring the participant's level of salivation. As more trials are conducted, the researcher finds that the magnitude of salivation declines. After a certain point, the researcher switches to administering lime juice. This researcher is most likely studying which process?

A.Sensory perception
B.Habituation and dishabituation
C.Stimulus generalization in classical conditioning
D.Conditioned responses in classical conditioning

POE: bye c and d

B: study involves reduced responding to a repeating stimulus, which is best described as habituation. The researcher then changes the stimulus, which will likely lead to dishabituation.

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Which explanation of the results of Study 1 presents the most appropriate application of the optimal arousal theory? Reminding participants of:

A.their membership in a stereotyped group leads to optimal arousal, which results in varying levels of performance depending on ability.

B.their membership in a stereotyped group leads to fluctuating arousal and results in poor performance.

C.a negative stereotype associated with their identity increases arousal beyond what is optimal and leads to poor performance.

D.a positive stereotype associated with them eliminates arousal completely, which results in optimal performance.

Graph shows that people scored best with ethnic identity, least with gender, and middle with control (close to ethnic).

Based on the graph, C would be the only correct answer.

D is too strongly worded.
B: there was not a poor performance for the ethnic stereotype
A: Ability is not discussed and has nothing to do with the results.

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If the participants in Study 1 differed in the degree to which their ethnic identity was a central part of their self-concept, which outcome would be most likely? Participants whose ethnic identity was a central part of their self-concepts would:

A.be more affected by the gender stereotypes regarding their math performance.

B.not be affected by the negative stereotype regarding women's math ability.

C.be more affected by the positive stereotype regarding Asian Americans' math ability.

D.perform the same regardless of which condition they were placed in.

C. If a stereotype (in this case ethnic identity) is a central part of a subject's self-concept, they would be more prone to the effects of stereotype threat regarding their ethnic identity. (scoring better)

D is wrong based on the graph, B there is no proof for this, A this is asking about ethnic stereotype not gender

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Which measure would be most useful if the researchers were interested in the degree of sympathetic arousal experienced in the different conditions of Study 1?

A.A measure of electrical conductivity of the skin
B.A CT scan of the hindbrain
C.A PET scan of the parietal cortex
D.A measure of melatonin levels

Sympathetic arousal is associated with increased electrical conductivity of the skin.

B- CT scan is one image and looks at structures, not changes in activity
C- it is the HYPOTHALAMUS that is associated with sympathetic response. Parietal cortex is associated with somatosensory information.
D- melatonin is not a hormone associated with sympathetic response.

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Which conclusion is supported by Figure 1?

A.Priming stereotypes always has a negative impact on performance.
B.Priming a negative stereotype interferes with performance.
C.Priming a positive stereotype does not affect performance.
D.Priming stereotypes does not affect performance as much as one's self-concept.

B. This is shown in the graph! :)

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The experiment was replicated with the addition of another variable: when playing the trust game, the participants were told either that the other player was a student at their university or was a student at a rival university. Based on the findings in the passage and research on in-group and out-group dynamics, which outcome is most likely?

It is proven that people trust the in-group more, so both graphs would need to have the in-group higher. The passage specifically says that the stressed group places higher trust in others, so the stress graph would be higher.

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The researchers collected data on participants' heart rates and electrical skin conductance at different stages of the experiment. Which pattern would verify that the independent variable had the intended effect? Heart rate and skin conductance are higher:

A.for all the participants before they participate in the first phase of the experiment compared to after.

B.for the participants who chose to share $120
compared to those who chose to walk away with $30.

C.for the participants in the stress group than for the participants in the control group.

D.for all the participants before they participate in the second phase of the experiment compared to after.

C. The stress group (who expected to give a presentation) should differ from the control group (who did not expect to give a presentation). The stress response is associated with elevated heart rate and skin conductance. Therefore, the stress condition should lead to higher scores on these variables.

d- control group would not have a higher heart rate
B- just no
A- control group would not have higher heart rate

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Which statement provides the LEAST likely explanation for why the researchers dropped the highly anxious participants from their sample?

A.Ethical committees do not allow research with participants who may have psychological disorders.

B.If all the anxious participants get assigned to the stress condition, this may pose a confounding variable.

