What is a hypothesis
A testable statement that states relationship between variables
What is a confounding variable
When the extraneous variable hasn’t been properly controlled and it effects the DV
How to limit confounding variables
standardisation → using same procedures for all ppt
randomisation → controls bias
What are the experimental designs
repeated measures
independent groups
matched pairs
What are the order effects of repeated measures
boredom → ppt perform worse at end
fatigue → ppt perform worse at end
practice → ppt get better at task
How do you reduce order effects?
Counterbalancing → half the ppt do condition A then B, then other half to B then A
What is random sampling
ppt have equal chance of being selected
✅no researcher bias
What is systematic sampling
every nth ppt is selected
✅no researcher bias
What is stratified sampling
sample represents target population
✅representative, no researcher bias
❌doesn’t reflect individual differences
What is volunteer sampling
ppt volunteer to be in study
✅no researcher bias
❌volunteer bias → all ppt might have certain trait e.g outgoing → extraneous variable
What is opportunity sampling
researcher selects whoever is available
❌researcher bias
What is a pilot study
Small scale investigation that takes place before real investigation. Checks if materials are reliable and valid