HORT 4112 Plants

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Korean abelialeaf

*Abeliophyllum distichum*

\-white petals, early flowering, brownish/black stem tips
Korean abelialeaf

*Abeliophyllum distichum*

\-white petals, early flowering, brownish/black stem tips
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Pagoda dogwood

*Cornus alternifolia*

\-new shiny green branches with purple, leaves alternate, horizontal/planar appearance, reddish-purple flower buds, flat cyme inflorescence, sympodial (Y) branching
Pagoda dogwood

*Cornus alternifolia*

\-new shiny green branches with purple, leaves alternate, horizontal/planar appearance, reddish-purple flower buds, flat cyme inflorescence, sympodial (Y) branching
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Early forsythia

*Forsythia ovata*

\-upright and inter-arching, somewhat square yellowish brown stems with many raised lenticels, flower buds on old wood/leaf buds on new wood, distinct yellow petals, flowers before leaves
Early forsythia

*Forsythia ovata*

\-upright and inter-arching, somewhat square yellowish brown stems with many raised lenticels, flower buds on old wood/leaf buds on new wood, distinct yellow petals, flowers before leaves
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Japanese rose

*Kerria japonica*

\-inter-arching stems, zig-zag appearance, green stems, bright yellow flowers borne at shoot tips
Japanese rose

*Kerria japonica*

\-inter-arching stems, zig-zag appearance, green stems, bright yellow flowers borne at shoot tips
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Willow leafed magnolia

*Magnolia salicifolia*

\-pyramidal in shape with smooth silvery bark, lemon fragrance when scraped, large furry gray flower buds, white flowers, narrow long leaves
Willow leafed magnolia

*Magnolia salicifolia*

\-pyramidal in shape with smooth silvery bark, lemon fragrance when scraped, large furry gray flower buds, white flowers, narrow long leaves
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Star magnolia

*Magnolia stellata*

\-dense rounded large shrub/small tree, gray trunk with brown young branches, gray pubescent flower buds, white flowers with narrow petals, more petals than willow-leaved
Star magnolia

*Magnolia stellata*

\-dense rounded large shrub/small tree, gray trunk with brown young branches, gray pubescent flower buds, white flowers with narrow petals, more petals than willow-leaved
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American elder

*Sambucus canadensis*

\-rounded thicket forming shrubs, pinnately compound leaves, gray/brown stems with vertical lenticels, brown buds, perfect white cyme inflorescences, broad leaf scars, spongy white pith, found in wet dishes and margins
American elder

*Sambucus canadensis*

\-rounded thicket forming shrubs, pinnately compound leaves, gray/brown stems with vertical lenticels, brown buds, perfect white cyme inflorescences, broad leaf scars, spongy white pith, found in wet dishes and margins
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American red elder

*Sambucus racemosa*

\-oppositely arranged compound leaves, new branches are hairless and green with prominent lenticels, second year branches turn brownish gray and pith turns orangeish, large round buds, upright irregular panicle white inflorescense
American red elder

*Sambucus racemosa*

\-oppositely arranged compound leaves, new branches are hairless and green with prominent lenticels, second year branches turn brownish gray and pith turns orangeish, large round buds, upright irregular panicle white inflorescense
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Meyer lilac

*Syringa meyeri*

\-dense compact form, lavender purple flowers in a panicle, gray/brown stems with prominent lenticels, leaves nearly obovate with wavy margin
Meyer lilac

*Syringa meyeri*

\-dense compact form, lavender purple flowers in a panicle, gray/brown stems with prominent lenticels, leaves nearly obovate with wavy margin
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Japanese tree lilac

*Syringa reticulata*

\-small tree or large shrub with rounded canopy, shiny brown branches with many horizontal lenticels, large round multi-scaled flowers buds in pairs, terminally borne panicle creamy white inflorescences, sympodial branching
Japanese tree lilac

*Syringa reticulata*

\-small tree or large shrub with rounded canopy, shiny brown branches with many horizontal lenticels, large round multi-scaled flowers buds in pairs, terminally borne panicle creamy white inflorescences, sympodial branching
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Common lilac

*Syringa vulgaris*

\-large leggy coarse shrub, heay 4-sided shiny brown/gray stems, large terminal orangeish/green buds, opposite simple ovate leaves, white/lavender panicle inflorescence at branch terminus
Common lilac

