A reservoir of mostly unacceptable thoughts, wishes, and memories
Our biological drives, instincts, and urges
Some of these we temporarily store in a precocious area to conscious awareness
Part of the human personality that is made up of all our inborn biological urges that seeks out immediate gratification
Exists at birth and contains our instincts and energy
Operates on the pleasure principle
The largely conscious, “executive” part of the personality that mediates between the id, superego, and reality
Operates on the reality principle
Contains our partially conscious thoughts
The part of the personality that represents internalized ideals and is our conscience + standards for future aspirations
Operates on the morality principle
Appears around age 4-5
The childhood stages of development (oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital) where the Id’s pleasure seeking energies focus on distinct erogenous zones
Freud believed that personality formed in the first few years of life
Sexuality meant anything that brought pleasire
Freud -- A boy’s sexual desire towards his mother and feelings of jealously and hatred for the rival father
Comes from the phallic stage
Children will eventually cope w/ these feelings by repressing them and becoming like the rival father (identification)
Freud -- A lingering focus on pleasure-seeking energies at an earlier psychosexual stage, where conflicts were unresolved
Makes the energy occur to adulthood
Can also result from trauma
Freud analyzed dreams, and viewed dreams as significant hidden material
The manifest content is what we remember in a dream
Latent content is what we don’t remember in a dream, and what Freud was interested in