psychology- unit 4, abnormal psychology

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A state of awareness, including a person’s feelings, sensations, ideas, and perceptions

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Subconscious Mind

Altered states of consciousness when a person is not completely aware (ex: What you ate for dinner last night- although you were not currently thinking about what you ate you can easily remember what that was. Information in the ___ cannot be brought to mind as easily)

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Unconscious Mind

Consists chiefly of the mental processes that occur automatically in the body (breathing, heart rate, etc.) that are not readily available to conscious control or introspection

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An uncontrollable, brief episode of sleep which can last anywhere from a single fraction of a second up to 10 full seconds. These episodes of microsleep occur most frequently when a sleepy person is trying to fight sleep and remain awake

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The inability to sleep. Known causes: stress, drug and alcohol use, excessive worrying and racing thoughts

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A condition characterized by suddenly falling asleep or feeling extremely sleepy during the day and brief periods of uncontrollable REM sleep

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Nightmares/Night Terrors

Unpleasant dreams that occur during REM sleep. They occur during stage 3, meaning the subject rarely remembers them. The result in elevated heart rate, screaming, sweating, etc

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Sleep Walking

It is related to emotional stress or fatigue (during REM and NREM sleep). No memory of walking or talking. Sleep talkers can be engaged in a conversation

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Sleep Apnea

The failure to breathe while asleep. It is life threatening and can lead to cardiovascular diseases and auto accident if not treated (ex: high blood pressure, stroke, heart failure, irregular heart beats, and heart attacks)

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Compounded memories from the day and things we have seen. We tend to only remember the last 15 minutes of our last dream. Been studied for many years but no scientific evidence

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Lucid Dreams

Dreaming while knowing you are dreaming. You are aware of your dreams and have the capability to control them to a certain extent. It is highly debated (are the individuals awake? are there accounts accurate?)

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Perceptions that have no direct external cause- seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, feel sensation that does not exist. Caused by hypnosis, meditation, drugs/withdrawal, no sleep, dreaming

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How Controlled Substances Work

Drugs mimic the functionality of neurotransmitters (ex: alcohol molecules “tell” nerve cells not to fire resulting in the user to move slower and slower until they lose consciousness- “rewires” our pleasure/reward centers so our natural process in hindered)

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Depressants/Psychoactive Drugs

Reduce functionality nervous system activity. Used as medications for insomnia or anxiety

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Increase neurotransmitters that are released within neurons. Used as medications for ADHD, depression, narcolepsy

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The practice of taking repeated, low doses of psychedelic substance at doses that do not impair a persons “normal” functioning (a fraction of “recreational dose”) in order to improve well-being & enhance cognitive or emotional processes. It may cause a fatal overdose. In addition to these dangers, microdosing exposes users to consistent doses of a potent drug that activates one area of the brain repeatedly- as opposed to less-frequent use typically associated with “tripping”

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Types of Anxiety Disorders

  1. Panic Disorder

  2. Agoraphobia

  3. Specific Phobia

  4. Social Phobia (Social Anxiety Disorder)

  5. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

  6. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

  7. Generalized Anxiety Order (GAD)

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The Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)

The handbook used by health care professionals in the Untied States and much of the world as the authoritative guide to the diagnosis of mental disorders. DSM contains descriptions, symptoms, and other criteria for diagnosing mental disorders

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Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

Much more than the normal anxiety people experience day to day. It is chronic and sufferers experience severe worry and tension, often without provocation. This disorder involves anticipating disaster, often worrying excessively about health, money, family, or work

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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

A mental health condition that’s triggered by a terrifying event either experiencing it or witnessing it. Symptoms may include flashbacks (flight or flight response), nightmares, self-destructive behavior, social isolation, loss of interest, insomnia, and severe anxiety as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event. Affects about 3 million people annually

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Obsessive Compulsion Disorder (OCD)

An anxiety disorder in which people have unwanted and repeated thoughts, feelings, images, and sensations (obsessions) and engage in behaviors or mental acts in response to these thoughts or obsessions. Often the person carries out the behaviors to reduce to impact or get rid of them. This condition centers around the fear of germs or the necessity to arrange objects in a specific order to do tasks a specific number of times. There are about 200,00 cases of this in the United States

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Personality Disorder

A deeply ingrained and negative pattern of behavior of a specified kind, typically manifested by the time one reaches adolescence and causes long-term difficulties in personal relationships or functionality in society

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Antisocial Personality

Is characterized by a pattern of disregard and violation of others rights (shows no remorse). Sociopathy is chiefly characterized as something severely wrong with one’s conscience; psychopathy is characterized as a complete lack of conscience regarding others

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Borderline Personality

A mental health disorder that impacts the way you think and feel about yourself and others, causing problems functioning in everyday life. It includes a pattern of unstable intense relationships, distorted self-image, extreme emotions and impulsiveness

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Phobic Disorder

THE PICKLE GIRL! An anxiety disorder characterized by extreme and irrational fear of simple things or social situations (ex: agoraphobia, a morbid fear of open spaces- as fear of being caught alone in some public places)

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The state of being seriously mentally ill; madness. Involves mental illness of such a severe nature that a person cannot distinguish fantasy from reality (right from wrong), cannot conduct their affairs dues to psychosis or is subject to uncontrollable impulsive behavior

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Involved in focus, drive, attention, memory & clear thinking. Low levels can cause individuals to lose the ability to think rationally. Conditions such as Parkinson’s and schizophrenia are associated with an interruption in the brain’s product of this neurotransmitter

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Involved in mood, anxiety, arousal, aggression, impulse control, and thinking, disruptions result in anxiety disorders, depression, & inappropriate social behavior. There may be a link between serotonin and depression