*Syringa vulgaris*

\-large leggy coarse shrub, heay 4-sided shiny brown/gray stems, large terminal orangeish/green buds, opposite simple ovate leaves, white/lavender panicle inflorescence at branch terminus
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*Amelanchier spp.*

\-tree or shrub forms, slender vase appearance, red/brown and ciliated buds, upright raceme inflorescense

*Amelanchier spp.*

\-tree or shrub forms, slender vase appearance, red/brown and ciliated buds, upright raceme inflorescense
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Eastern redbud

*Cercis canadensis*

\-low branched rounded top, shiny dark reddish brown stems, zig-zag stems, cinnamon undertone to bark, no terminal buds, rosy pink papilionaceous flowers
Eastern redbud

*Cercis canadensis*

\-low branched rounded top, shiny dark reddish brown stems, zig-zag stems, cinnamon undertone to bark, no terminal buds, rosy pink papilionaceous flowers
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Corneliancherry dogwood

*Cornus mas*

\-large multi-stemmed shrub, slender ridged stems, reddish/purple on top and green on bottom of stem, flaking scales on trunk
Corneliancherry dogwood

*Cornus mas*

\-large multi-stemmed shrub, slender ridged stems, reddish/purple on top and green on bottom of stem, flaking scales on trunk
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Thornless cockspur hawthorn

*Crataegus crusgalli* var. ‘Inermis’

\-dense broad low branched tree, glabrous reddish/brown new stems, multi-scaled buds, white flowers with 5 petals in corymbs, leaves alternate, sharp thorn
Thornless cockspur hawthorn

*Crataegus crusgalli* var. ‘Inermis’

\-dense broad low branched tree, glabrous reddish/brown new stems, multi-scaled buds, white flowers with 5 petals in corymbs, leaves alternate, sharp thorn
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Flowering crabapple

*Malus spp.*

\-round crown on a heavy branched tree, branches alternate, stiff, new stems green and pubescent and mature to gray/brown, reddish/brown ovoid buds, white or red corymb inflorescence
Flowering crabapple

*Malus spp.*

\-round crown on a heavy branched tree, branches alternate, stiff, new stems green and pubescent and mature to gray/brown, reddish/brown ovoid buds, white or red corymb inflorescence
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Lace shrub

*Neillia incisa*

\-interarching mounding spreading shrub, slender brown somewhat square stems, zig-zag, small ovoid superimposed buds, deeply serrated alternate leaves, white five petals in loose terminal panicles
Lace shrub

*Neillia incisa*

\-interarching mounding spreading shrub, slender brown somewhat square stems, zig-zag, small ovoid superimposed buds, deeply serrated alternate leaves, white five petals in loose terminal panicles
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Callery pear

*Pyrus calleryana*

\-conical upright, crowded branching, new branches somewhat pubescent, elongated ovoid buds, corymb stinky white flowers
Callery pear

*Pyrus calleryana*

\-conical upright, crowded branching, new branches somewhat pubescent, elongated ovoid buds, corymb stinky white flowers
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Ural falsespirea

*Sorbaria sorbifolia*

\-multi-stemmed colonizing shrub, new stems are green with pink tinge but mature to gray/brown, large dark buds, leaves pinnately compound and doubly serrate, fleecy white flowers
Ural falsespirea

*Sorbaria sorbifolia*

\-multi-stemmed colonizing shrub, new stems are green with pink tinge but mature to gray/brown, large dark buds, leaves pinnately compound and doubly serrate, fleecy white flowers
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Showy mountain ash

*Sorbus decora*

\-small stout tree with spreading dense crown, multi-trunked, reddish/brown branches, pinnately compound leaves with sharply serrated margins, compound terminal cyme inflorescence
Showy mountain ash

*Sorbus decora*

\-small stout tree with spreading dense crown, multi-trunked, reddish/brown branches, pinnately compound leaves with sharply serrated margins, compound terminal cyme inflorescence
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America bladdernut

*Staphylea trifolia*

\-upright suckering shrub, rounded stems, opposite pinnately compound leaves, funnelform inflorescence with green petals and reddish brown sepals
America bladdernut

*Staphylea trifolia*

\-upright suckering shrub, rounded stems, opposite pinnately compound leaves, funnelform inflorescence with green petals and reddish brown sepals
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European mountain ash