C.Highly anxious participants are not representative of the population and may reduce the generalizibility of the findings.

D.If all the anxious participants get assigned to the control condition, this may lead to a false rejection of the experimental hypothesis.

A. it is ethically practicable to conduct research on people who score high on anxiety. You see this in studies all of the time!

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A researcher replicates the experiment with the addition of a physical stressor to the first phase of the experiment. According to Selye's general adaptation syndrome, this change is:

A.necessary, because humans respond differently to different types of stressors.

B.necessary, because physical stressors cause avoidance-avoidance conflict, whereas social stressors cause approach-approach conflict.

C.unnecessary, because the human stress response is not specific to the type of stressor.

D.unnecessary, because both physical stressors and social stressors cause avoidance-avoidance conflict.

Selye's general adaptation syndrome does NOT take into account any conflict. (D,B out)

C is correct as Selye's general adaptation syndrome states that people response to various stressors similarly.

*also, this about this experiment. They are already going under stress, is ANOTHER stressor (especially one that is physical) really necessary? No! (A and B are gone)

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Selye's general adaptation syndrome

people's response to various stressors is similar

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Which conclusion is best supported by the outcome of Study 2?

A.Synchronous activity increases group polarization.

B.Synchronous activity increases conformity.

C.Asynchronous activity increases cognitive

D.Asynchronous activity increases social loafing.

Passage: "synchronous actions make participants more prone to comply when prompted to engage in aggression:


A- group polarization happens when a group gets together and their beliefs grow stronger about something. Beliefs have nothing to do with this

C and D do not go with he hypothesis.

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Damage to which nervous system structure is most likely to cause problems in the participants' ability to perform the synchronous behaviors in studies 1 and 2?


Movement behaviors are coordinated by the cerebellum! D.

Hippocampus- memory
Hypothalamus- homeostasis
C- Cochlea is hearing an a ******* answer choice

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A researcher suggests that the effect of the testing condition on the affiliation ratings is caused by increased sympathetic nervous system activity due to performing a repetitive behavior. Is this explanation likely to be supported?

A.Yes, because studies show that increased sympathetic nervous system arousal can affect how people feel about others.

B.Yes, because the design used in Study 1 allows researchers to establish the effect of sympathetic nervous system arousal on affiliation ratings.

C.No, because performing repetitive behaviors is more likely to increase parasympathetic nervous system activity.

D.No, because both of the conditions involve repetitive behaviors, but participants' ratings differ under the two conditions.


Cross out A and B. If it is REPEATED behavior, you would not expect a sympathetic response.

Looking and C vs D:

D is the best answer. Both conditions have both groups doing repetitive behavior. Also, autonomic nervous system isn't really discussed, so C can't be proven technically!

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Based on the findings in the passage, engaging in synchronous behaviors is most likely to lead to an increase in:

B.observational learning.
D.social facilitation.

Passage: "synchronous actions make participants more prone to comply when prompted to engage in aggression."


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Which type of design is LEAST appropriate for research on residential segregation?

A.Ethnographic methods
B.Experimental methods
C.Quantitative methods
D.Survey methods

B. Due to ethical concerns, as well as practical considerations, experimental research is generally not available for studying residential segregation. Except under special circumstances, it would be unethical and impractical to randomly assign participants to groups in which segregation is manipulated as an independent variable.

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Participants in a weight-loss program agree to have their body mass index (BMI) measured to track their progress in the program. Among a sample of 72 participants, the mean BMI is 30 and the median BMI is 25. Which statement provides an accurate description of the sample?

A.More participants had a BMI over 25 than a BMI under 25.

B.The majority of participants had a BMI between 25 and 30.

C.Half of the participants had a BMI over 25 and half had a BMI under 25.

D.More outliers among the participants had a BMI under 25 than a BMI over 30.

This question is asking you to look at MEAN and MEDIAN. Median is when you literally line up everything and pick the middle number. Mean is the average of all of the numbers.

A median of 25 can be described as half the sample having a BMI over 25 and half having a BMI under 25.


A- is just false.
D- outliers is a no unless there is just some huge difference
B- Majority is NOT AVERAGE nor Median

Leaves you with C. Which is the definition of median!

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Often utilized when studying communicable diseases, which type of analysis maps the series of relationships among a set of individuals?