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The “stress” hormone released when the body experiences stress, medications help stimulate production. Alertness and arousal

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Involved in mood, sleep, and focus. Is used as an antidepressant

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Major Depressive Disorder

Occurs when signs of severe depression exists for 2 or more weeks and are not caused by drugs or any other medical condition. Signs include lethargy (feeling of worthlessness), loss of interest in friends, family, and activities

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Bipolar Disorder

MANIC HIGHS (high energy levels, reduced need for sleep) & DEPRESSIVE LOWS (low energy and motivation)!! Also known as “manic depression”. Is a mood disorderin which the person’s mood swings from manic stages to depressed (from one “pole” to the other). This is not simply being happy then sad, but rather periods of uncontrollable, clinical mania and longer periods of depression. A person may become irrational, hyperactive, unrealistic about themselves and others, and act in sexually, socially, and physically unhealthy ways (ex: sleeping with many people, going on shopping sprees which they can’t possibly afford, etc)

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Treatment for Bipolar Disorder

Cognitive- Behavioral Therapy

Medication Abilify & Cymbalta

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A psychological disorder, thought to be caused by imbalances in brain chemistry, which involves delusions and faulty perceptions of the world. People suffering from this often hear voices in their head and have delusions of grandeur. It’s not uncommon for people with this to believe that they are Jesus or other prominent figures

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Treatment for Schizophrenia

Psychotherapy, Anti-Psychotic Medication, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

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A mental disorder characterized by an excessive preoccupation with illness and a tendency to fear or believe that one has a serious disease on the basis of the presence of insignificant physical signs or symptoms

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Symptoms of Hypochondria

Continuous fear and paranoia, repeating phrases or actions, dizziness, feeling of pins and needles, consistently reading out to health care professionals

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Treatment for Hypochondria

Stress management, relaxation training, medication, frequent doctors’ visits

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A memory disorder characterized by a sudden retrograde episodic memory loss, said to occur for a period of time ranging from hours to years

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One or more episodes of amnesia in which an individual cannot recall some or all of their past. Either loss of one’s identity or the formation of a new identity may occur with sudden, unexpected, purposeful travel away from home

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Dissociative Identity

Formerly referred to as multiple personality disorder, is a condition where in a person’s identity is fragmented into two or more distinct personality states. People with this rare condition are often victims of severe abuse

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Munchausen Syndrome

Those affected pretend to develop a disease, illness, or psychological trauma to draw attention, sympathy, or reassurance. A By Proxy-a caregiver makes up or causes an illness in someone they care for.

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Defining Psychological Disorders (The 4 D’s)

Deviant, distressful, dysfunctional, danger (labeled as “disordered”)

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(Genetic, predisposition/environment) A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease. Typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome. Is severe in it interferes with daily activities. Affects 3 million people annually

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Symptoms of Anxiety

Quickened heartbeat, sweating, shortness of breath, difficulty concentrating, excessive worrying, unrealistic views on problems, irritability

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Anxiety Treatments

Antidepressants, serotonin inhibitors (mood, appetite, memory, learning) and therapy

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Symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

Excessive anxiety and worry, increased muscle aches or soreness, impaired concentration, irritability, difficulty sleeping, restlessness, and fatigue

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Symptoms of Obsessive Compulsion Disorder (OCD)

Hoarding, anxiety, ritualistic behavior, social isolation, depression, fear, repetition

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Treatment for Obsessive Compulsion Disorder (OCD)

Serotonin inhibitor, antidepressants, therapy

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Treatments for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Treatments include psychotherapy and medication (serotonin inhibitors)

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Panic Disorder

An anxiety disorder where you regularly have sudden attacks of panic or fear. Everyone experiences feelings of anxiety and panic at certain times. It's a natural response to stressful or dangerous situations. It's not uncommon for these symptoms to lead the person to think they are 'going crazy', having a heart attack, or are going to die. They insist on having a trusted person with them at all times, are afraid to leave the house, or are afraid to be in places or situations where they would be unable to get help.

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Circadian Rhythm

A biological clock that is approximately 24 hours long

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LSD, mescaline. Causes hallucinations, sensory distortions, panic

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Fear of open or public spaces

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A person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.

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A person affected by chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior.

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Departing from usual or accepted standards, especially in social or sexual behavior. In this case, criminal behavior

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NREM sleep

Non-rapid eye movement. This sleep stage is when heartbeat, eye movements, brain waves, and breathing activity begin to taper down.

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Causes of Disorders

  1. Genetics

  2. Chemical Imbalance of the Brain

  3. Environment

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Sigmund Freud

Psychoanalysis (Conscious, Subconscious, and Unconscious)

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Posthypnotic Suggestion

When a hypnosis makes a “suggestion” to a patient that stays with them after the hypnosis’s has ended (I need to…)

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False belief that indicates an abnormality in a persons content of thought

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Somatoform Disorder

Mentally believes that they have physically suffered something when no psychical wrongs are present

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Impairs ones ability to communicate and interact with others

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3 Subtypes of Schizophrenia

Paranoid- Think people are against them/plotting (delusions and hallucinations)

Disorganized- Thoughts don’t align with reality

Catabolic- Motionless (freezing of mind and brain)

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Psychological Triggers of Schizophrenia

Stressful life events, such as bereavement. losing your job or home, divorce, etc

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Symptoms of Munchhausen Syndrome

  • Emotional trauma or illness during childhood – often resulted in extensive medical attention.

  • A personality disorder –causes patterns of abnormal thinking and behavior.

  • A grudge against authority figures or health professionals.

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