‘I believe in one God’ - Nicene Creed
The trinity (God is 1 nature, 3 persons)
‘the Father almighty’ - Nicene Creed
Regarding God the Father
‘The Word became flesh’ - John
‘This is my Son, with whom I am pleased’ - Matthew
Jesus= son of God
‘Spirit of God descending like a dove’ - Matthew
Holy Spirit at Jesus’ Baptism
‘Let there be light, and there was’ - Genesis
‘God created the heavens and the Earth’ - Genesis
Creation (God is omnipotent and the creator)
‘In the beginning’ - Genesis
God is eternal
‘All scripture is inspired by God’ - 2 Timothy
Bible is the inspired word of God
‘To save’ - CCC
‘To know God’s love’ - CCC
‘To know God’s love’ - CCC
The reason why the Word became flesh
‘To show how to respond to cruelty’ - Luke
The reason why Jesus died
‘what God has joined together, let no one separate’ - Matthew
‘one flesh’ - Matthew
Shows divorce is not recognised by God
‘God saw that the light was good’ - Genesis
God is omnibenevolent
‘So God created humankind in his image’ - Genesis
imago dei
‘Love thy neighbour as yourself’ - Matthew
‘whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them’ - Matthew
Catholic social teaching: Treat everyone lovingly
‘eternal life with God… indescribable joy’ - CCC
Life after death is eternal
‘enables people to reach the holiness required to get into heaven’ - CCC
‘We must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ’ - Corinthians
Eschatology, Purgatory: death is not the end
‘A way of bringing one’s mind and heart up to God’ - CCC
Prayer is…
‘Evoke our earthly journey towards heaven’ - CCC
Pilgrimages help…
‘make disciples of all nations’ - Matthew
Catholic Social teaching: evangelisation
‘An outward sign of God’s grace’ - CCC
Sacraments are…
‘spiritual life is not limited solely to the liturgy’ - CCC
Popular piety is…
‘Go and do likewise’ - Luke
Good Samaritan
‘Active participation in [the liturgy] by the Christian people is their right and duty’ - Sacrosanctum Concilium
Sacrosanctum Concilium: public prayer of the Church
‘It is the noble duty of pastors to recognise the services and charismatic gifts of the laity’ - Lumen Gentium
Lumen Gentium: participation of the laity
‘Jesus perfected revelation by fulfilling it’ - Dei Verbum
Dei Verbum: allowing Catholics to understand God
‘the grief and anguish of the people of our time… are the… grief and anguish of the followers of Christ as well’ - Gaudium et Spes
Gaudium et Spes: non-Christians can enter the kingdom of God too, saved in Salvation
‘we are many, we are one body in union with Christ’- Romans
Church as the body of Christ
‘The whole earth is sacred’ - CCC
Mass can take place outside church (the church is catholic)
‘The dignity of the Word of God requires the church to have a suitable place for announcing his message’ - CCC
In reference to the importance of the lectern
‘table of God’ - CCC
In reference to the altar
‘in churches in a most worthy place’ - CCC
The tabernacle holds consecrated host, so must be situated…
‘The Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus made present’
Paschal Mystery: His death, resurrection and ascension
‘through His own death and resurrection, [Jesus] redeemed man and re-molded him into a new creation’
Liturgical worship in the church
‘when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen.’
prayer: ‘raising of hearts and minds to God’
‘one God…holy, apostolic, catholic church’ - The Nicene Creed
The four marks
‘I am the handmaid of the Lord, let what you have said me done to me’ - Luke
importance of Mary the mother of God
‘All the signs in the liturgical celebrations are related to Christ’
significance of the sacred objects
‘evoking and glorifying, in faith and adoration’
significance of painting
‘drama engages the heart. It unfolds throughout the whole history of salvation’
significance of drama
‘sermons in stone’
buildings preach the gospel as well
‘one who sings prays twice’
singing is praying