Who was the coptic church founded by
St. Mark (1/70 apostles), wrote a gospel, preached twice in Egypt, and was martyred in Alexandria on April 68 AD
What did St. Mark establish
he established Alexandria school of theology, ordained 3 priests, and 7 deacons
What did they do in his house
celebrated the last supper, and the Holy Spirit dwelt on the disciples 50th day
Where was Egypt mentioned
in the book of Isiah 19
What did St. Anthony start
St. Anthony from Egypt started the monastic life and spread it to the world
Who did Pope Athanasius ( Pope 20) fight
he fought Arius Hershey
who did Pope Cyril the 1st (24th pope) fight
he fought Nestor Hersey
The coptic church has..
3 shapes (cross, circle, ark), 3 doors symbol the Holy Trinity, 12 pillars ( symbol 12 disciples), 1 God, 3 holy trinity, 5 Jesus + 4 evangelists domes
What does the Coptic Church have after the example of Tabernacle (designed by God)
3 divisions
Where is the Orban (oblation) made
Bethlehem (house of bread)
Where is the baptism site
outside to the left since the non-believers have to be baptized to take communion
What are the 7 Major feasts
Annunciation, Nativity, Epiphany, Palm Sunday, Resurrection, Ascension, Pentecost
What are the 7 Minor Feast
Circumcision, entry into temple, visit to Egypt, first miracle (wedding of cana), transfiguration, Maundy Thursday, Jesus appearance to Thomas (Thomas Sunday )
What are the 8 feasts of St. Mary
annunciation, nativity, presentation to the temple, death, assumption of her body to haven, appearance over zeltoun church, miracle of melting iron at Phillips, monthly feast
When’s St. Mary’s Monthly feast
on the 21st of every coptic month
When is Archangel Micheal
on the 12th of every coptic month
3 major feast celebrated monthly
annunciation, nativity, resurrection
Coptic Church has 13 types of Hold books including
khology, snyxarium, psalmody, difnar
What are the 5 books of Katameros ( readings)
Sundays, weekdays, lent, Holy Week, 50 days after easter
What 3 times is the lakkan prayer celebrated
epiphany, Maundy Thursday, apostles feast
many canons in the church
theological (faith), ritual (prayers, fasting, matanias), laity (marriage and divorce), penitential (voluntary sins), monastic (monks nuns )