Smith-Hughes Act
What was the law that provided funds and encouraged high school vo-ag programs?
What year was the FFA organized?
EM Tiffany
Who wrote the FFA Creed?
Charles Browne
National FFA Executive Secretary?
Leslie Applegate
First National FFA President?
Western, Southern, Central, Eastern
Regions of the National FFA Organization are?
How many states are in the Western Region?
How many states are in the Southern Region?
How many states are in the Central Region?
How many states are in the Eastern Region?
How many symbols make up the national FFA emblem?
Shield of Friendship
What is the symbol for the sentinel?
Rising sun
What is the symbol for the president?
What is the symbol of the Vice President?
Ear of Corn
What is the symbol of the Secretary?
Bust of Washington
What is the symbol of the treasurer?
American Flag
What is the symbol of the reporter?
What is the symbol of the Advisor?
Indianapolis, IN
The National FFA Organization is located in?
Washington, DC
The National FFA Organization Headquarters in?
Alexandria, VA
The National FFA Headquarters Operations Office is?
Baltimore Hotel
The FFA was established in which hotel?
Opening ceremony, minutes of previous meeting, officer reports, special features, unfinished business, committee reports, new business, ceremonies, closing ceremony, recreation
What is the correct order of business for a chapter meeting?
What year was the National FFA Foundation founded?
September 1st through August 31st
How long is the FFA membership year?
Active, honorary, alumni, collegiate
What are the four types of membership?
What is the name of the degree, adopted by delegates at the 72nd National FFA Convention, specifically for middle school students?
What year did the NFA merge with the FFA?
New Farmers of America
What does NFA stand for?
When did the NFA start?
When were women allowed in the FFA?
In what year was the curduroy jackets adopted?
After what age does active membership end?
What year was Missouri Association of FFA chartered?
What order was the Missouri Association of FFA chartered?
The gavel is tapped __ times to call the meeting to order
All members stand
What does three taps of the gavel do?
What is the last word in the FFA Creed?
To make sure majority rules
What are the purposes of parliamentary procedure?
The Smith-Hughes Act was established in?
Doing to learn
The second line of the FFA motto is:
Which paragraph of the creed includes the phrase "which such knowledge and skill as I can secure"?
Discovery, Greenhand, Chapter, State, American
What are the different FFA degrees?
Career Development Event
What is a CDE?
The national FFA Alumni was founded in what year?
FFA New Horizons
The name of the FFA magazine is?
Symbol of unity
What is the meaning of the cross section of the ear of corn?
New opportunity
What is the meaning of the rising sun?
Labor and tillage of the soil
What is the meaning of the plow?
Freedom and ability to explore new horizons
What is the meaning of the eagle?
What is the meaning of the owl?
I believe
What words begin every paragraph of the FFA creed?
National FFA Organization
What is the official name of the FFA?
In what year did the FFA officially change its name?
Kansas City
What town was the FFA founded in?
Partners in Active Learning Support
PALS is an acronym for what?
3 years
In order to receive the American degree, a member must have been an active FFA member for at least:
Public Law 740
What gave the FFA a federal charter?
Harry Truman
Which president passed the law that gave FFA a federal charter?
10 cents
Original dues were?
National blue and corn gold
The colors of the FFA are?
Black and gold
The colors of the NFA were?
Which was the last of the 50 states to get a charter?
Jan Eberly
The first female FFA president was?
How many delegates were present at the first FFA convention?
The first state charter was given to?
Leslie Applegate
Who was the first president?
New Jersey
Where was the first president from?
What year did the FFA band first perform?
Boll of cotton
What is the outline of the NFA emblem?
When were the official colors adopted?
Carlton Patton
What was the first Star Farmer of America?
In what year was the first Star Farmer?
When was the First National Public Speaking event?
Edward Drace
Who won the first National Public Speaking Event?
When was the official dress adopted?
When was the national FFA camp established?
When was the H.O. Sargent award created?
When did the first FFA Chorus and National FFA Talent take place?
When was the first FFA week celebrated?
When was the first issue of The National Future Farmer magazine published?
In what year did the US Post Office issue a special FFA stamp?
Dwight Eisenhower
Who spoke at the silver anniversary?
When did Harry S. Truman speak at the national convention?
When was the first National Agricultural Career Show held?
Richard Nixon
What president attended the 1968 National convention?
Ken Dunagan
Who was the first National Star in Agribusiness?
When was the first National Star in Agribusiness awarded?
When was the FFA alumni started?
Fred McClure
Who was the first African American elected to a national office?
When was the Food for America program launched?
Jimmy Carter
What president spoke in 1978?
When was the first year that FFA Foundation raises 1 million?
George H.W. Bush spoke at the convention when?
In what year did the FFA magazine change its name?
David Simmons
Who was the first NFA president?
Corey Flournoy
Who was the first African America FFA president?
What is the official website for FFA?
July 20, 1998
When is the National FFA Center in Indianapolis, IN dedicated?
In what year was the convention held in Kansas CIty for the last time?