A transmission of energy and information without the physical transport of material.
A particle of electromagnetic radiation that carries energy.
Speed of light (c)
The speed of light is approximately 300,000 km/s or 3 x 10^5.
The highest point of a wave.
The lowest point of a wave.
Maximum displacement of the wave from its undisturbed state; indicates the height of the wave.
The distance between successive crests or troughs; shorter wavelengths correspond to higher energy.
Wave period
The time it takes for one cycle of a wave to pass.
How many waves pass in a second, measured in hertz; higher frequency means more energy.
Wave speed
Calculated as frequency multiplied by wavelength.
Electromagnetic waves
Waves that do not require a medium to travel and include gamma rays, x-rays, ultraviolet light, visible light, infrared, radio waves, and microwaves.
A measure of how much radiation is blocked; higher opacity means more radiation is blocked.
Blackbody radiation
Radiation emitted by objects at everyday temperatures, typically in the infrared spectrum.
The bending of a wave around an obstacle.
The sum of two waves which can be either larger or smaller than the original wave, leading to constructive or destructive interference.
Kelvin scale
A temperature scale where all thermal motion stops at 0 degrees K, water freezes at 273 degrees K, and boils at 373 degrees K.