A.Social support analysis
B.Social network analysis
C.Social stratification analysis
D.Social reproduction analysis

B-It involves the mapping of social relationships among individual, leading to making some conclusions about how disease is spread

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Which effect is LEAST likely to occur with the process of gentrification?

A.Development of affordable housing
B.Increased neighborhood stratification
C.Displacement of lower-income residents
D.Expanded tax base for local government

Gentrification= reinvestment in lower income neighborhoods in urban areas, which results from the influx of more affluent groups.



B- totally. Differences in income of residents would absolutely happen.
C- Yup. Housing would get more expensive---> migration of lower income
D- Yup. More affluent people coming in

A is correct. Gentrification would be a demand on housing for higher SES, NOT lower

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On average, adults are found to be more risk averse than adolescents. Based on group polarization, how would testing condition affect adults' scores on the DMQ? Adults would have:

A.lower scores on the DMQ in a group than alone.
B.higher scores on the DMQ in a group than alone.
C.lower scores on the DMQ in small groups but higher scores on the DMQ in large groups.
D.higher scores on the DMQ in small groups but lower scores on the DMQ in large groups.

Looking at graph, we see that adults are the least likely of all age groups to be peer pressured to do BAD stuff. So just with this, you can knock out B and D.

A is the right answer. group polarization happens when a group of people who are like-minded come together and their values are heightened even more. Sooooo, A. Question states that adults are more risk averse, so they would be EVEN MORE risk averse after group polarization.

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Which statement best applies the behaviorist theory to explain the association between age and DMQ scores? Compared to younger participants, older participants:

A.have had more experiences in which they have been punished for risky behaviors.
B.are less prone to the effects of peer pressure.
C.have a more mature prefrontal cortex that inhibits impulsive behavior.
D.have a more developed superego that inhibits the impulses of the id.

You killed this question. Shoutout to you.

BEHAVIORIST= conditioning

A- is right. This literally describes operant conditioning.
B- this is a correct statement but DOES NOT apply behaviorist theory.
C-Okay again nothing to do with behaviorist theory
D- this is psychodynamic and Freud. Big nah.

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Which finding would support the validity of the DMQ measure?

A.A positive correlation between the DMQ scores and the CG scores
B.A negative correlation between the DMQ scores and the CG scores
C.A positive correlation between participants' scores on two different administrations of the DMQ
D.A negative correlation between participants' scores on two different administrations of the DMQ

So if we want to SUPPORT the validity, it will be a POSITIVE correlation.

Cross out b and d.

POE of A and C:

A positive correlation between 2 different ADMINISTRATIONS of the same test doesn't mean that the test is VALID, more so it would just mean that the test is reliable.

Because both the DMQ (a self-report measure) and the CG (a behavioral measure) were intended to assess risky behavior, a positive correlation between the two measures would support the validity of the DMQ measure

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According to Erikson's theory of psychosocial development, which group of participants are most likely dealing with the challenges of generativity versus stagnation?

Young adults
A.I only
B.III only
C.I and II only
D.II and III only

B. Adults are the only peeps in generativity vs stagnation.

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Trust vs. Mistrust

0 to 1 year
Can I trust the world?

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Autonomy vs. shame and doubt

1 to 3 years
Is it okay to be me?

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Industry vs. inferiority

Industry vs. inferiority
6 to 12 years
Can i make it in the world of people and things?

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Identity vs. role confusion

12 to 20 years
Who am I? What can I be?

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Intimacy vs. Isolation

20 to 40 years
Can I love?

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Generativity vs. Stagnation

40 to 65 years
Can I make my life count?

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Integrity vs. Despair

65 years to death
Is it okay to have been me?

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Which statement does NOT identify an aspect of the concept of assimilation?

A.Assimilation is the influence that cultural changes have on an individual's health.

B.Assimilation is the process of cultural adaptation that results from geographic mobility.

C.Assimilation occurs when individuals adopt the cultural norms of a dominant culture.

D.Assimilation occurs when individuals relinquish the cultural norms of their childhood.

Yuz you got this girl.


A is the correct answer. Assimilation doesn't really have anything to do with health.

B,C, and D are literally the definition of assimilation.

