the idea that there are two aspects to a human being, the physical and mental
the idea that human beings consist of physical matter alone
the idea that human beings are made up of one substance
plato was a _______
what did plato believe
that the body would not survive death but the soul would continue
what does the charioteer represent
what does the white horse represent
what does the black horse represent
what three aspects make up the soul in platos beliefs
the charioteer, the white horse and the black horse
aspects of the soul, reason
searches for the truth
rules the soul
aspects of the soul, spirit
being honorable
aspects of the soul, desire/appetite
the desire for what is necessary(food)
the desire for what is necessary(luxuries)
perverted desires
the souls journey
starts in realm of the forms, goes to body, goes back to the realm of the forms or reincarnation
argument from knowledge
learning is therefore remembering
argument from opposites
the body and soul are opposites
one makes the other necessary
death is an event, the soul leaving the body
what does psyche mean in English
what does telos mean
efficient cause of the body
formal cause of the body
gives form to the matter of the body
final cause of the body
causes growth and development in the body
platos beliefs (2)
soul is reincarnated
aristotles beliefs
soul dies when body dies
soul is separate from body
descartes beliefs (3)
body and mind are separate
interact through pineal gland
mind/soul survive with god
casting doubt on everything
the pineal gland quote
'seat of the soul'
hard materialism (5)
no seperate soul
theres only matter
identity is linked to the physical person
all emotions derive from the brain
mental activity is linked to physical being
soft materialism (2)
could argue that not all characteristics are physical but emotions are not separate from the body
consciousness is more than a brain process