APUSH Civil War Questions

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who is the artist that drew american progress in 1872?
John gast
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who coined the term "Manifest Destiny" in 1845
John L O'sullivan
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How north did notherners propose expansionist President Polk go when annexting oregon?
Southern edge of Alaska (54 40')
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what latitudinal line did the US and Great Britain settle on as the dividing line between Canada and the US in the west?
49th parellel from the lake of the woods
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How long was the trek to Oregon from independence, MO in the 1840s
2200 miles, about 5-6 months
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what 2 countries were the main sources of immigrants to the US in the mid-19th century?
Germans and irish
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this was the nickname of James k Polk because he was the protege of Andrew Jackson?
young hickory
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what issue did henry clay support in 1844 that cost him the election and the presidency?
annexation of texas
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name three of the 5 main trails by which American pioneers traveled west.
oregon trail, california trail , mormon trail
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what two european imports transformed the lives of the plains natives in the mid 19th century?
Horses, and guns
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This "Explorer" sent my President Polk to California to foment a rebellion in the event of a war with mexico.
john c fremont
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this was the nickname for california after their sucsessful revolt from mexico.
Bear flag republic
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what was the 1846 act proposed by a Pennsylvanian to ban slavery in any newly gained territory before Mexican American war?
the wilmot priviso
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what was the name of the northern politicians who opposed president polks on moral grounds that it was only intended to add more slave states?
the whigs
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name the diplomat sent and the sum of money offered to mexico for texas and their territories west to the pacific?
john slidell, 30mil
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this natural boundry between texas and mexico was the sence of "american blood shed on american soil".
the rio grande
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what was the name of the treaty,and year, that ended the mexican American war
the treaty of guadelupe hidalgo, 1848
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which two political third parties served as spoilers in the 1844 and 1848 elections, respectively, and cost clay and cass the presidency
free soil party in 1848, and the whigs in 1844
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who discovered gold in california in 1848 and kicked off the gold rush?
john a sutter
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what was the derisive term that william lloyd garrison used to describe the free soil partys advocacy of a more moderate tone in its opposition to slavery on the grounds that it hurt the white farmer?
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what was the name of the most significant novel written in the mid 19th century that galvinized support for the abolition of slavery
uncle toms cabin
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the purchase of this chunk of land in the american southwest allowed for the constructuon of a transcontinental railroad in the early 1850s
Gadsens purchase
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who was lincolin refferring to when he remarked, "So your're the little woman who wrote the book that made this great war!"?
Harriet beacher stowe
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what was the name of the WI Supreme Court decision that ruled that the fugitive slave law was unconstitutional because it violated personal liberty laws of WI citizens?
Ableman vs Booth
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what was the idea, proposed by Lewis cass, that people in a territory should decide if its free or slave?
Popular Soverighty
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what party was formed in 1848 that opposed the expansion of slavery ?
Free Soil party
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Where was the slave trade prohibited as part of the Compromise of 1850?
Washington D.C.
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what was the only concession to the south and the most controvercial part of the compromise of 1850?
Fugitive slave act
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what state became a free state because of the compromise of 1850?
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who was the last whig to run for president?
winfield scott
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which president died in 1850 from a gastrointestinal ailment in teh middle of the debate over the comrpomise of 1850?
Zachery Taylor
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what was the name of the last track of land in the coniguous 48 states bought from mexico for the purpouses of building a southern transcontinental railroad in 1853
gadsden purchase
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which three giants of the senate met one last time to discuss the compromise of 1850?
John C calhoun, Henry Clay, daniel webster
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What is the doctrine that an individual state can ignore a federal law if they find it unconstitutional?
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what was the name of the South Carolinians who threatened to secede from the union if California was admitted as a free state?
fire eaters
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What was the name of the southern plan endorced by polk to annex cuba as a southern slave state
ostend manifesto
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who was the architect of the kansas nebraska act and when was it passed
stephan douglas, 1854
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what was the name for southerners (mostly from misourians) that would spill over into kansas and "vote early and often" for a territorial government that allowed slavery?
Border ruffians
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what political party collapsed in 1854 mostly over the issue of slavery.
The whigs
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Term for the northern merchants, bankers and manufactuers who had economic ties with southern slave owners and dissaproved northern abolitionists
lords of the loom
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wat third political party formed as a result of the irish and german catholic immigrants coming to the us in teh 1840's
Nativist party
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the republican party was a coalition of what 4 groups
ex-whigs, free soilers, aboliionista and anti nebraska democrats
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what state had a civil war in 1856
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what two senators were involved in a melee on the floor of the us senate in 1856 displaying the uptick in tenstions between the north and south
summner and brooks and the cane ofc
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what presidentt did scarecily little to alleviate tensions leading up to the civil war in 1850c?
james buchanan
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who did the know-nothings nominate in 1856 and what state did he win in the election?
Millard fillmore and maryland
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what supreme court case of 1857 stated that slaves were property that could be taken anywhere in the us?
Dred scott v sanford
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who was the cheif justice in the dred scott case
Robert b taney
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what previously honored law, what was escentially null and void after dred scott decision?
popular soverighty, misouri compromise
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what was the name of the proslavery constitution of kansas?
