Light Waves Module 2 Notes

Properties and Behaviors of Light

Light as Electromagnetic Radiation

  • Light is a type of electromagnetic radiation, consisting of photons (particles of light).

  • Travels at a speed of 300,000 km/s (3 x 10^5 m/s), denoted by the symbol c.

Wave Properties

  • Wave Behavior: Light transmits energy and information without physical transport of material.

  • Crest: The highest point of a wave.

  • Trough: The lowest point of a wave.

  • Amplitude: Maximum displacement from its undisturbed state; greater amplitude indicates a larger disturbance.

  • Wavelength: Distance between successive crests or troughs; shorter wavelengths correlate with higher energy.

  • Wave Period: Time taken for one cycle of a wave to pass.

  • Frequency: Number of waves passing a point in one second (measured in Hertz). Higher frequency equals more energy.

  • Wave Speed Equation: Wave speed = frequency x wavelength.

Properties of Electromagnetic Waves

  • Medium Requirement: Most waves require a medium to travel through, but electromagnetic waves are unique—they require no medium and can travel in a vacuum.

  • Types of Electromagnetic Waves: Gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet, visible light, infrared, radio waves, microwaves.

  • Visible Light Spectrum: Human perception of visible light is limited compared to other electromagnetic radiation.

  • Telescopes: Used to measure electromagnetic radiation include radio, optical, and infrared telescopes.

Laws Related to Electromagnetic Radiation

Wien’s Law

  • Peak wavelength (λ_peak) is inversely proportional to temperature (T).

Stefan-Boltzmann Law

  • Total flux (F) is proportional to T^4 (the fourth power of temperature).

  • Higher flux allows more electromagnetic radiation to pass through a given area.

Applications of Electromagnetic Radiation

  • Treatments and Effects:

    • Ultraviolet light can cause sunburn.

    • X-rays are used to view broken bones.

    • Gamma rays are utilized in cancer treatment.

  • Blocking of EM Radiation: Atmosphere blocks most forms of radiation, measured in terms of opacity (higher opacity blocks more radiation).

  • Everyday objects emit blackbody radiation in the infrared spectrum, relevant in medical diagnostics such as:

    • Breast cancer detection.

    • Heart disease diagnosis.

    • Pre-stroke prediction.

Characteristics of Blackbody Radiation

  • Intensity of radiation varies by wavelength.

  • Peak intensity occurs at a specific wavelength, decreasing on either side.

Wave Behaviors

  • Diffraction: Bending of waves around obstacles.

  • Interference: The sum of two waves can yield larger (constructive) or smaller (destructive) amplitudes.

Atoms and Motion

  • All matter comprises atoms, which are perpetually in motion; higher temperatures correlate with increased motion.

  • Atoms collide and release energy in the form of light.

Temperature Scales

Kelvin Temperature Scale

  • 0 degrees K: All thermal motion ceases.

  • 273 degrees K: Water freezes.

  • 373 degrees K: Water boils.

Concluding Thoughts on Light

  • As a wave, light exhibits diffraction and interference.

  • As a particle, it consists of photons that carry energy.
