Unit 5: The early Republic Study Guide

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What is Abigail Adams’ main point in excerpt A?

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What is Abigail Adams’ main point in excerpt A?

She wants women to be considered when the country’s new laws are written.

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What is Abigail Adams’ main point in excerpt B?

If women are not considered in the creation of new laws for the United States, women will not follow those laws.

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America’s first two political parties were the-

Federalists and Democratic-Republicans

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The Supreme Court case Marbury v. Madison (1803) is most closely associated with-

Judicial review

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What idea is Otis supporting in the excerpt?

The Alien & Sedition Acts, which would make it easier to deport foreigners and make it difficult for immigrants to vote.

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Which of the following is NOT true of the cabinet?

Members of the cabinet are elected officials chosen by the people of the United States through direct elections.

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The political cartoon below is a visual representation of the Monroe Doctrine. What is the main idea of the cartoon.

European powers should stay out of the Americas, leaving the bulk of power over the Western Hemisphere to the United States.

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Which of the following is TRUE of the Federalist political party?

It was supported by citizens in banking, trade, and industry.

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On the below map, which letter shows the approximate location of the Louisiana Purchase.

Top left corner/ the Oregon Territory

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Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court from 1801-1835.

John Marshall

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Leader of a large, multi-tribal confederacy; promoted unity.


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Signed the Alien& Sedition Acts into law.

John Adams

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Secured the Louisiana Purchase from France.

Thomas Jefferson

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The US president during the War of 1812.

James Adams

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Shoshone woman who helped the Lewis & Clark Expedition.


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Which political party preferred power to be held by state government?


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Alexander Hamilton’s reason/s for supporting the idea of a National Bank was/were-

All of the above.

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Which of the following leaders did NOT support the creation of a National Bank?

None of the above supported the creation of a National Bank.

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Why did Thomas Jefferson and his supporters create a new political party prior to the election of 1800?

They were upset by the Alien & Sedition Acts.

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“Judicial Review” is the process of-

Determining if a law is constitutional or not.

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What event made the land of the Louisiana Purchase less valuable to France?

The Haitian Revolution

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The primary goal of the Lewis & Clark Expedition was to-

Find a Northwest Passage

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Using your knowledge from the unit, identify the document from the below excerpt.

The Monroe Doctrine

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Which of the following was NOT a cause of the War of 1812?

The Shawnee Chief Sacagawea attacked American frontier settlements, an act which Americans believed was encouraged by the British

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Francis Scott Key witnessed the battle and wrote a poem, which became the United States’ National Anthem.

Battle of Fort McHenry

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Occurred after the Treaty of Ghent because word of the treaty had not yet reached the battle site.

Battle of New Orleans

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Important American victory; the British fort nearest the battle site were burned to the ground and town.

Battle of York

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Henry Clay’s “American System” for uniting the country following the War of 1812 included-

Important to American infrastructure such as roads, canals, and railways.

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The new Territory brought into the US by the Adams-Onis treaty with Spain was-


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