Lecompton constitution
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how many debates were apart of the lincolin and douglas debates and what was the name for Douglas's assertion that popular sovereignty could allow ANY territory's residents could exclude slavery by not adopting laws to protect it?
7 debates and freeport doctrine
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what abolitionist raided the weapons arsonal at harpers ferry in 1859
john brown
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what famous speech did lincolin give in 1858 that indecated that american society "cannot permanantly endure hald slave state and half free...it will beome all one thing or all another"
house divided speech
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what 1857 event made the south believe even more strongly that "cotton was king"?
Panic of 1857
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what percentage of the popular vote did Abraham lincoln win in the 1860 election?
40 percent
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How many electoral votes did lincolin win in the 1860 election
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what was another name for southern nationalists
fire eaters
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who was the southern democratic canidate for the 1860 election?
john brekenridge
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who was the northern democratic canidate in the 1860 election?
Stephan a douglas
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who was the consitutional union canidate in the election of 1860?
john crittenden
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when did lincolin assume presidential office
march 4, 1861
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on what occasion did lincolin say "I am lothe to close, we are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies"?
Lincolins first innagural address
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where were the first shots fired in the civil war? How many died?
Fort sumptner, no one died
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who was th efamous free black man that was captured in washington dc and sold into slavery as was depicted in his 1853 account, 12 years a slave
soloman northup
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this president ordered the return of the runaway anthiny burns frm boston despite an abolitionsit groups sucsessful attempt at raising enough money to buy his freedom.
franklin pierce
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where did many free blacks run to after the passage of the fugitive slave act
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who authored the kansas nebraska act and what was his nickname
Stephan a douglas, the little giant
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what became a major federal law in 1854 that added fuel to the sectional tensions fire, caused by slavery in the territories
kansas- nebraska act
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what political third party formed in opposition to the flood of irishand german catholic immigrants coming to the us in the 1840s and who was their canidate in 1856?
nativists or know-nothing party
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what did charles sumner do to provoke preston brooks to beat him with a cane in 1856?
"Nameless animal, unfit to hold office"
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what state did millard fullmore win in the 1856 election?
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on what grounds did dred scott sue for his freedom in 1857?
lived in a free state for 10 years
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what is the name of the proslavery constitution of kansas?
Lecompton constitution
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what elected postion were lincolin and douglas debating for in 1858?
senator of illinois
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what discovery was made at the arrest of john brown at harpers ferry that solitified the souths deepest fears?
the south thought that the north was going to take their guns and slaves
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who said "Now if it is deemed necessary that i should forfeit for my life for the furtherance of the end of justice...,I say let it be done"
John brown
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in which four southern states was "secessionists" less prelevat because there were fewer slaves there?
Missouri, tennessee, kansas, virgina.
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name all four canadates of the 1860 election and what party they were affiliated with?
lincolin - republican , stephan douglas - democrat, John Brekenridge - southern democrat, John Bell - constitutional union.
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how man electoral voted did lincolin win in the 1860 election, and how many were from southern states?
180, none
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how many states origionally seceeded between lincolins election and inaguration and how many southern states AFTER the war began?
4, then 11
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Who was the new Kentucky Senator who proposed a compromise at the 11th hour to stave off secession and possible civil war?
henry clay
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who authored the impending crisis of the south in 1857 urging poor southern whites to abandon support for slavery as it economically hurt them the most?
hinton rowan helper of north carolina
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what was lincolin claiming he was doing when he sent ships to fort sumptner?
he was giving them food
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what southerner is credited for firing the first cannon at Ft.Sumptner, thus starting the war?
Edmund Ruffin
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why was maryland of such stratigic imporntance to the union and needed to remain loyal?
It bordered ohio and mississippi rivers, which were gateways to the souths internal strongholds.
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what was the population of the south? How many of that number are slaves?
9 million, 3.5million slaves
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how long was the original enlistment term ordered by lincolin in teh unon army in 1861
3 months
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what was the name of the union ironclad vessle that battled the confederate merrimac in 1862?
U.S.S. Monitor
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lincolin originally offered command of the union army to this highly reccomended general, but he turned it down.
Robert e Lee
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what was the first major battle in the civil war and who won?
Battle of Bull Run, confederates
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the shrieking noise made by confederates that scared union soldiers and scared them away in early parts of the war.
Rebel yell
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what is the term for confederate war strategy that called for south to dig in and fight a defensive war while wearing down the enemy. In other words "winning by not losing"?
war of attrition
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what day and battle remains the bloodiest single day in US military history?
September 17th 1862, Battle of antietam
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what were the 4 border states?
Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri
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president lincolin rejected this general john c freemonts 1861 attempt to free slaves in fear of what?
To maintain political balance and keep border states.
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this nation was threatened with war by the us secretary of state william seward for commisioning 2 ironclads to be built for the confederacy.
The uk
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the north financed most of the war in three ways name 2
Increased tarriffs, interest paying bonds, printing paper money.
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what was the death toll of the civil war for both sides?
2.5% of americans. 360,222 for the north and 258,000 from south
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what was the inflation rate in the south by the end of the war?
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what was the name of lincolins plan to strangle the confederates economically
anaconda plan
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