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The values of the parameters when a procedure is called.
Collection Type
Aggregates elements in a single structure, such as databases, hash tables, or dictionaries.
A repetitive portion of an algorithm that repeats until a specific condition is met or for a specified number of times.
An ordered sequence of elements used to represent multiple related items with a single variable.
Any data sent from a program to a device, which can come in various forms such as textual, visual, or audible.
An input variable of a procedure that can be explicit or implicit.
A named group of programming instructions that may have parameters and return values.
Determines which parts of an algorithm are executed based on a condition being true or false.
The application of each step of an algorithm in the order in which the code statements are given.
Student-Developed Procedure/Algorithm
Program code that is written by the student, excluding calls to existing code or libraries.
Program Functionality
The operation of the program during execution, showing how it processes input to produce output.
User Identification
Recognizing and specifying the target audience or expected users for the program.
Algorithm Execution
The act of carrying out the sequential steps defined in an algorithm to achieve a desired result.
Iteration Statement
A command in programming that repeats a block of code for a specified number of times or until a condition is met.
Run-Time Error
An error that occurs while a program is running, typically due to incorrect operations that cannot be resolved during compilation.
Infinite Loop
A loop that continues indefinitely because its terminating condition is never met or is incorrectly defined.
Procedure Call
An instruction to invoke a procedure, causing it to execute and optionally return a value.
Algorithm Steps
Specific sequential actions outlined in an algorithm to solve a problem or complete a task.
Video Demonstration
A video that shows the program running, including input, program functionality, and output.
Program Requirements
Specifications for the program code, which must include a list, a procedure, a call to the procedure, selection, and iteration.
Written Response 1
A written explanation identifying the expected user of the program and how the program's design meets their needs.
Written Response 2(a)
Response that identifies the number of iterations in a loop and describes conditions that may cause an infinite loop.
Written Response 2(b)
Response explaining a change to a procedure that would result in a run-time error and why.
Written Response 2(c)
Response detailing an algorithm to count elements in a list that are equal to a certain value using isEqual.
Run-Time Error Description
A narrative explaining the change in code that causes a run-time error and the underlying reason.
Data and Procedural Abstraction
Concept involving the use of data types and procedures to create efficient programs while hiding complex details.