*Sorbus aucuparia*

\-low branching, glabrous gray/brown mature stems with light gray/brown bark with exfoliating at the base, large terminal dark brown buds, alternate leaves with serrate margin on distal half, white corymb inflorescence, stinky!!
European mountain ash

*Sorbus aucuparia*

\-low branching, glabrous gray/brown mature stems with light gray/brown bark with exfoliating at the base, large terminal dark brown buds, alternate leaves with serrate margin on distal half, white corymb inflorescence, stinky!!
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American wild plum

*Prunus americana*

\-reddish/brown to gray twigs, flaking on newer twigs with curling strips on old bark, white umbel inflorescence with greenish red sepals, prone to suckering and thorny
American wild plum

*Prunus americana*

\-reddish/brown to gray twigs, flaking on newer twigs with curling strips on old bark, white umbel inflorescence with greenish red sepals, prone to suckering and thorny
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Amur chokecherry

*Prunus maackii*

\-tan/gold young stems with reddish/brown multi-scaled buds, glossy bronze older stems and trunk, cylindrical erect raceme inflorescences with white flowers
Amur chokecherry

*Prunus maackii*

\-tan/gold young stems with reddish/brown multi-scaled buds, glossy bronze older stems and trunk, cylindrical erect raceme inflorescences with white flowers
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Black cherry

*Prunus serotina*

\-reddish/brown gray new branches with flaky waxy cuticle new stems, gray/brown/black with flaking mature stems and trunk, cylindrical racemes inflorescences with white flowers, smells like almond/maraschino cherry
Black cherry

*Prunus serotina*

\-reddish/brown gray new branches with flaky waxy cuticle new stems, gray/brown/black with flaking mature stems and trunk, cylindrical racemes inflorescences with white flowers, smells like almond/maraschino cherry
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Common chokecherry

*Prunus virginiana*

\-reddish/brown new branches, reddish/brown buds, thin brownish/gray mature branches, cylindrical racemes with white round petals, fetid/stale/wet sock smell of scraped bark
Common chokecherry

*Prunus virginiana*

\-reddish/brown new branches, reddish/brown buds, thin brownish/gray mature branches, cylindrical racemes with white round petals, fetid/stale/wet sock smell of scraped bark
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*Dirca palustris*

\-coarse greenish young branches to brown/gray mature branches, buds concealed within leaf petioles, alternate leaves, pale yellow tubular flower clusters

*Dirca palustris*

\-coarse greenish young branches to brown/gray mature branches, buds concealed within leaf petioles, alternate leaves, pale yellow tubular flower clusters
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Black chokeberry

*Aronia melanocarpa*

\-suckering shrub, greenish/reddish brown young branchlets, slender reddish/brown appressed buds, gray barks, simple alternate leaves, compound cyme inflorescences with white petals and multiple pink anthers
Black chokeberry

*Aronia melanocarpa*

\-suckering shrub, greenish/reddish brown young branchlets, slender reddish/brown appressed buds, gray barks, simple alternate leaves, compound cyme inflorescences with white petals and multiple pink anthers
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Tatarian honeysuckle

*Lonicera tatarica*

\-suckering large stiff shrub, greenish-brown young branches to tan/gray/brown bark, hollow pith after the second year, opposite leaves, paired pink bilabiate flowers
Tatarian honeysuckle

*Lonicera tatarica*

\-suckering large stiff shrub, greenish-brown young branches to tan/gray/brown bark, hollow pith after the second year, opposite leaves, paired pink bilabiate flowers
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Dwarf bush honeysuckle

*Diervilla lonicera*

\-low to midsize colonizing shrub, green to reddish/green branchlets, older stems are grayish brown and exfoliating, multi-scaled buds, opposite leaves, 5-merous yellow/green flowers born on cymes, mature to orange/red flowers
Dwarf bush honeysuckle

*Diervilla lonicera*

\-low to midsize colonizing shrub, green to reddish/green branchlets, older stems are grayish brown and exfoliating, multi-scaled buds, opposite leaves, 5-merous yellow/green flowers born on cymes, mature to orange/red flowers
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Rugosa rose

*Rosa rugosa*

\-stiff, upright arching shrub, short straight prickles, alternate leaves, opposite leaflets, white to rose/purple flowers
Rugosa rose

*Rosa rugosa*

\-stiff, upright arching shrub, short straight prickles, alternate leaves, opposite leaflets, white to rose/purple flowers
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Garden rose

