People lived in small communities
Farming was a major economic sector
1/3 of small children died before they were 1
Life expectancy was 40yo
Disease was common
Private farmlands were not fenced off
Daily activities revolved around farming
Great Britain = wool industry
Domestic System: (cottage industry) products produced in the home by hand
Coal mining; most coal fields lay under the farmland
Enclosure Movement: passing of laws that allowed landowners to take over and fence off private and common lands
Agricultural Revolution: series of new agricultural innovations (seed drill; crop rotation)
Farmers forced to move into towns/cities for work
1400-1800; rapid population growth worldwide → led to energy crisis
IR was a response to energy crisis
New fuels discovered in IR (coal, oil, natural gas)
New fuels led to increased output and rate of tech. innovation
Internal development favored innovation
Newness of European states and their monarchs’ need for revenue in the absence of effective tax systems led leaders into alliances with their merchant classes
Europe had widespread contact with culturally diverse people; generated global exchange
Competition to make valuable goods and trade to foreign countries sparked production and industrialization
Colonies produced food, raw materials, and silver; led to marketplaces
Natural Resources - iron and coal
Harbors and River Canals - transportation and power
Location - on the Atlantic
Easy Import/Export
Capital: Money to invest in labor, machines, and raw materials
World’s strongest fleet - protect from invasion and protect trade route
Wages - highest wages in the world at the time
Large Labor Supply - farms needed fewer workers → more workers in factories; religious toleration led to workers of all faiths
British Government Favored Businessmen - passed tariffs to keep out cheap foreign products; laws made it easy to form companies; forbid workers unions; build roads and canals to create a strong internal market; patent laws protected inventors
Scientific Revolution in England - observation, experiment, measurements, mechanical devices, and practical applicators
Island Location Protected It from Invasions
No Violent Revolutions
Three factors of production:
Land - natural resources
Labor - growing population → willing workforce
Capitol - funds for investment from wealthy citizens
Flying Shuttle: didn’t have to push shuttle back and forth across loom anymore; could pull a cord and it would “fly” → wider fabrics now woven at faster pace; James Hargreaves
Spinning Jenny: could spin more threads at once
Water Frame: huge spinning frame that ran continuously on waterpower
Power Loom: faster loom that allowed weavers to keep up with the amount of thread used
Cotton Gin: created by Eli Whitney; mechanically cleaned and removed the seeds from raw cotton
Interchangeable Parts: streamlined and improved manufacturing
New textile machines were large and costly
Production shifted from homes to factories
Factory System: organized system of production that brings machines and workers together under the control of a manager; Arkwright
Machines powered by water - lot of factories located close to rivers
Steam Engine: invented by James Watt; new source of power; factories could be moved anywhere
France did not have big cities and large labor supply
Revolutions and European wars occupied France’s time and money
Germany was a collection of small states, not a nation
Upon unification, industrialization spread rapidly
USA was fully industrialized by 1900
use of transcontinental railroad
vast natural resources (timber, coal, oil)
many Europeans/Asians fled to the US for work
Telegraph enabled long-distance communications
Second Industrial Revolution: steel, chemicals, precision machinery, electronics, internal combustion engine, automobiles and planes, electrification, telephone, and radio
Bessemer Process: Henry Bessemer; converts iron to steel; sturdier, more workable metal
Steam Locomotive → eventually led to the building of railroads
Robert Fulton invented the steamboat
Samuel Morse - invented the telegraph
Alexander Graham Bell - invented the telephone
Thomas Edison - invented the light bulb and phonograph
by 1900s scientists harnessed electrical power
replaced coal as a major source of energy
Gottlieb Daimler - invented the internal-combustion engine to run on gasoline
Rudolf Diesel - oil burning internal combustion engine used in factories, ship, and trains
Ferdinand von Zeppelin - invented the dirigible (old blimp)
Wilbur and Orville Wright - first successful flight of a motorized plane
Henry Ford - Model T (1909); Assembly Line (1913)
Japan finally begins to industrialize under Meiji in late 19th century
Industrialized in fear of being attacked by industrialized countries
Russia entered industrial phase by 1900
Trans-Siberian railroad (Moscow to Pacific Ocean)
Coal, iron, and steel industries grew; agriculture was still main focus
Working class
lived in overcrowded, smoky cities
lived in Tenements (crowded, cold apartments near factories)
whole families lived in 1-2 rooms
human and industrial waste contaminated waters → led to disease and death
few public services, such as sanitation
Society before IR
position in life determined at birth; no social mobility → changed in IR
talents and abilities brought money and success
Declining British Aristocracy
landowning aristocrats, on an individual basis, did not suffer due to IR
the aristocracy as a class declined
declining political power
urban wealth was more important
land ownership was no longer the basis of wealth
The Rise of the Middle Class
benefited most from industrialization
size, power, and wealth of the middle class increased
Upper Levels: factory and mine owners, bankers, merchants
Middle Levels: smaller businessmen, doctors, lawyers, engineers, teachers, journalists, scientists, other professionals
Lower Levels: clerks, salespeople, bank tellers, secretaries, hotel staff, police officers
Political Values: constitutional government, private property, free trade, social reforms
Cultural Values: hard work, thrift, cleanliness, strict morality
Respectability: combined ideas of social status and virtuous behavior; education and hard work were keys to success
individuals - responsible for their own destiny
poor are poor due to their own misconduct
Middle Class lifestyles:
Men were at work, women stayed home
Cult of Domesticity: homemakers, mothers, wives; create “emotional havens” for their husbands after work; moral center of the family; “managers of consumption” (shoppers); teach respectability
The Working Class:
grew in numbers
few (if any) luxuries
worked dangerous jobs in factories
accidents were common; no workers compensation
monotonous work; noisy; heavy machines
strict work schedules; 10-14 hours per day
diseases (pneumonia, tuberculosis) were common
extremely low wages; even lower for women/children
women worked like the men
Mill Girls: some women enjoyed a sense of independence; made money and friends
Conditions of Coal Mines:
Steam Engine increased demand for Coal
men, women, and children were used in mines
mines were unhealthy and dangerous; lung disease, poison gas, drowning, explosions, and cave-ins were common
workers could go days without seeing sunlight → lead to health issues
Child Labor
children worked for very low wages, had dangerous jobs, and were often beaten in factories/mines
families needed their children to work for the money
Rise of Leisure
Second IR led to shorter work weeks
Mass leisure = amusement parks and dance halls
Organized team sports (baseball, rugby)
Summer Vacations
Social Protests - workers demand better working conditions; knew they were stronger as a group than individuals
Labor Unions: organizations of workers created to pressure business owners to improve working conditions and wages
Trade Unions legalized in 1924
Union Tactics: nationwide organization/cooperation; strikes; collective bargaining; threat of violence
Many workers joined self-help groups (friendly societies)
paid dues
benefits: insurance against sickness; decent funerals; a social life with people sharing common problems
Karl Marx
Viewed industrial capitalism as an unstable system that was doomed to collapse
this would create a classless, socialist society
Inspired socialist movements of workers throughout Europe
Improvements led to the working-class movement away from revolution
wages rose
cheap imported food improved diets
infant mortality rates fell
shops and chain stores multiplied
all male workers gradually gained the right to vote
child labor abolished
factory conditions improved
system of relief for the unemployed
sanitation reform