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A researcher suggests that the benefits of bilingualism are related to the idea that the structure of language affects the perceptions of its speakers. This researcher is referring to which concept?

A.Weber's Law

B.The nativist hypothesis

C.Schacter-Singer theory

D.Linguistic relativity

D. D because the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, or linguistic relativity, is the only option associated with the claim in the stem.


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linguistic relativity hypothesis

the theory that thought processes and concepts are controlled by language

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nativist hypothesis

humans are pre-programmed with the innate ability to develop language

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Schacter-Singer theory

This is talking about fear response. labeling of emotion and behavior response happens at the same time.

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Weber's Law

the principle that, to be perceived as different, two stimuli must differ by a constant minimum percentage (rather than a constant amount)

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The study found that Mexican immigrants reported worse physical and mental health statuses than the other Latino immigrant groups. Based on other results reported in the passage, which statement provides the best explanation of this finding?

A.Cuban and Puerto Rican immigrants have higher average SES than Mexican immigrants.

B.Mexican immigrants have more extensive social support networks than Cuban immigrants.

C.Mexican immigrants report greater levels of assimilation than Puerto Rican immigrants.

D.Cuban and Puerto Rican immigrants report higher stress levels than Mexican immigrants.

Passage: "These associations are partially explained by SES and family and social support, but the researchers did not find evidence that assimilation, stress and discrimination, or healthcare access and health behaviors affected the language-health relationship"

Based on the passage, it legit says that assimilation and stress don't matter. Cross out D and C

B would be the opposite of what the question is asking, so A.

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Sociologists describe the health benefits of social support as resulting from all of the following EXCEPT:

A.friends and family members that help patients adhere to medical treatment.

B.friends and family members that help patients to reduce harmful behaviors.

C.social relationships that help individuals to cope with stressful events.

D.social activities that help individuals to avoid loneliness and boredom.

EXCEPT is the key word.

D. Social activities do not relate to social SUPPORT

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If adults performed the block tapping task as a measure of working memory capacity, they would most likely replicate sequences of what length correctly?

A.9 plus or minus 1
B.7 plus or minus 2
C.10 plus or minus 1
D.16 plus or minus 2

early memory research with adults led to the belief that the capacity of working memory was between 5 and 9 items. "magic number 7 ± 2"

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Based on the study, which assessment represents a subjective measure of motivation?

A.The number of grid sequences participants attempted to solve on the computer task

B.The participants' decision to continue playing the game or stop to read a magazine

C.Participants' answers on the exit questionnaire

D.Participants' time spent not playing the game using the computer mouse


All of the other options have DIRECT measures.

C. Questionaires are SUBJECTIvE and INDIRECT measures.

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Based on the study, which extrinsic factor most likely accounts for the motivational differences between groups?

A.Rewards and losses tied to memory performance for the gaming group

B.The presence of animated characters in the visual display for the gaming group

C.The opportunity to stop playing the game for the gaming and non-gaming groups

D.The opportunity to state they disliked the game for the gaming and non-gaming groups


A: In the gaming task, each correct response increased the player's strength and weakened the opponent. Each incorrect response weakened the player and increased the opponent's strength. The gains and losses of points provided immediate feedback, which shaped subsequent performance.

Response B is incorrect because the presence or absence of animated figures was not contingent on the participant's responses.

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Suppose squares 1, 2, 3, and 4, moving from left to right at the top of the grid light up and some participants think "top row lights up first," to remember the sequence. Which process is most likely being used to enhance working memory capacity?

A.Divided attention
C.Automatic processing

D. Yup. Chunking and rehearsal enhance memory capacity!

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Which type of memory would most likely be activated first during the computer task, before working memory is activated?

A.Implicit memory
B.Sensory memory
C.Short-term memory
D.Episodic memory

B. sensory memory is the first memory activated

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Based on the findings in the study, which conclusion about ADHD is most likely?

A.Immediate performance feedback reduces impulsive responding in children with ADHD.

B.Exposure to a gaming element increases impulsive responding in children with ADHD.

C.Gaming elements on working memory tasks place high demands on divided attention and inhibit focus.

D.Low levels of intrinsic motivation in children with ADHD are minimally enhanced with external reinforcers.