*Rosa* x*hybrida*

\-variable in size, new branches green with multiple hook-shaped prickles, brownish/gray stems with age, rounded glossy buds, alternate leaves with serrated leaflets, 5-merous flowers
Garden rose

*Rosa* x*hybrida*

\-variable in size, new branches green with multiple hook-shaped prickles, brownish/gray stems with age, rounded glossy buds, alternate leaves with serrated leaflets, 5-merous flowers
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Eastern ninebark

*Physocarpus opulifolius*

\-multibranched upright/arching, gray exfoliating bark, 5-merous domed corymb inflorescences, simple alternate leaves
Eastern ninebark

*Physocarpus opulifolius*

\-multibranched upright/arching, gray exfoliating bark, 5-merous domed corymb inflorescences, simple alternate leaves
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Arrowwood viburnum

*Viburnum dentatum*

\-dense shrub, notable lenticels with reddish/brown/green buds, opposite shiny dentate leaves, flat terminal cyme inflorescence, stinky!!!, paired buds
Arrowwood viburnum

*Viburnum dentatum*

\-dense shrub, notable lenticels with reddish/brown/green buds, opposite shiny dentate leaves, flat terminal cyme inflorescence, stinky!!!, paired buds
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Wayfaringtree viburnum

*Viburnum lantana*

\-suckering shrub/small tree, pubescent young stems, scaleless buds, opposite simple serrated leaves, flat topped cream cyme inflorescence, stinky!
Wayfaringtree viburnum

*Viburnum lantana*

\-suckering shrub/small tree, pubescent young stems, scaleless buds, opposite simple serrated leaves, flat topped cream cyme inflorescence, stinky!
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Nannyberry viburnum

*Viburnum lentago*

\-brown/reddish brown young branches becoming scaled with age, naked buds, flower buds are bulbous, vegetative buds are long, opposite leaves with serrulate margin, creamy white rounded terminal cyme inflorescence, stinky!
Nannyberry viburnum

*Viburnum lentago*

\-brown/reddish brown young branches becoming scaled with age, naked buds, flower buds are bulbous, vegetative buds are long, opposite leaves with serrulate margin, creamy white rounded terminal cyme inflorescence, stinky!
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American cranberrybush viburnum

*Viburnum trilobum*

\-multi-stemmed upright shrub, reddish/green new growth with raised lenticels, pale gray bark, plump greenish red buds, opposite glabrous dentate leaves, 5-12 outer flowers with inner fertile flowers
American cranberrybush viburnum

*Viburnum trilobum*

\-multi-stemmed upright shrub, reddish/green new growth with raised lenticels, pale gray bark, plump greenish red buds, opposite glabrous dentate leaves, 5-12 outer flowers with inner fertile flowers
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Dwarf fothergilla

*Fothergilla* x*intermedia*

\-suckering dense shrub, rounded zig-zag stems with pubescence, ovoid buds, alternate dark green leaves, multiple apetalous flowers in a white spike inflorescence, fragrant!
Dwarf fothergilla

*Fothergilla* x*intermedia*

\-suckering dense shrub, rounded zig-zag stems with pubescence, ovoid buds, alternate dark green leaves, multiple apetalous flowers in a white spike inflorescence, fragrant!
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*Weigela florida*

\-dense irregular rounded shrub, gray/brown stems with raised pubescent lines, medium green/brown opposite simple leaves with serrulate margins, funnelform inflorescence

*Weigela florida*

\-dense irregular rounded shrub, gray/brown stems with raised pubescent lines, medium green/brown opposite simple leaves with serrulate margins, funnelform inflorescence
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Bush cinquefoil

*Dasiphora fruticosa*

\-dense rounded mounding shrub, shiny reddish/brown new stems that mature to gray/brown and exfoliate in long vertical strips, dense alternate palmately compound leaves, flowers are borne singly or in small cymes
Bush cinquefoil

*Dasiphora fruticosa*

\-dense rounded mounding shrub, shiny reddish/brown new stems that mature to gray/brown and exfoliate in long vertical strips, dense alternate palmately compound leaves, flowers are borne singly or in small cymes
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Umbrella magnolia

*Magnolia tripetala*

\-coarse textured straight trunked tree, stout glaborous brown/gray branches, long tapered purplish/green glaborous buds, alternate simple leaves, large solitary white tepals in flowers, fragrant
Umbrella magnolia

