AP Language and Composition -- Rhetorical Terms 5

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A work that targets human vices and follies or social institutions and conventions for reform or ridicule. Regardless of whether or not the work aims to reform human behavior, ___________ is best seen as a style of writing rather than a purpose for writing.

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The branch of linguistics that studies the meaning of words, their historical and psychological development, their connotations, and their relation to one another.

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The consideration of __________ has two purposes: (1) An evaluation of the sum of the choices an author makes in blending diction, syntax, figurative language, and other Can be called flowery, explicit, succinct, rambling, bombastic, commonplace, incisive, laconic, etc. (2) Classification of authors to a group and comparison of an author to similar authors. By means of such classification and comparison, we can see how an author's style reflects and helps to define a historical period, such as the Renaissance or the Victorian period, or a literary movement, such as the romantic, transcendental, or realist movement.

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Subject Complement

The word (with any accompanying phrases) or clauses that follow a linking verb and complements, or completes, the subject of the sentence by either (1) renaming it or (2) describing it.

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Subordinate cluase

Like all clauses, this word group contains both a subject and a verb (plus any accompanying phrases or modifiers) but cannot stand alone; it does not express a complete thought.

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From the Greek for "reckoning together," a ____________ is a deductive system of formal logic that presents two premises, major and minor, that inevitably lead to a sound conclusion.

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Syllogism Example

Major premise: All men are mortal Minor premise: Socrates is a man Conclusion: Therefore, Socrates is mortal.

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Generally, anything that represents itself and stands for something else. Usually is something concrete -- such as object, action, character, or scene -- that represents something more abstract. Can be more complex and divided into 3 categories

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Natural Symbols

Objects and occurrences from nature that represent ideas commonly associated with them.

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Natural Symbols Example

Dawn = New beginning/hope Rose = Love Tree = Knowledge

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Conventional Symbols

Icons that have been invested with meaning by a group

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Conventional Symbols Example

Star of David Cross Flag/eagle Skull and crossbones Scales of justices

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Literary Symbols

Found in a variety of works and are generally recognized.

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Literary Symbols Example

Whale from Moby Dick Jungle from Heart of Darkness

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is a type of metaphor in which the part stands for the whole, the whole for a part, the genus for the species, the species for the genus, the material for the thing made, or in short, any portion , section, or main quality for the whole or the thing itself (or vice versa).

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Synecdoche Example

Farmer Joes has two hundred head of cattle [whole cattle], and three hired hands [whole people]. If we had some wheels [whole vehicle], I'd put on my best threads [clothes] and ask for Janes hand [hopefully her whole person] in marriage.

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The way an author chooses to join words into phrases, clauses, and sentences. Similar to diction, but you can differentiate them by thinking of __________ as the group of words, while diction refers to the individual words.

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The central idea or message of a work, the insight it offers into life

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In expository writing, the _________ statement is the sentence or a group of sentences that directly expresses the author's opinion, purpose, meaning, or position.

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Similar to mood, _______ describes the author's attitude toward his material, the audience, or both. _________ is easier to determine in spoken language than in written one.

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A word or phrase that links different ideas.

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Tones Example

Playful, serious, businesslike, sarcastic, humorous, formal, ornate, sardonic, and somer.

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Transitions example

Furthermore, consequently, nevertheless, for example, in addition, likewise, similarly, and on the contrary.

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The ironic minimalizing of fact, ________________ presents something as less significant than it is. The effect can frequently be humorous and emphatic. Is the opposite of hyperbole.

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Understatement Example

The 1906 San Francisco earthquake interrupted business somewhat in the downtown area. Last week I saw a woman flayed, and you will hardly believe how much it altered her person for the worse. -- Jonathan Swift

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An attitude that may lie under the ostensible tone of the piece.

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Undertone Example

William Blake's "The Chimney Sweeper" from the Songs of Innocence has a grim one

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In modern usage, intellectually amazing language that surprises and delights. Normally referred to quick perception including creative fancy and a quick tongue to articulate an answer that demanded the same quick perception. Historically, it originally meant basic understanding.

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