The answer to this question is A because the children in the gaming condition received immediate feedback after each response. In addition, they attempted more sequences and made fewer errors than children in the non-gaming condition. Therefore, children in the gaming condition most likely showed less impulsivity in terms of response selection, compared to children in the non-gaming condition.

if you're totally lost and have no idea what's going on, you can recognize that answer choices A and B are pretty much opposites (one reduces impulsivity, one increases it), and usually when the MCAT lists two similar answer choices, the correct answer is one of those. Of course, this isn't always true, but if you're totally lost, it's best to assume this.

D is wrong because it says that low levels of intrinsic motivation are minimally enhanced with external reinforcers. These external reinforcers would be the point system. If this were true, the children in the gaming condition would barely, if at all, improve as compared to the non-gaming condition. HOWEVER, the last paragraph of the passage tells us that this isn't true. It explicitly states that children in the gaming condition spent more time playing the game, made fewer errors, etc.

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A researcher wants to gain insight into how a social movement organization presents its beliefs to the general public in an effort to attract new members. Which methodological approach would be most appropriate for this study?

A.Observing meetings about the organization's marketing budget

B.Conducting a content analysis of the organization's website

C.Surveying organization members about their beliefs

D.Randomly sampling the general population about social movement organizations

B: conducting content analysis of online information would provide data on how the social movement organization frames issues to the broader public.

A- this doesn't answer the question. It wants the answer talking about PRESENTATION

C- this is only asking about beliefs, NOT presentation.

D- this isn't specific to the organization that the question wants the answer to

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An immigrant teen starts to reject the ethnic customs of his family and instead identifies himself as an American by dressing, speaking, and acting in ways that are associated with American culture. In this scenario, Americans become which type of group for the teenager?

A.Assimilated group
B.Reference group
C.Majority group
D.Peer group

B. Individuals often emulate the attitudes and behaviors of groups that they admire and would like to join. Sociologists refer to these as reference groups, which are important for self-evaluation and identity formation.

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Researchers hypothesize that experiencing a certain scent while viewing paintings of flowers will influence the viewers' ratings of attractiveness of the paintings. Researchers dispensed a floral scent in one room with paintings and no scent in another room with paintings. Which statement is accurate regarding the study?

A.The study's design is an observational study since viewers were observing paintings and noting their ratings.

B.The independent variable is the presence or absence
of scent in the rooms.

C.The dependent variable is the amount of time viewers spent observing paintings.

D.Informing viewers ahead of time whether a scent was absent or present in the room is important for accurate ratings.

B. This is the variable YOU ARE CONTROLLING

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After initially learning to ride a bike, riding a bike becomes easy for an individual. Each time the individual rides a bike thereafter, what type of memory is being used?


D. procedural memory refers to memory for the performance of particular types of action.

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Because cultural liaisons work closely with physicians and are advocates for patients, which phenomenon are cultural liaisons most likely to experience?

A.Network redundancy because of the amount of people with whom they come into contact

B.Homogeneity because they will see the same patients over and over

C.Role strain because of their collegiality with physicians and their responsibility to patients

D.Role conflict because of their status as a non-medical professional in a clinic setting

C. Role strain is conflict within a SINGLE role.

If the tension existed between different roles that a single individual held, then it would be considered role conflict (D)

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Research findings indicate higher levels of patient trust and physician attention in race-concordant physician-patient relationships because:

A.both the physician and patient belong to the same in-group.

B.the physician and patient share similar levels of status.

C.of racial hostility present in race-discordant relationships.

D. of the lack of role strain experienced by the physician.

A- Members of in-groups share common backgrounds and similar identities, which generally result in high levels of trust among in-group members. Racial/ethnic identity can be an important characteristic of an in-group, resting in a shared culture, language, or community.

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What is the advantage of including a specially trained cultural liaison as opposed to training physicians in cultural competency?

A.Communicating across racial and cultural lines is difficult and requires a trained specialist to do it effectively.

B.Physicians are inherently resistant to cultural training because of their medical biases.

C.Adding a cultural liaison creates a triadic group, a more stable arrangement than a dyadic group.

D.Larger groups facilitate the transfer of information more effectively than smaller groups.

POE: A, B are extreme. Cross out.