*Magnolia tripetala*

\-coarse textured straight trunked tree, stout glaborous brown/gray branches, long tapered purplish/green glaborous buds, alternate simple leaves, large solitary white tepals in flowers, fragrant
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Carolina allspice

*Calycanthus floridus*

\-dense irregular shrub, stout reddish/brown stems with raised dull white lenticels, buds superposed within the leaf scar and pubescent, opposite simple leaves with pubescent abaxial, perfect red flowers with narrow tepals, banana-like/sunscreenish smell
Carolina allspice

*Calycanthus floridus*

\-dense irregular shrub, stout reddish/brown stems with raised dull white lenticels, buds superposed within the leaf scar and pubescent, opposite simple leaves with pubescent abaxial, perfect red flowers with narrow tepals, banana-like/sunscreenish smell
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Cranberry cotoneaster

*Cotoneaster apiculatus*

\-low spreading shrub, newer stems reddish/purple that mature to be gray/brown, almond fragrance, pubescent brown gray bud, alternate simple leaves, small pink flowers
Cranberry cotoneaster

*Cotoneaster apiculatus*

\-low spreading shrub, newer stems reddish/purple that mature to be gray/brown, almond fragrance, pubescent brown gray bud, alternate simple leaves, small pink flowers
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Hedge cotoneaster

*Cotoneaster lucidus*

\-erect rounded shrub, slender tan stems, thin peeling park, pubescent brown gray bud, alternate simple leaves, pinkish/white small flowers, great fall color, can be sheared into a formal hedge in light to medium shade
Hedge cotoneaster

*Cotoneaster lucidus*

\-erect rounded shrub, slender tan stems, thin peeling park, pubescent brown gray bud, alternate simple leaves, pinkish/white small flowers, great fall color, can be sheared into a formal hedge in light to medium shade
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Hybrid flowering quince

*Chaenomeles* x*superba*

\-low suckering spreading shrub, slender glabrous dark gray to brown spiny stems, imbricate solitary buds, alternate simple leaves, large flowers with wide color range
Hybrid flowering quince

*Chaenomeles* x*superba*

\-low suckering spreading shrub, slender glabrous dark gray to brown spiny stems, imbricate solitary buds, alternate simple leaves, large flowers with wide color range
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Japanese spirea

*Spiraea japonica*

\-broad low rounded dense, slightly ridged brown/copper stems that are glabrous, divergent imbricate red buds, alternate simple leaves with sharply serrate/doubly serrate margins, emerging foliage is often orange/red, flat corymb white to pink inflorescence
Japanese spirea

*Spiraea japonica*

\-broad low rounded dense, slightly ridged brown/copper stems that are glabrous, divergent imbricate red buds, alternate simple leaves with sharply serrate/doubly serrate margins, emerging foliage is often orange/red, flat corymb white to pink inflorescence
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Vanhoutte spirea

*Spiraea* x*vanhouttei*

\-multi-stemmed vase shaped shrub, very thin copper/dark brown stems, triangular brown buds, alternate simple leaves with incised leaves, umbel inflorescence
Vanhoutte spirea

*Spiraea* x*vanhouttei*

\-multi-stemmed vase shaped shrub, very thin copper/dark brown stems, triangular brown buds, alternate simple leaves with incised leaves, umbel inflorescence
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Korean spirea

*Spiraea fritschiana*

\-compact mounded shrub, slender copper/dark brown ridged stems, divergent coppery brown buds, alternate simple serrate leaves, corymb white/pink inflorescence
Korean spirea

*Spiraea fritschiana*

\-compact mounded shrub, slender copper/dark brown ridged stems, divergent coppery brown buds, alternate simple serrate leaves, corymb white/pink inflorescence
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Grefsheim spirea

*Spiraea* x*cinerea*

\-arching multi-stemmed dense shrub, wiry round medium brown stems with pebbly lenticels and exfoliating gray layer, glabrous, dark brown buds, alternate simple light green leaves, small white corymb inflorescence, more densely branched than vanhoutte
Grefsheim spirea

*Spiraea* x*cinerea*

\-arching multi-stemmed dense shrub, wiry round medium brown stems with pebbly lenticels and exfoliating gray layer, glabrous, dark brown buds, alternate simple light green leaves, small white corymb inflorescence, more densely branched than vanhoutte
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Large-leafed rhododendron

