Abrahamic covenant -
God promises Abraham land, progeny, and blessings
Agnostic -
Apostolic tradition -
The passing on of the Faith of the Apostles from generation to generation
Atheist -
A person who denies the existence of God
Babylonian Exile -
when the Babylonians forced the people of Judah to migrate to Babylon
canon -
an established set of principles or code of laws, often religious in nature
commemorate -
(v.) to preserve, honor, or celebrate the memory of
covenant -
binding agreement between God and his people
How was the New Testament formed? -
They were written by men, but with the help of the Holy Spirit
How was the Old Testament formed? -
oral tradition,written form,editing
israel -
Place of Jews
Judge -
the people God sent to overthrow the invaders and create peace
.king -
God is the ruler of the universe
Kingdom of Israel -
The name of the northern kingdom that split with Judah after the death of Solomon
Kingdom of Judah -
The name of the southern kingdom after the splitting of the monarchy
Logos -
a wise book
messiah -
Savior sent by God
Monotheism -
Belief in one God
Original Sin -
Sins committed by Adam and Eve
parts of a covenant -
sign, promise, call, action
passover -
The night the Lord passed over the houses of the Israelites marked by the blood of the lamb, and spared the firstborn sons from death
.patriarchs -
"Fathers of the Faith", Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
pentateuch -
The first five books of the Bible
polytheism -
the worship of many gods
Prophet -
a person regarded as an inspired teacher or proclaimer of the will of God
.Protoevangelium -
first gospel
sacred scripture -
ancient writings Christians study
salvation history -
story of saving through God
Samson -
protected Israel
scripture as inerrant -
Gods teaching without error
scripture as inspired -
words of scripture are God-breathed, meaning its based off of Gods people
scripture as living -
the scripture is relevant in modern day
secularism -
separation of the church and state
Sinai covenant -
when Moses was given the 10 commandments on Mount Sinai
Synagogue -
Jewish place of worship
Ten Commandments -
A code of moral laws
The Catechism -
The teachings of the Catholic Church
The cycle of apostasy -
Israel does good,-then bad,-gets punished,-Israels asks for help from God,- God sends a judge,-Israel is saved
the historical books -
history of the prophets
The Human Condition -
Humans longing to find our creator
the pentateuch -
A Greek word meaning "five books," referring to the first five books of the Old Testament
.the prophetic book -
history of the prophets
the Septuagint -
first translation and Greek translation of the Bible
the vernacular -
Everyday language of ordinary people
the vulgate -
Latin translation of the Bible
the wisdom books -
Seven books of poetry and wise sayings
theist -
A person who believes in God
themes of the prophets message -
God desires to be close to his people
truth -
God is consistent with his mind, will, character, glory, and more
..What are Proverbs? -
short wise sayings
What are Psalms? -
Written in the Old Testament, used to sing
What did Joshua do? -
Lead the Israelite tribes after Moses died
.What did Solomon do? -
Build a temple in Jerusalem
What does a Dogma do? -
a person who sets down laws for the church
What is a Magisterium? -
Teaching authority of the Church made up of Bishops and a Pope
What is divine Revelation? -
God making himself known to us
What is incarnation? -
God becoming man
What is Natural Revelation? -
The process by which God makes himself known through the natural and created order
What is Sacred Tradition? -
the process of passing on the Gospel message (mass, confession.. etc..)
What is the heart of the Bible? -
The four gospels
What type of Psalms are there? -
Thanksgiving, praise, Royal, Lament, and Hymns
Which kingdom is the northern Kingdom? -
Which kingdom is the Southern Kingdom? -
Who is David? -
Second king of Israel
Who is Ezekial? -
Prophesies in Jerusalem before the exile2. People ignore his message3. He goes with them into exile inspires hope with vision of dry bones4. Prophesies a return to Jerusalem and rebuilding of temple
Who were the religious leaders of the Pharisees? -
Rabbis and Scribes
Who wrote the Psalms? -
Why did the monarchy begin? -
The Israelites begged for a king
What the Israelites called god