D- this is opposite. Things get lost in translation

C- correct. adding a third person to break a tie is a more stable situation than a dyad.

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Neighborhood-level socioeconomic inequalities are most likely to affect physician-patient interactions through which phenomenon?

A.Status hierarchies rely on socioeconomic differences above other master status characteristics.

B.Physical boundaries create social boundaries and closed networks which develop their own cultures.

C.Socioeconomic inequalities create role conflict in physicians who are trained to treat all patients equally.

D.The physician-patient relationship is not subject to the same external forces that govern other relationships.

D. Neighborhoods that are segregated by socioeconomic status create increased social distance to the extent that people from different backgrounds have trouble relating to each other's experiences. The correct answer succinctly explains this by referring to closed networks and social boundaries that exist across neighborhoods.

This answer choice specifically refers to the neighborhoods

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The research in the passage is best described as a:

A.qualitative study.
B.quantitative study.
C.mixed-methods study.
D.case study.

C. research design employs both a quantitative component (the statistical analysis of the total claims) and a qualitative component (the in-depth analysis of a subset of cases)

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Which interpretation of the research findings is consistent with the conflict theory perspective? Status hierarchies facilitate:

A.efficiency in the organization, whereas discrimination is a byproduct of these structures.

B.the preservation of structural power while being maintained by practices of discrimination.

C.effective social interactions, whereas discrimination is a subjective quality of those interactions.

D.the necessary operation of the workplace while removing ineffective members by practices of discrimination.

B- POWER and Inequality are conflict perspective

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If this study were replicated, which hypothesis would most likely be supported?

A.Regular employees with stereotypical views would exclude minority group members, regardless of organizational culture.

B.Workplace supervisors with stereotypical views would exclude minority group members, regardless of organizational culture.

C.Organizational culture is the primary determinant of whether minority populations are excluded from a workplace.

D.The interplay between a supervisor's stereotypical views and an organization that fosters those stereotypes would be more detrimental to minority group members.

A is wrong because the passage specifically talks about supervisors aka "gatekeepers"

Given the results of the study, it is expected that minority group members would be more likely to experience unfair treatment when individual bias is allowed to exist in an organization.

The other answer choices do not bring these two elements together like D does.

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Based on the passage, which conclusion is best supported?

A.Gender discrimination is more likely to occur than racial discrimination.

B.Race and gender discrimination manifest in similar ways.

C.The incidence of race and gender discrimination is equivalent.

D.Minority women are especially subject to discrimination.

B. As shown in the table in the passage, both the race and gender discrimination claims were very similar in how they were distributed across the researchers' categories.

A- wrong based on table
C- it is not equivalent. This isn't really statistics?
D- not addressed by table

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A student is investigating the bystander effect and receives permission to conduct the study in the school cafeteria. What is a potential dependent variable that can be measured by the student?

A.The time of day that the experiment is carried out

B.The number of people present in the cafeteria

C.The amount of time a student takes to assist another student in distress

D.The temperature in the cafeteria

Dependent variable- you CANNOT control.

the amount of time a student takes to help another student in the cafeteria is the only option that represents a measurable indication of the helping response, which is the dependent variable in studies of the bystander effect.

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Which research methodology involves the extended, systematic observation of a complete social environment?

A.Comparative methods
B.Ethnographic methods
C.Experimental methods
D.Survey methods

Key word: SOCIAL environment

Ethnographic methods are accurately described in the question as involving systematic observation of a complete social environment.

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Which term refers to closed status positions that hinder social mobility?

A.Class systems
B.Caste systems
C.Economic systems
D.Financial systems

B. Caste systems describe closed stratification systems that do not allow for social mobility

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fundamental attribution error

observers contribute the bad behavior to internal causes
(that person who cut me off is a jerk)

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james lange

event --> physiological response --> emotion

*physiological response causes emotion

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Canon-Bard Theory

Event----> physiological response + emotion

emotion and physiological response happen simultaneously and independently

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Schaeter-Singer Theory

event--->physiological response--->cognitive interpretation ---> emotion

Emotion is determined by arousal AND interpretation

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Event---> appraisal---> Physiological response + emotion

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social cognitive perspective

always relate to observational learning

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humanistic theory

active listening and empathy; self concept