*Rhododendron* subg. *Hymenanthes*

\-evergreen, new stems are green/glabrous and age to brown with some thin exfoliating bark, sympodial, terminal flower buds, bell-shaped flowers
Large-leafed rhododendron

*Rhododendron* subg. *Hymenanthes*

\-evergreen, new stems are green/glabrous and age to brown with some thin exfoliating bark, sympodial, terminal flower buds, bell-shaped flowers
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Deciduous azalea

*Rhododendron* subg. *Pentanthera*

\-green pubescent new stems, mature to brown, sympodial, terminal dull brown flower buds, umbel-like raceme inflorescence
Deciduous azalea

*Rhododendron* subg. *Pentanthera*

\-green pubescent new stems, mature to brown, sympodial, terminal dull brown flower buds, umbel-like raceme inflorescence
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Small-leaved rhododendron

*Rhododendron* subg. *Rhododendron*

\-evergreen, glabrous greenish red new growth, sympodial, smaller less-pointed buds than large-leaved, dark green/purple leaves, umbel flowers generally purple
Small-leaved rhododendron

*Rhododendron* subg. *Rhododendron*

\-evergreen, glabrous greenish red new growth, sympodial, smaller less-pointed buds than large-leaved, dark green/purple leaves, umbel flowers generally purple
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Half-high blueberry

*Vaccinium spp.*

\-twiggy spreading multi-stemmed shrub, new branches green blushed red, plump imbricate floral buds on distal ends of branches
Half-high blueberry

*Vaccinium spp.*

\-twiggy spreading multi-stemmed shrub, new branches green blushed red, plump imbricate floral buds on distal ends of branches
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Clove currant

*Ribes aureum* var. *villosum*

\-irregular leggy shrub, green new branches with reddish/gray exfoliating bark, alternate3-lobed leaves with broad teeth, pendulous raceme yellow flowers
Clove currant

*Ribes aureum* var. *villosum*

\-irregular leggy shrub, green new branches with reddish/gray exfoliating bark, alternate3-lobed leaves with broad teeth, pendulous raceme yellow flowers
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Alpine currant

*Ribes alpinum*

\-upright dense shrub, new branches green/gray, mature to brown/gray and flaking, stalked buds, alternate 3-lobed coarsely dentate leaves, greenish/yellow unshowy flowers
Alpine currant

*Ribes alpinum*

\-upright dense shrub, new branches green/gray, mature to brown/gray and flaking, stalked buds, alternate 3-lobed coarsely dentate leaves, greenish/yellow unshowy flowers
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Prickly gooseberry

*Ribes cynosbati*

\-small to mid-sized upright arching, densely prickly new branches with sharp spines, rough imbricate buds, coarsely dentate 3-lobed leaves
Prickly gooseberry

*Ribes cynosbati*

\-small to mid-sized upright arching, densely prickly new branches with sharp spines, rough imbricate buds, coarsely dentate 3-lobed leaves
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*Kolkwitzia amabilis*

\-upright vase-shaped shrub, green new stems, exfoliating old bark, reddish brown imbricate buds, opposite broadly toothed, campanulate flower pairs

*Kolkwitzia amabilis*

\-upright vase-shaped shrub, green new stems, exfoliating old bark, reddish brown imbricate buds, opposite broadly toothed, campanulate flower pairs
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White fringetree

*Chionanthus virginicus*

\-large shrub/small tree, orangish brown to scaly brown bark, light brown ovate buds, opposite glossy adaxial/pubescent abaxial leaves, panicle wispy white flowers
White fringetree

*Chionanthus virginicus*

\-large shrub/small tree, orangish brown to scaly brown bark, light brown ovate buds, opposite glossy adaxial/pubescent abaxial leaves, panicle wispy white flowers
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Sweet mockorange

*Philadelphus spp.*

\-erect upright spreading shrubs, chestnut brown stems, exfoliating in vertical strips, imbricate gray/brown buds, opposite vaguely dentate leaves, white 4-merous flowers
Sweet mockorange

*Philadelphus spp.*

\-erect upright spreading shrubs, chestnut brown stems, exfoliating in vertical strips, imbricate gray/brown buds, opposite vaguely dentate leaves, white 4-merous flowers
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Kentucky wisteria

*Wisteria frutescens* var. *macrostachya*

\-viny plant, papilionaceous
Kentucky wisteria

*Wisteria frutescens* var. *macrostachya*

\-viny plant, papilionaceous
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